Andy Zarowny

Night 27 and upon returning to camp, Judd wants to know why he was not
let in on the Jamie-boot?  Stephenie gives him a lame excuse that they did
not want him to feel uncomfortable since he was such good pals with Jamie.
Judd thinks this is BS!  He wonders who he can trust?  Gary thanks Lydia
for not booting him.  He knows he has dodged the bullet a second time.

Day 28 finds Lydia wondering if she did the right thing in booting Jamie off.
He had been a close ally since Day One.  She and Gary awake early and do
the camp chores while the rest snooze away, except for Judd.  He listens in
on Gary and Lydia's conversation.  Gary is pumping her for inside informa-
tion.  He is plotting his next move.  Judd gets riled as they chat and wakes
the others up.  They all see Gary and Lydia chatting away.  Stephenie says
that she wants Gary to go next! 

Reward Challenge this week is an old favorite.  Each player has three pots
suspended.  Answer a question correctly and you get to smash one of the
other's pots.  When all three are smashed, you're out.  The winner gets a
poolside massage with shish-ka-bob at a secluded waterfall.  First question
everybody gets right.  Gary and Steph get two pots smashed, Judd, Cindy,
and Danni each get one smashed.  Second question Stephenie gets wrong.
Lydia polishes her off.  Gary goes next, followed by Judd, then Danni.
Rafe gives Lydia her first hit with Question Three.  On the fourth, Rafe and
Cindy finish off Lydia, who in turn takes out one of Rafe's.  Cindy gets the
fifth question and takes out a second pot of Rafe's.  Question six and Cindy
answers correctly, giving her the victory.  Jeff tells Cindy she may invite one
person to join her.  Lydia gives Cindy the puppy-eye-look hoping she can
enjoy some real food.  But Cindy chooses Rafe.  The rest head back to the

Stephenie rebuffs Lydia's claim that she gets a share of all the rewards.
Steph recites a list of food rewards that everyone has partaken of.  Gary
points out that one slice of pizza not equal the feast she shared with Judd
and Bobby Jon.  But Stephenie insists that they are all equal with three
food rewards each.  Judd then bites back against Gary about all the lying
he does.  Meanwhile, Rafe and Cindy arrive at the waterfall.  They decide
to eat first before anything else.  Strategy is the talk at the table.  Next is
a swim.  The water from the falls is very warm, while that of the pond is
cool, making for a unique experience.  They then top off the day with the
massages.  Returning to camp, Rafe and Cindy downplay the reward.  But
the others press for details, and hearing all about the food really riles up
Lydia.  She plays 'poor-me', nursing a meager cupful of corn soup.  The
Gang of Four discuss when to boot her.

Day 30 (who knows where 29 went?) and the Gang of Four have their morn-
ing coffee on top of the pyramid.  Rafe, Stephenie, Judd and Cindy hang out as friends and assess the situation.  At ground-level, the Little People are
buzzing away.  Gary and Danni discuss booting Stephenie.  This can only
be accomplished by swinging Lydia and one other, possibly Rafe. 

Immunity Challenge is another oldie but a moldy … Story-Time.  Jeff tells
them the tale of Ixchel, the Mayan Moon Goddess.  Seems she was a rather
promiscuous lass with two husbands and a series of lovers.  Inside seven
huts are a box with a question-puzzle, a box with correct answer flags, and
a box with wrong answer sticks.  Flags are posted on a pole for each, sticks
must be taken to a fire urn and burned before the player tries again.  First
with all seven flags wins.  Stephenie and Judd are out of this one, they fall
far behind immediately.  Rafe, Cindy and Gary fight it out.  Rafe beats Gary
by a nose and wins immunity, again!

Rafe feels as though he were now in control.  Stephenie thinks the situation
is too good to be true.  She is part of the Majority Power.  Lydia talks with
Danni about how awful things look for them right now.  They see Steph as
the major threat.  Gary figures he is targeted for tonight, so he chats with
Rafe.  Gary tries to throw water on Steph and Cindy.  Rafe tells Gary that
he doesn't trust Judd at all.  As a storm approaches, sending everyone for
cover, Judd tells Uncle Cameraman that he wants Gary and Lydia gone.

At Tribal Council, Lydia begins with her complaining about the Reward
Challenge and how she never gets a good meal.  Lydia then pegs Stephenie
as the person running Xhakum tribe.  Gary backs Lydia up, saying how the
others are so star-struck with Stephenie, they ask her for her autograph
after she votes them off.  This earns a cackle of laughter from the Boys in
the Jury Box, Bobby Jon and Jamie.  Judd comes to Steph's defense,
accusing Gary of lying and playing all ends.  He relates Gary's discussion
two rewards ago when Gary said that Lydia and Cindy didn't deserve to
be there so late in The Game.  Gary lashes back about Judd's lying as to
the whereabouts of the secret immunity idol.  It's time to vote.  Gary casts
his vote against Cindy, again.  The rest sack Gary for a big loss. 

SPOILERS:  Danni feels vulnerable from the pressure.  Lydia tries to make
a move against the Gang of Four by attempting to sway Judd.  Rafe feels


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
The Finale

Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.