Episode 4:
"Ulong Comes Up Short …, Again!"
Andy Zarowny

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 8 at Ulong Beach.  Once again we join Ulong after a third-straight Tribal
Council.  They are down about having to boot Lil'Jeff.  Even Kim is almost
remorseful, but it's better him than her.  They discuss among themselves why
Koror is beating them so badly.  Bobby Jo doesn't think his tribe are learning
any lessons from each defeat.

Day 9, and the happy Koror tribe checks their tree-mail.  Each tribe must select
a representative, who shall make important decisions in the up-coming Re-
ward Challenge.  Decisions they shall all have to live with.  The Power Block
of Tom, Ian, Gregg, Willard, and Katie choose among themselves.  Ian, the
Dolphin Boy, shall be their rep.  Over at Ulong, they cannot decide.  Stephenie
wants them to just draw from a hat.  The rest, being lazy bums, want Steph to
go.  The only decision made is that they shall all go fishing.

Jeff probst arrives on Koror Beach with a small landing craft.  Ian is to select
6 tools from the Home Depot Tool Chest on board the landing craft.  The pur-
pose of which is to design and build a latrine and shower, which will then be
judged against Ulong's.  The best facilities will win one day of a construction
crew's work to build a really nice shelter.  Ian also must choose who will sit out the event.  Jenn, Cory, and Janu are chosen, leaving only Caryn as the one
non-Power player involved.  Ian has much experience, having been raised on
a farm, with tools and hard work.  He is determined to lead the tribe to victory!
Jeff then arrives on Ulong Beach, only to find them still out fishing.  He calls
them ashore, and learns they have yet to select a leader for the challenge.
They feebly ask Jeff if they can ask him questions first about the challenge
before choosing.  Jeff says no, and orders them to pick someone now!  James
is chosen arbitrarily.   Turns out to be a halfway decent pick, as James is a
construction worker, but with steel buildings.  He picks his six tools.

Tom and Ian design and lead in the construction of Koror's bathrooms.  They
go with two locations, one for a latrine and a second for the shower.  I guess
they figured that the latrine might smell a bit.  Willard tells Uncle Cameraman
how Tom and Ian are very supportive, always saying something nice to each
tribe member each day.  Caryn complains to Uncle C about how bossy and
arrogant Tom is.  Over at Ulong, James gets them organized but the lack of
work ethic is slowing them down.  Kim doesn't want to do anything.  She is
finally delegated with some sewing.  Bobby Jo later struggles chopping down
some trees while Kim watches.  She thinks she's the smart one.

Day 10 and Jeff returns with Jesse, the show's production designer.  They
inspect Koror's facilities first.  Tom gives them the full tour, as Koror built a
marked trail leading from the camp to both latrine and shower.  Jesse seems
impressed with not only the functionality, but the creativity of Koror's design.
Next is Ulong.  They opted for a traditional single structure approach, with
shower on one side and toilet on the other.  Jesse seems concerned about
the sturdiness of the structure.  Jeff explains, as they are leaving, that the
construction team will arrive shortly to whoever wins.  Time goes by and at
Koror, they hear a noise.  The landing craft has returned.  Koror races to shore
to meet the crew, elated over having won.  The Home Depot Team builds a
large, sturdy shelter, complete with many features.  Two bottles of champagne
are handed over to Koror to help celebrate their new home.  Over at Ulong,
their long wait finally forces them to accept that they have lost. 

Day 11 and tree-mail announces the coming Immunity Challenge.  Ulong is
determined to win.  The challenge is sort of a sumo-match.  An octagonal
platform floating off-shore.  Challengers must use a two-handed sandbag
to push their opponent off and into the drink.  No kicking, biting, etc.  Both
hands must be on the sandbag when making contact.  1st tribe to get 6 wins
is victor and has tribal immunity.  Round One between Tom and Bobby Jo
ends with Tom scoring first for Koror.  Stephenie wins Round Two for Ulong
against Jenn.  Gregg defeats I brehem in Round Three.  Angie kicks Caryn's
butt in #4.  Cory easily pushes James off in Round 5.  Janu beats Kim, fol-
lowed by another win for Tom over Bobby Jo, giving Koror a 5-2 lead.  But
Ulong fights back.  Steph beats Jenn again, though much closer this time. 
Ibrehem beats Gregg after a tough battle.  Angie easily wins over Caryn again,
tying the match 5 all.  It's all up to Cory vs James.  James gives a better ac-
counting of himself, but he is no match for the younger, stronger, and bigger
Cory.  Koror wins their fourth straight immunity!

James is really disappointed with himself for losing to a homosexual.  They
are all down on themselves.  Steph and Angie are really pissed with the men
of their tribe.  James taunts Kim about tonight's vote.  This leads to Kim try-
ing to get Steph and Angie to vote off the men.  They debate the gender poli-tics issue.  Ibrehem tells Uncle C that Kim is toast.  Angie tells Uncle she's
tired of losing.

At Tribal Council, Jeff asks about their frustration level.  Stephenie says that
she, personally, has never lost so often before.  Angie is also bumming about
losing so many times.  Bobby Jo admits that he has come up short once too
often during challenges.  Kim tells all that James and Bobby Jo are too bossy.
Angie slams the men for not taking her seriously.  She says that the women
are carrying the tribe.  Jeff points out that out of the six matches Koror won,
five were against the Ulong men.  It's time to vote.  Ulong finally does some-
thing as a unified tribe.  They boot Kim,  Kim voted for James.

SPOILERS:  Gregg and Jenn are getting cozy.  Perhaps their double-consta-
nant ending names is enough for true love?  Ulong goes on an excursion and
gets lost.  Jeff tells all that The Game is about to take a turn!  Switch-a-roo