Episode 13:
"I Always Knew You Were An Informer"
Andy Zarowny

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

I do believe that this week's Tribal Council would have entertained even the
likes of Fred C. Dobbs.  But I'm getting way ahead of myself.  Night 33 and the
troop returns to Camp Koror.  Jennifer is still smarting over the booting of her
boy-toy, Gregg.  But she plays it cool.  No rants, tears, or raving lunacy (as we
shall see from the others later).  If anything, Gregg's departure forces Jenn
to become focused and start playing The Game, and she does rather well at
it, I might add.  Ian is pleased with events, but is concerned of a potential alli-
ance amongst the ladies.

Day 34 finds Tom and Ian fetch tree-mail.  The Reward Challenge has some-
to do with getting a great view.  Tom discusses who should they take on the
reward should either win.  He doesn't think they should take each other as
that will give the ladies time to scheme behind their back.  Ian agrees, but not
with the choice.  Tom thinks Caryn should be taken, to keep her isolated from
Katie and Jenn and to keep her loyal with the guys.  Ian wants to take Katie if
he wins.  Tom thinks it's a bad idea. 

The Reward Challenge is a new one.  Using authentic Palauan canoes, each
must retrieve five bags, one at a time, containing mileage markers.  Once all
5 bags are on shore, the first to match the markers with the distance from a
famous city wins a new Corvette and a night of feasting at a local mansion. 
Ian is stoked as he has never owned a car before.  He and Tom battle it out for
victory.  Jenn is a distant third, with Katie and Caryn bring up an even more distant rear.  Ian wins and chooses Tom as his reward companion, after he
explains that he and Tom had "shook hands" to take the other if a car was
involved.  Katie was disappointed, as Ian had verbally promised her to share
a reward if he won one.

Ian and Tom speed away to their feast.  They have a great time feasting.  At
the mansion, Tom questions Ian as to how solid his alliance is with Katie. 
Tom wants to take Caryn to the Final Three.  Ian has no doubts that Katie is
loyal to him.  Uh-huh!  Back at camp, the ladies trash the men.  Katie is furi-
ous with Ian and exposes her alliance with him.  She then raises Caryn's with
Tom and questions how solid it is.  Jenn sits back and takes it all in as Caryn
learns how wishy-washy Ian is.  She also now has doubts about Tom.  Katie
raises the issue of a female alliance to vote off the men. 

Day 35 and the Boys return, only to be ambushed by Caryn.  She confronts
Ian on how committed he is to taking her with Tom to the Final Three.  Ian
balks, stumbling about how he can't promise anything just yet.  Tom wants to
know if Katie is plotting against them, but Caryn offers nothing in return.  She
storms off, knowing she's been used.  Tom cringes.  His game plan now de-
pends on how good a salesman Ian is with Katie.  Things don't look good on
that score as Ian tries to talk with Katie.  She refuses at first.  After letting
Dolphin Boy stew in his own soup for a bit, she agrees to a private chat (on
national television).  It has all the ear-markings of a lover's tiff.  Katie feels that
Ian has betrayed her twice, with Gregg and the reward.  She, naturally, doesn't
let on how she intended to betray him by plotting with Gregg and Jenn.  Ian
wimps out and apologizes, offering his friendship for life and even to quit The
Game to save her.  They hug and reconcile.  Hmmmmmmmmmm!!!

Day 36 finds Tom and Caryn chatting.  She's dodging all his questions once
again.  He knows that Katie has 'flipped' her and that the women are teaming
up.  He tries to threaten Katie into remaining true to their original plan.
But Katie offers nothing.  Tom then coaches Ian on how to handle her.  LOL!
Tom knows the only way to survive now is to win immunity.  It's challenge
time!  Players must race across wobbly and floating bridges to a memory
board with an arrangement of various icons and symbols from World War 2.
Then race back to recreate the board with puzzle pieces.  If you guess wrong,
you may not try correcting the puzzle till after revisiting the memory board.
Each player's board is unique to eliminate copycats.  Tom, Ian, and Jenn are
leading the pack again.  Ian, then Tom, begin working on their puzzles first.
Katie and Caryn bring up the rear as usual, but eventually, everyone does
start work on their puzzles.  Ian's 1st two guesses are wrong.  Tom's first was
wrong, but his second attempt was accurate, and he wins immunity.

The gang returns home.  Tom is one happy camper.  Ian and Katie chat on the
beach, discussing their alliance and what to do next.  Caryn watches and
figures that those two will vote as a block.  She feels threatened and seeks
support from Tom.  But he now repays earlier ambiguity, and leaves Caryn
out in the cold to fend for herself.

At Tribal Council, emotions run high.  Katie complains openly about Ian's man-
ipulations with her, of his broken promises.  Ian admits that not taking Katie
on his reward was his biggest mistake.  Caryn now takes the floor and unloads
the tribe's deepest secrets for The Jury to hear.  The whole story of how Gregg
was voted off.  How Ian and Tom used her and Katie to forward their plan.
Tom, safe with immunity, is nonchalant about how The Game is now being
played.  Katie tells all that she has yet to decide who she will vote for.  It's
time to vote.  Caryn casts her ballot to boot Ian.  The rest boot Caryn.  The
last outsider has been expelled from the Eden of Koror. 

SPOILERS:  3 Days, 2 Immunity Challenges, and 3 Tribal Councils.  As the
Final Four celebrate, the drama intensifies, leading to the live announcement
of who earns the title of Sole Survivor, and a million dollars!