My Wife Is Like 25
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
The Finale

Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Day 31 and the gang at Xhakum tribe busies itself with breakfast talk.  They
discuss their food dreams, their favorite breakfasts, etc.  Nobody is mention-
ing the bru-ha-ha at last night's Tribal Council when Gary and Judd went at
it, accusing each other of being a liar.  Both, of course, were liars!  Duhhh!
What else should one expect from The Game of Survivor.  Everyone lies at
some point.  Cindy is puzzled by just how easily the rest can compartmental-
ize The Truth, and seem to ignore all the double-dealing.  Stephenie, Judd
and Danni ignore it all by seeing who can do the best summersaults.  Danni
clearly has the best overall style.

This week's Reward Challenge is the seasonal Survivor Auction.  Each gets
$500 in $20 bills to use for bidding.  Players are allowed to share their cash,
but not what they win with it.  Danni wins the first item, a bowl of beed jerky,
for $20.  Cindy buys herself 3 large chocolate chip cookies and a tall glass
of milk for $40.  Lydia wins a mosquito net for $140.  Rafe wins a Philly
Cheese Steak sandwich with all the trimmings for $180.  Danni then wins a
secret advantage to the next Immunity Challenge for $200.  The last item to
bid on is a day with your loved one.  They are trotted out first:  Rafe's mom,
Cindy's twin sister Mindy (there's some real issues there), Stephenie's boy-
friend, Danni's brother, Lydia's brother whom she has not seen in two years,
and finally, Judd's wife.  Stephenie borrows money from Lydia and bids a
total of $860.  Judd borrows money from Cindy and bids $880 and wins. 
Jeff then allows Judd to pick two other loved ones to join them for a day at
camp.  Judd chooses Cindy's sis and Steph's BF.  The rest of Xhakum must
spend the night at the old camp site while the rest enjoy their family reunion.

As the happy winners return to camp, the loved ones get a taste of life on
Survivor.  Judd's wife, who has never been camping, is thoroughly impress-
ed with her husband's ability to adapt.  Mindy is less so, as Cindy and her
have always played 'Wilderness' all their lives.  Stephenie is just damn happy
to have her man about.  Meanwhile, Rafe, Lydia and Danni discuss how the
alliances are evolving and dissolving.  Rafe is particularly vocal about his
misgivings concerning Judd's trustworthiness.  Danni eats it all up and files
it away for later usage.  Back at the temple ruins, Stephenie tells Judd's wife
just how tight her alliance is with Judd, How they are best friends, etc, yadda
yadda, blah blah blah.  Cindy raises the issue about Rafe and his apparent
closeness to Danni. 

Day 32 and the loved ones are amazed how much work is needed to be done
to stay alive everyday.  Michael, Steph's BF, helps out with gathering fire-
wood.  Rafe and the rest arrive, surprised to still see the loved ones about.
Judd tells Uncle Cameraman how filled he is after spending a day with his
wife.  Being around her is like eating twenty-five White Castle cheeseburgers.
Now, I have to digress here, since many of you may not know about White
Castles, and you really need to in order to comprehend how demeaning this
remark  truly is.  A White Castle burger is very small, usually sold in sets of
three.  The bun is about the size of one of those pre-cooked dinner rolls you
can buy at the grocery store.  The meat patty is maybe an eighth of an inch
thick at best.  Most people refer to them as "Sliders", since an average male
can inhale one with one bite/swallow.  So this is the context for this most
ridiculous statement from a Survivor contestant about a loved one.  Can we
say, "grounds for divorce"???  Anyway, after the so-called loved ones have
left, Lydia starts stroking Judd about changing alliances and booting Steph
off.  Danni joins in the chat, and again files away the crux of the conversa-

Day 33 and it's time for the Immunity Challenge.  It's the Tile-Strategy game,
where one flips a tile upon moving onto it.  Once done so, nobody may move
onto it again.  The 'game board' is multi-leveled, with the center being a
turn-table, allowing players to move to a hopefully clearer portion of the
board.  Danni is allowed to open the letter with the secret advantage.  It will
allow her to trade places with one player once at anytime during the game.
The challenge begins and after a series of initial moves, Cindy finds herself
boxed in and is out of the game.  Danni then uses her advantage to switch
positions with Stephenie.  Lydia, Rafe, and Judd are then knocked out.  In
the end, Steph runs out of places to move to and Danni wins.

Back at camp, Stephenie asks Danni what Judd had said to her and Lydia.
Danni spills the beans about how Judd is still smarting over Jamie being
booted and not being included in the decision.  Rafe joins the conversation
and again talks about how he doesn't trust Judd.  The three decide that they
and Cindy will be the Final Four.  Judd goes tonight, Lydia is next.  Judd
then talks with Rafe and Rafe reassures him as to what the plan is.  Danni
had originally been their target, but since she won immunity, Lydia is now
up on the block.  Judd says fine, so long as it isn't him.

At Tribal Council, they first talk about the visit with the loved ones.  Steph
was very happy to be with her boyfriend of the past seven years.  Danni
then talks about how happy she is for winning the advantage for immunity.
Rafe does his usual sermon about trust.  Stephenie says that they are all
very close now, like family.  Judd weighs in on a more practical side, they
are all competing for a million dollars and will do anything to win.  This bit
of reality offends the others.  Rafe and Steph show irritation as Judd rants
on.  It's time to vote.  Judd and Cindy follow the old plan and vote to boot
Lydia.  The rest send Judd packing.  He gets nasty, telling them how he
hopes a crocodile eats them all and calls them all scumbags several times.
As Judd storms off muttering "scumbags", Jeff tells the rest that The Game
has changed again.

SPOILERS:  Cindy is concerned about being left out of the Judd boot.  She
seeks assurances.  Strategies get deeper and thicker.   An awful dilemma
shocks the remaining players.