Episode 6:
The Unraveling of Ulong
Andy Zarowny

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 12 and Ulong returns to camp after losing another member, Angie.  Their
spirits are low to say the least.  Ibrehem feels he was on the chopping block,
but was spared, when Koror gave him individual immunity.  James calls out
Ib in front of all, after Steph tried in vain to rebuild some tribal unity.  James
is convinced that it is Ibrehem's fault that they lost, because he is not listen-
ing enough to the others.  Bobby Jo wishes James would quit blaming others.
Ulong wins or loses as a team. 

Day 13 and Ibrehem goes off by himself for morning prayers.  He feels blessed
and has a new grasp of The Game.  It's a new day at Koror.  Energized by the
stew,  the energetic tribe works on a variety of tribe/camp projects.  All except
for Katie, who decides to make crafts.  Coby and Caryn are put off by this.  But
Katie sees her role as a cheerleader, putting on a puppet show with Ian and
Gregg, mocking Ulong.  The rest are amused. 

Tree-mail brings news of a Reward Challenge, a shooting contest with a prize
of Pringles, Mai Tai's, and a boat ride to Jellyfish Lake.  There the winners get
to swim with stinger-less jellyfish.  Each tribe has 8 targets to break using a
replica of a .50 caliber machine gun.  The modified air-gun fires a large ball,
maybe an inch in diameter.  Ulong goes first, but Tom of Koror scores the 1st
hit.  Stephenie ties the match one all.  The event continues with both tribes
keeping pace at first.  But Stephenie is very good and continues to score hits,
putting her tribe in the lead.  This, despite the fact that James couldn't hit the
broadside of a barn.  The challenge is all Ulong's as Steph breaks the 8th tile
and Caryn fails to tie the match.  Ulong wins reward!

Ulong paddles out to a Japanese-style craft, which carries the gang up river.
They feast on Pringle's latest treat, printed chips with Survivor Trivia.  Their
spirits are high as they toast and savor the victory.  Once ashore, they trek
inland to a freshwater lake filled with thousands of jellyfish.  Here, they snor-
kel among the jellyfish and revel in the beauty of the setting.

Night 13 and a nasty storm hits Koror Beach.  The rain is joined by high winds
and together they get the tribe wet and miserable all night long.  Day 14 and
Janu is beside herself in depression.  The storm made her feel very vulnerable.
She's ready to check out.  Tom has a long talk with her and tries to revive her
spirits.  Tree-mail arrives in the form of a chest with rope and a flag of the op-
posing tribe.  The object of the Immunity Challenge is to secure the chest as
best as possible, prevent the other tribe from retrieving their flag.  At Ulong,
James, and old Navy swabby, brags about the knots he knows and leads in the
tying of them. 

Immunity Challenge time, and both tribes gather with their chests.  Jeff then
explains that they will have 20 minutes to swim off shore and collect 3 bundles
of wood branches.  These are to be used to build a fortress around the chest
and make it harder to open.  They also have additional rope to further secure
the chest.  Ulong begins with 3 swimmers , leaving James behind to play with
his toga.  Ibrehem only goes halfway out, and Steph relays her first batch of
wood to him, then goes to get another.  Koror only sends Janu and Ian, while
Katie and Jenn tie additional rope around the chest.  Ulong starts work on
their fortress first and uses up all the rope when time is completed.  The tribes
then switch sides and it's now a race to unravel the defenses.  Ulong seems
to be slightly ahead but then slows down.  Koror unravels their chest first and
wins their 5th straight Immunity!

Day 15 and the 4-member Ulong Tribe faces another dismal day of conniving
and plotting.  Ibrehem plans to boot James and vice-a-versus.  James tells
Stephenie his intentions and is confident that Bobby Jo will not vote against
him.  She then talks with BJ, who is convinced that it was James who cast a
ballot against him last TC.  Stephenie lies and swears it wasn't her who did so.
Bobby Jo believe's her, as he considers the handwriting of the ballot to belong
to a man.  He suspects that James voted against him.  They form a pact to
boot James first, then Ibrehem.  Steph now has deals with both James and
Bobby Jo.  She doesn't know which promise she'll honor.

At Tribal Council, James thinks that they find new ways to sabotage them-
selves at each IC.  Ibrehem feels he is successful and knows he can handle
The Game.  Stephenie is tired of losing and doesn't want to be humiliated by
being completely shut-out on every Tribal Immunity Challenge.  James intends
to cast his ballot based on overall reasons, not just one IC.  Stephenie feels
she can trust all the guys and that the Alabama Boys trust her.  It's time to
vote.  Steph takes a long time casting her ballot.  Jeff reads them off and it is
a tie between James and Ibrehem.  Bobby Jo and Steph vote again, this time
both giving James the boot.  Jeff tells them they have one last chance at
winning a Tribal Immunity.

SPOILERS:  The new love couple, Gregg and Jenn, seem to hit a rocky beach.
Bobby Jo is proud of the 3-4 pound fish he spears.  Tom and Ian bag a shark!