Walking Wounded
Andy Zarowny

Night 15 and at Nakum, Judd thanks everyone for booting Margaret and not
him.  He is still loud and obnoxious, going on about how he doesn't let some-
one trash him and get away with it.  He won't hit them, mind you!  What a
guy!  Jamie is already thinking of keeping Judd around till the Final Two, as
nobody would vote for him.

Day 16 and Yaxha are tending to their wounds.  Bobby Jon has a nasty one
on his right shoulder.  It's painful to take off his shirt, which sticks to the
festering sore.  Brandon also has a couple of bad looking sores.  Amy has
one, too, on her face, which Brandon thinks is sexy.  Oh puh-leeeze!

Reward Challenge time.  It's a Wrap!  Four players from each team wrap
themselves, one at a time, in a thirty-foot long strip of cloth.  The first joins
the second and they wrap themselves together, then add a third, finally the
fourth are all wrapped together.  A fifth player from each tribe is the "Winder"
who assists them in the task.  Once all are wrapped, they then unwrap them-
selves and race to the tribal mat.  First tribe with all five players on the mat
wins a zip-line tour through the jungle canopy, followed by a feast of choco-
late delights.  Judd sits this one out as he is an oaf.  Jamie and Amy are the
winders.  Yaxha gets a lead till the last station, where Brandon has trouble
coordinating with the rest.  Nakum catches up and is first to start unwinding
themselves.  But then they take a tumble, which costs them precious min-
utes and allows Yaxha to pass them by.  Yaxha wins!

Yaxha begins their zip-line experience.  Amy, who is afraid of heights, is
terrified as she flies through the jungle, clinging unto the harness for dear
life.  Bobby Jon and the rest have the time of their lives, enjoying the scen-
ary and experience of zipping through the jungle.  At the base of the exit,
Yaxha finds their chocolate feast.  Cake, cookies, milk, and lots of chocolate
coated fruits and nuts.  They gorge themselves to the point of sickness.
Whatever is left over, Yaxha takes with them back to camp.

Day 17 and Rafe makes a deck of cards from leaves.  Nakum is playing a
game to pass the time.  We then see Yaxha paddling in their canoe.  It's
Danni's birthday and they've decided to throw a pool party and intend on
inviting Nakum to join them.  Nakum hears them shouting as the Yaxhan
canoe docks.  Jamie and Cindy are wary of this socializing.  But the rest
are bored and want to do something.  The party is on!  Judd and Steph are
first ones into the pool.  Then, the birthday girl, Danni, brings out a bowl of
chocolate goodies for Nakum.  The tone lightens up, all except for Jamie,
who remains aloof to the festivities.  A short while later, he encourages
his fellow Nakumers to leave.  He's worried about post-merge alliances and
wants to keep his team in tact.  Stephenie thinks Jamie is too paranoid and
controlling.  She thinks he needs to lighten up.

Day 18 finds Bobby Jon and Brandon comparing their wounds again.  These
guys have absolutely nothing better to do!  Amy and Gary do.  They are dis-
cussing strategy.  They realize how important it is to win today's Immunity
Challenge.  A Yaxhan win means the two tribes may merge equally at five
players each.  Plus, the old-Nakumers will be the majority, should Nakum
lose and boot Cindy or Judd.  Gary seems a bit nervous around Amy, espe-
cially when she starts teasing him on the 'rumor' about his past profession
as an NFL quarterback.  Amy says she'll track him down.  Only Gary has al-
ready taken care of that as she does not know his real name.  LOL!

Immunity Challenge this week is Mayan Puzzle Calendar.  There are twelve
large puzzle pieces for each tribe buried in a sandpit.  Tribes must dig them
out by sending one member at a time to the pit.  Once all are collected, they
may then start assembling their puzzle.  Lydia sits out for Nakum.  Both
tribes start off neck-and-neck, till Danni loses a lot of time for Yaxha.  Nakum
builds a 5-3 lead, but Yaxha quickly ties the race up.  It stays a close race
at 10 all till Brandon loses time for Yaxha.  Nakum collects all of their pieces
first and begins assembling the puzzle.  Yaxha closes the gap, but in the
end, Nakum is victorious and wins immunity.

Amy is very worried.  She's in a minority at Yaxha, plus she has an injured
ankle.  Amy tries chatting up Danni about booting Bobby Jon.  Afterall, he's
been through Survivor before.  He's had his chance.  The rest are more de-
serving, like her.  Danni buys a bit of Amy's logic and talks with Brandon.
He understands the position, but also points out that should there be a
merge, they'll be a minority if BJ is booted off.  They're only hope is to boot
Amy or Gary and hope they can turn Cindy and Judd back on their side
to even up a post-merge tribe at 5 all. 

At Tribal Council, Danni tells Jeff how much it sucks being there.  Gary says
that Yaxha is a very tight tribe right now.  Amy tells all how she's had many
experiences.  Brandon then talks about how hard it is justifying a boot selec-
tion, as to who deserves to remain.  This gets a quick reaction from Bobby
Jon.  Brandon explains it comes down to alliances versus merit.  Danni has
the same issue with who truly deserves to remain in The Game.  Jeff asks
Bobby Jon how he's basing his vote tonight.  BJ responds that he's keeping
his word to his alliances.  It's time to vote.  Amy votes to boot Bobby Jon,
the rest vote her off.  After Jeff snuffs out her torch, he tells the rest that
Yaxha is no more.  They are to go to Nakum's camp and they are now
merged as one tribe.  Jeff passes out red buffs and tells them that all their
belongings and rewards will be brought over.

SPOILERS:  Nakum is awakened by as the Yaxhans arrive with news of the
merge.  Tempers flare up between the new tribe's members.


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
The Finale

Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.