You Gotta Know
How To Pick
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
The Finale

Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Normally, I use the title of the episode as my title as well.  But this week's
was far too long, "The Brave may not Live long, but the Cautious Don't Live
at all."  I like mine better, and it sums up a more critical moment in the show.

Day 7 at Yaxha and Lydia is hard at work bright and early as the rest still
snooze away.  Lydia doesn't mind doing most of the camp chores, makes
her useful and less likely to be booted.  She likes everyone, everyone except
Brianna.  But that's okay, Brianna doesn't care too much for Lydia, either.
Brian is very happy about last night's Tribal Council where Morgan was
voted off.  Things are going his way.  Over at Camp Nakum, a monkey is lost
and calling, more like roaring, for his friends.  Or so says Cindy the zoologist
who tries to explain why this monkey is so noisy.  Judd doesn't care.  I think
he'd like to strangle the monkey.  Maybe Cindy, too!

The Reward Challenge this week is dedicated to those fine archeologists
who are unraveling the mysteries of the Mayans.  Both teams are blindfolded,
except for one 'caller' each, tethered together, and sent scurrying about to
gather nine bundles of construction parts for an archeologist tent.  Not just
any old kind of tent, but a real, authentic archeologist tent!  Woo-hoo!  Once
all bundles are gathered, the blindfolds and ropes come off and the first
tribe to assemble their archeologist tent correctly wins a basket of comfort
items.  Blankets, pillows, a lantern, kerosene, rope, and a big canvas tarp.
Perhaps the same kind used in an archeologist tent?!?!  Both tribes are close
on this one.  A few minor scrapes and bonks occur while they're blindfolded,
which is for our amusement.  Yaxha passes up Nakum in bundle gathering
and starts assembling first.  They, however, lack a plan as well as coordina-
tion.  Nakum manages to assemble their ARCHEOLOGIST TENT first and

Yaxha slumps home.  Stephenie is disappointed about the loss.  She is both
puzzled and perplexed about why they seem to be losing so often.  But the
Yaxha tribe has a lot of spirit and they refuse to give up.  Nakum tribe is
happy about their win.  Especially Bobby Jon, who doesn't know what it's
like to be with a group of winners.  The heat is oppressive and Nakum takes
a nap.  Some want to take a swim, but the lake is teaming with crocodiles.
BJ, Judd, and Brandon decide to take the canoe out to the middle of the lake
where the water is deeper.  They don't think the crocs will be there.  Cindy
thinks otherwise.  She explains that crocodiles go deeper during the hottest
part of the day.  The boys don't listen and go anyway and have their swim.
Brandon thinks he's alive because he is willing to take a risk.  Back at Yaxha,
Brianna tries to make herself useful around camp.  She cooks up some corn-
meal.  They are hurting for food.  Rafe tries some termites.  Mmmmmmmm!
"Good protein", says Gary, who eats some, too.  Nakum's men discuss how
best to set-up their tarp.  Margaret tries to explain the laws of gravity, that
it MIGHT be a good idea to angle the tarp such that rain water flows a certain
direction.  The men are offended by this.  They think they know what they
are doing.  The circus has come to Nakum!

Day 8, or is it 9?  Doesn't really matter as tree-mail announces that it's time
for the Immunity Challenge.  Along with the message comes a basket of
body paints and craft items.  Players are to decorate themselves as Mayan
warriors did.  Perhaps there was evidence of this at the archeologist tent???
Both tribes arrive at the IC grounds painted up and ready to rumble.  This
week they play a game of Mayan court-ball.  Similar to basketball except that
in court ball, you cannot move if you have possession of the ball.  Also, the
hoop is rotated 90 degrees in a vertical position.  Each round will pit 3 play-
ers from each tribe against each other on a raised net supported by timbers.
First tribe to score 5 points wins.  Nakum dominates the game, showing off
their athletic prowess and ability to function together.  Yaxha, while making
a good effort, keeps right on bumbling along.  Amy hurts an ankle in her first
round of action.  Her effectiveness is greatly reduced.  Lydia and Brianna
have never played any sort of sports before.  When Stephenie tries to plot a
'pick-and-roll' play to score a point, both look at Steph like she was from
Mars.  At one point, Steph had the ball and was being swamped by Nakum.
Lydia tried to get open but was overmatched.  Brianna just stood by and did
nothing.  Nakum wins 5-3.

Back at camp, Yaxha debates on who needs to be booted.  Stephenie is
again concerned about her tribe's ability to win challenges.  Amy is injured,
Brianna is clueless, Lydia is no athlete.  Once again, Steph is on a weak
tribe.  She talks with Gary about how to recover.  Jamie and Lydia talk about
ditching Brianna.  Brianna tries to convince Steph that Lydia needs to go.

At Tribal Council, Jeff asks Stephenie if she feels like déjà vu?  She admits
that she is frustrated.  Brianna tells Jeff she gave it her best.  Lydia also
says the same.  Amy tells everyone that she's doing better.  Her ankle will be
fine, no need to boot her off.  LOL!  Gary tells Jeff that Yaxha needs to be
strong and more athletic.  It's time to vote.  Brianna votes to boot Lydia, the
rest send Brianna packing.  Jeff cautions them that it takes more than pure
athleticism to win Survivor.

SPOILERS:  Crocodiles pay Yaxha a visit.  Nakum is feeling miserable.  A
twist adds intensity to The Game!  But no sign of an archeologist tent.  :-(