It's A Cutthroat Game
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
The Finale

Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 11 and Nakum slinks back to camp after Tribal Council.  Especially,
Judd, to whom perhaps 'slithers' is a more apt description.  After sticking a
knife in the back of former tribe-mate, Brooke, Judd defends his actions to
the gang, primarily Margaret.  Judd is smug and loud as he declares that,
"… it's a cutthroat game."  Margaret stews and simmers, knowing there is
little she can do about it now.  She and Cindy are now outnumbered and on
the chopping block. 

Day 12 is a happy one for Yaxha.  Blake is very happy with the new tribal
dynamics.  He and his fellow ex-Nakumers are in control.  Amy is not as
pleased, either with the political situation or the giant beetle that attacks her.
Brandon is amazed that Amy is there at all, as she has never been camping
in her life.  She's a city-gal, and has little in common with farm-folk like he,
Bobby Jon, or Danni.  Amy actually asks what is wheat?!?!?!  She is totally
clueless as to how food is prepared and served to her and the rest of human-
ity.  Brian isn't crazy about the farm-folk either.  He's from New England and
doesn't mix well with hicks and people who take their Christianity seriously.

Day 13 and Reward Challenge time.  Jeff inquires to each tribe how they are
coping with the heat and the swimming/bathing arrangements.  Both tribes
say things suck.  Both have seen large crocodiles near their beaches.  Both
have not been able to seek relief from the heat by enjoying a swim.  That is
all about to change as today's prize is a margarita party, complete with chips,
dip, frosty cold margaritas, and…, a swim-cage which sports a nice deck
with lounge chairs and umbrella.  No worries about Mr. Crocodile interrupt-
ing a swim now.  The challenge itself consists of three stages.  At the first
station, one player from each tribe must cut two ropes in half with an official
Mayan stone knife (possibly obtained from the archeologist tent).  The next
station is where one player from each chops two lengths of wood in half
with a hatchet (courtesy of Home Depot, no doubt).  The four pieces of wood
and rope are then taken to the third station, an elevated platform with a cap-
stan, much like used on large ships to hoist an anchor.  The cut items are
inserted into the capstan and used as handles with four members of each
tribe turning it to pull up a cart.  Once the cart is up, six players pile in and
the seventh remains behind to cut the hoisting rope and send the cart
barreling down a ramp to the finish line.  This highly involved challenge
would have been very interesting except for one minor detail.  Jamie of Na-
kum was the lead-off player to cut the rope.  He did not complete his portion
of the challenge until Yaxha had already sailed by and won.  Thanks to
Brandon who expertly cut the rope with the official Mayan stone knife, the
rest was easy and Yaxha walks away with another victory.

Yaxha arrives back at camp to find their reward awaiting them.  Protected by
a cage, the tribe takes a margarita plunge to cool off.  They party down and
relish in their victory, dishing up plenty of jeers on the hapless Nakum tribe.
Jamie is especially targeted for being feeble.  Brian is just happy to finally be
able to take a swim when ever he wants to, without worrying about being
eaten alive.  Yaxha bonds together, knowing they are the stronger tribe. 
Over at Nakum, Jamie feels real bad about losing the challenge.  The others
act nice around him, but once out of sight, the knives come out.  Judd is very
irritated at the loss.  Cindy remarks on the technique Brandon had used to
cut his rope, causing Judd to snap at her about how she needs to step up to
the plate and contribute.  The Nakum men cannot be counted on to carry the
rest.  Stephenie is very unhappy and frustrated by yet another loss.  She's
jealous of Bobby Jon, as he is tasting victory.  Steph is also mad at Jamie,
and just plain sick of being on losing tribes. 

Night 13 and the party at Yaxha breaks up on account of rain.  While Blake
and Brian snooze through the storm in the leaky shelter, the rest huddle
under the umbrella.  It is here we learn how Amy has nick-named Blake, "The
Golden Boy".  We are shown clips of Blake going on and on about his won-
derful and lavish life as a rich frat-boy.  He drones constantly about how
great a party animal he is, how big his girlfriend's breasts are, and just how
cool he is in general.  Everyone is getting tired of it.  Brian is seen egging
Blake on to tell more, just to irritate the ex-Nakumers. 

Day 14 and tree-mail announces it's time for the Immunity Challenge.  At
Nakum, Lydia starts singing the Mighty Mouse theme song, hoping to bring
some encouragement and humor to her sad-sack companions.  She then
breaks into a juggling act, followed by a dance number.  Everyone thinks
she's lost her mind.  Both tribes arrive at Challenge Beach.  Jeff comments
on how Yaxha seems very happy and Nakum seems quite grumpy.  Jeff
lets them all know that for today's challenge, it is critical that each tribe
works together.   Each tribe must select one member to work a catapult and
the rest are split into two teams of three each.  Each team will carry a three-
sided net.  The two catapultists will alternate firing Mayan war-balls, which
may be caught by either tribe.  First tribe to get five wins.  Brian and Lydia
work the cataplut.  Brian shoots first and Yaxha scores a catch.  Lydia fires
one but everyone misses it.  Nakum catches Brian's next ball, then scores
again.  Yaxha ties it two-all, but Nakum comes right back and makes three
in a row, winning immunity.  They taunt Yaxha as they celebrate. 

Back at camp, Yaxha complains amongst each other about how unsports-
man-like Nakum was with their gloating.  Hellooooooo?  Pay backs are a
b*tch.  Brian and Gary discuss who they can turn from the ex-Nakumers.
Danni seems a logical choice to help the old-Yaxhans boot off Blake.  Gary
talks with Bobby Jon, who tells Gary he promised Blake not to vote against
him.  Gary and Amy both work on Danni.  Danni then talks with Brandon
about dumping Blake, but Brandon explains that he and BJ are allied with
Blake, and her for that matter, and they need to stick together and boot
Brian.  Danni tells Uncle Cameraman that she is torn between the two fac-
tions and doesn't know how she'll vote, but she really can't stand frat-boy
Blake one bit.  Hmmmm.

At Tribal Council, the first topic rehashed is the night of the big storm, and
how Blake and Brian slept through it while the rest were miserable.  Amy
brings up her "Golden Boy" tag for Brian and Jeff teases him about it.  Next
is how well the new tribe is getting along with each other.  Brandon says he
is getting to know the old Yaxhans.  Gary comments that there is a tribal
division.  Brian concurs and affirms that he is in the minority.  Bobby Jon
says that his goal is to get the tribe back on the winning track and keep the
dream alive.  It's time to vote.  Blake and Brandon vote to boot Brian, but
Danni AND Bobby Jon both switch and join the old-Yaxhans in giving frat-
boy Blake the boot!

SPOILERS:  Margaret and Judd spar with each other.  Amy gets hurt in a
challenge, resulting in Bobby Jon and Jamie getting in each other's face.