Episode 10:
Janu Goes Moon-Dancing
Andy Zarowny

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Day 25 and Janu is rather peeved at Koror voting off Coby last night.  She did
not have a chance to tell him good bye.  She also has no clue what was up. 
Janu had thought that Stephenie would ne gone, or maybe even her?  Blind-
sided and betrayed is how Janu is feeling this morning.  It only gets worse
when she overhears Katie and Jenn trashing her.  Janu confronts Katie on her
immature behavior, but Katie doesn't give a hoot.  Gregg tries to calm Janu
down, as he needs her for his strategy to win the million dollars.

Reward Challenge time, and it's The Kicker.  Construct a metal tower and use
it to grab a flag high above the water.  Koror is randomly divided into two
teams.  Tom, Gregg, Janu, and Caryn versus Ian, Stephenie, Katie, and Jenn.  Both teams were even initially, with Ian's team perhaps slightly ahead in as-
sembling the first level of the tower.  All four of them were involved while only
Tom and Gregg were working for their team.  Janu saw they needed help so
she joined in.  Tom's team quickly began building a lead.  By the 5th level,
they were well ahead.  Katie was slowing down Ian's team considerably.  Janu
took the honors of climbing the tower and retrieving her flag.  Tom's team
leaves immediately for a feast at one of the local tribes.

The winners arrive at a nearby island and are greeted.  A chief hands out  gifts
and the Survivors show their gratitude.  They are treated to local music and
dance.  Finally, it's chow  time!  The four are served dish after dish of local
delicacies.  All this real food is too much for Janu.  Her system goes into
shock and she gets sick.  They eventually return to Camp Koror, where the
others are repairing to settle down to their own dinner.  The well-fed bunch
tell the others of all the great things they had, and then surprise them with a
doggie bag.  The content of morsels are spread out on the table, which did
prompt both Janu and Caryn to having another taste.  Katie and Jenn were
a tad miffed that they had to share the meager scraps with the well-gorged.

Day 26 and it's time for the Immunity Challenge.  The event involves overcom-
ing fear, as each must hold a station under cage top while the tide rolls in.  The
last one to hold his/her station wins.  The first person to panic and exit The
Game is immediately sent to Exile Island to spend the night alone.  A canteen,
machete, and flint are provided.  As the challenge begins, Tom jokes about
bailing out, because he'd like to spend a day away from the rest.  Jeff sees
that Janu is having trouble.  Six minutes into the challenge and she bails out.
As if she wasn't humiliated enough, Katie and others make noises and show
little respect for her.  Between 55 and 60 minutes, the rest of the women bail
out.  Not long afterwards do Ian and Gregg give up.  Tom wins his second indi-
vidiual immunity in a row.  Janu is immediately whisked away to be exiled.

Once on Exile Island, Janu begins immediately to work on fire.  She struggles
for two and a half hours, but finally succeeds in starting a fire.  Janu is happy
to be by herself.  She knows how unwanted she is at Koror.  With her fire
blazing and moon up high, Janu does a merry dance on the beach.

Day 27 and Janu returns to Koror.  She is full of vim and vigor as she recounts
her wonderful night alone on the beach.  This raises some alarms.  Tom is
concerned when Gregg explains that he prefers to boot Janu next time, but
wants Stephenie off now.  Gregg isn't the only one back-peddling.  Ian is also
more concerned about Stephenie as a competitive threat in challenges.  Tom
is reluctant to go along.  Stephenie is getting worried.  The attitude had been
to boot Janu off, prior to her return from exile.   She is dismayed that nobody
is talking strategy with her.  Steph confronts Ian, who just shrugs his shoul-
ders and offers her no assurances.

Tribal Council begins with Janu telling Jeff what a wonderful time she had on
Exile Island.  She enjoyed her evening alone.  Caryn is mad that Janu prefers
being alone.  Tom and Gregg are playing strategically.  Stephenie grimaces.
Janu tells the gang they can vote her off anytime they want, she doesn't care.
Steph scolds her, telling her she has no right to remain in The Game if she
feels that way.  Steph then breaks down and cries.  Jeff asks Janu what is the
difference between asking the others to vote her off, and she just voluntarily
quitting on her own?  Janu answers that at this point, there is no difference.
Janu assures Steph that she is not quitting merely so Steph may remain, but
because Janu has experienced what she sought in playing The Game and
there is no need to go any further.  She gathers her belongings and hands
Jeff her torch.  He snuffs it out and discards it on the ground.  Poor Coby on
the Jury Bench is burying his face in his hands in utter disbelief. 

SPOILERS:  Now that Stephenie has a new lease on life, she plots to get rid of
the men, and the Koror women seem agreeable to this.