Two Tribal Councils,
Two Loud Mouths,
One Great Show!

Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
The Finale

Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Day 15 begins at Yaxha with Brandon very concerned about last night's
Tribal Council.  Two of his ex-Nakumers, Bobby Jon and Danni, had sided
with the old Yaxhans in booting Blake.  Brandon is worried that he may be
next, as he was not consulted.  He asks BJ if he had any regrets.  Bobby Jon
answers that it had to be done as Blake was rubbing too many people the
wrong way.  Over at Nakum, there's plenty of rubbing, too.  Mosquitos are
causing everyone to rub and scratch.  Margaret is also busy rubbing the
others the wrong way.  She is still fuming over Judd and his betrayal of Old

It's time for a combined double-Reward/Immunity Challenge.  The prizes are
a BBQ feast of burgers, hot dogs, plus cold beer and root beer.  The winning
tribe will then compete amongst themselves for individual immunity.  BOTH
tribes will vote off one member this evening.  The challenge is the Giant
Ball Roll.  Two players from each tribe, selected at random, will work to try
and roll a giant (stone?) ball across the opposite goal-line and score a point.
First tribe to score three wins the feast and advances to the next round.
The women square off first, Amy & Danni for Yaxha versus Cindy and Steph
for Nakum.  The Yaxhan women score the first goal.  Judd and Jamie then
battle against Bobby Jon and Brandon.  This one is a tough fight, but the
Nakum men get momentum on their side and score.  Jamie celebrates a bit
too much for BJ's taste and the two get in each other's face.  Gary and Amy
then go against Judd and Stephenie.  Amy falls and the giant ball rolls over
her bad foot, causing her much pain.  Nakum scores.  Amy must now play
injured again as she and Danni go against Cindy and Margaret.  Amy sucks
it up and Yaxha ties the challenge two points all.  Judd and Jamie go again
versus Bobby Jon and Brian.  Nakum scores and wins the BBQ!

After Yaxha leaves, Jeff explains the Individual Immunity Challenge.  Players
race to untie three sacks and carry one at a time back to their tables.  When
all three are retrieved, each may open the sacks and spill out their contents,
eleven letter-tiles.  The first to spell the correct two-word phrase wins.  Cindy
and Stephenie are out in front during the retrieval phase, with Margaret and
Rafe right behind them.  Judd brings up the rear, having a lot of trouble with
untying knots.  As he tries to open his sacks, Judd looks over at Rafe's table
and sees the letters.  Judd blabs out the correct phrase, "ANCIENT RUIN",
which Rafe rapidly spells.  Jeff awards Rafe with the immunity necklace.

Nakum carries the spoils of victory back to camp.  They set up the BBQ and
feast away, washing down the food with cold beverages.  The subject of
Bobby Jon's outburst comes up.  Stephenie says that he's insane!  The rest
agree and continue their celebration.  Back at Yaxha, Amy takes stock of
her latest injury.  The same ankle was twisted and is swollen again.  She's
very worried about being booted.  Bobby Jon explains his displeasure with
Jamie's enthusiasm, he just had to, "let him know" that BJ didn't appreciate
Jamie's conduct.  Brian tries to talk with Gary about whom of the ex-Nakum-
ers needs to go next, but Gary seems non-committal.  BJ and Brandon talk
about targeting either Brian or Amy.  It will be a 3-3 vote, so anything can
happen.  Meanwhile, the party at Nakum settles down.  Judd and Rafe chat
about booting Margaret.  But Judd then makes an ass of himself as he drank
one too many beers.  Danni is shy one beer and makes an issue of it, and
Margaret jumps in accusing Judd of drinking it.  But Judd could care less
what she, or the rest think.  Nobody is going to stand between him and a
cold brew-ski.  The others back away as the Mighty Judd postures and rants.

Nakum arrives at Tribal Council.  Stephenie talks about how great the feast
was.  Jamie gives his side of the story concerning Bobby Jon's outburst.
He was only celebrating a victory and saw nothing wrong with his actions.
Margaret tells Jeff and the rest that maybe Nakum aren't all such great
sports.  This prompts a drunken Judd to start arguing with her.  She has
never played sports and doesn't understand the thrill of victory, claims Judd.
Margaret focuses in on Judd's crudeness and bully-like behavior, bringing
up the missing beer incident.  Judd gets really pissed and trashes her back.
Margaret hits raw nerve again and again, tweaking Judd deliberately.  He
then brings up a moment from Day One where Margaret made a spot diag-
nosis that Judd has Attention Deficit Disorder.  He's tired of her know-it-all
attitude.  Jeff asks Judd if he'd like to strangle Margaret right now?  Judd
goes on another long, loud rant, interrupting a flabber-ghasted Jeff.  Rafe,
Steph, and Cindy confirm that there is a major problem within Nakum, and
hopefully it will be dealt with tonight.  It's time to vote.  Margaret votes to
boot Judd, the rest gang-up and send Margaret packing.  A smug Judd
watches as Jeff snuffs out her flame.  While the rest of Nakum leaves, Rafe
gets to stay behind and watch Yaxha's TC.

It's now Yaxha's turn.  In sharp contrast to Nakum, Yaxha are clearly the
happier tribe, with everyone complimenting one-another.  Bobby Jon begins
with his side of the outburst-at-Jamie affair.  He says he was just caught up
in the heat of the moment.  Gary confirms that they do not think that Nakum
are poor sports, but that Jamie may be a bit over-the-top.  Jeff asks BJ what
he thinks about Brian?  "Brian is a kamikaze who's ready to bust a wedge",
he answers.  Jeff chuckles when BJ calls Brian a "good ol'boy".  Danni also
likes Brian.  Amy gives an update on her injuries.  Brandon says she is very
impressive.  Bobby Jon tells Jeff that tonight's vote will be a difficult one,
as everyone likes everyone else.  They are a unified and strong team. 
Before Rafe leaves, he secretly votes for one Yaxhan to have individual im-
munity.  His choice will not be revealed till after the other ballots have
been counted.  With Rafe gone, Yaxha now votes.  Brian votes to boot Bobby
Jon, the rest choose Brian to go.  Jeff then tells Brian he has one last chance
if Rafe had selected him, but Rafe chose Gary to have immunity instead.
Brian's torch is extinguished and Jeff comments on how the others sugared
Brian right out of the tribe with their compliments.  No one is safe from such
skilled game-play!

SPOILERS:  Amy argues with Gary about his constant lying about his past
profession of an NFL quarterback.  She is clearly pissed about it.  One
tribe pays the other a visit.  Could this week's reward be a camp raid?