The Curse of the Car
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
The Finale

Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 33 and Judd's outburst is the main topic around the campfire.  Rafe
and Stephenie were taken aback by how angry Judd was.  Duhhh!  What did
they expect?  Judd thought the million dollars was all his.  Cindy is also
concerned about her standing with her allies, as they had not informed her
about the boot-Judd vote.  She's wondering who she can trust and why she
was left outside the decision process?

Day 34 starts with the focus on Rafe, last man standing, and how well he fits
in with the ladies.  They all like his attitude and his comical behavior.  Rafe
tells Uncle Cameraman that he has a personal friendship with each of the
remaining women.  Tree-mail arrives, and it's a set of car keys!  Xhakum
Camp is a-buzz with thoughts of a new car for one of them. 

Reward Challenge is the seasonal 'Second Chance', where each gets another
crack at previous challenge activities.  Jeff shows them the prize of the day,
a new 2006 Pontiac Torrent sport SUV.  The winner also gets dinner and a
night at an archeologist camp, complete with sausages, steaks, and perhaps
even a genuine archeologist tent!  Actually, a real archeologist will host the
winner.  The first three of the five contestants who cross the balance beam
and untie their two pairs of Mayan war clubs move on to the next stage.  Use
the clubs to break a tile.  The first two who break the tile move on to the final
stage, solve a Mayan calendar puzzle.  First to solve the puzzle correctly
then boards a mining car, machetes a rope and careens down a track to the
Finish Line, and the new Pontiac Torrent.  Everyone but Danni has trouble on
the balance beam, she finishes first followed by Cindy and Steph.  Cindy
scores first in breaking her tile.  Stephenie breaks hers on the next throw.
So Cindy and Stephenie face off on the Mayan calendar.  Cindy finishes first
and wins the challenge.  Before Jeff hands over the keys, he makes her an
offer.  Every winner of a car in the past ten seasons has failed to win the
grand prize.  Jeff tells Cindy that if she does not wish to temp the Curse of
the Car, she may pass, and if so, the other four players will each get a new
Pontiac Torrent instead.  After some hemming and hawing, along with a bit
of reasoning, Cindy declares that she does not fear the Curse of the Car.
Jeff hands over the keys and allows Cindy to take one person with her on the
reward.  Cindy chooses Stephenie, and the two ladies drive off.

Cindy and Steph arrive at the camp site and are met by the real archeologist.
They grill up their food and settle down to eat and listen to tales of Mayan
history and culture from the archeologist.  Back at Xhakum, Rafe and Danni
discuss Cindy's choice.  Both claim they would have turned down the car
for themselves and allow the others to each have a new car.  As Cindy and
Stephenie settle down for a good night's sleep on a real bed, they discuss
booting off Danni next.

Day 35 and the gang is reunited.  Cindy goes on and on about her new car.
Her ramblings are getting on Rafe's and Danni's nerves.  Lydia has no prob-
lem with Cindy winning herself a new car.  Stephenie is surprised when talk-
ing with Rafe about the matter.  She's amazed that Rafe would actually sacri-
fice winning a car for himself and let others have one. 

Day 36 and it's time for the Immunity Challenge.  Each are shackled at the
feet and have their hands shackled around a pole.  A rope is attached to each
which has been wrapped around four other poles.  Using a ring of ten keys,
each must first unshackle their hands and then unlock the rope at each
pole.  After the fourth pole, they unshackle their feet and begin unwinding
the rope.  The first who unwinds enough rope to reach a flag pole and unfurl
their flag wins.  Stephenie is out in front with Cindy a close second through-
out most of the event.  Rafe is not far behind Cindy, but never really in a
position to challenge for the lead.  Stephenie frees herself first from all the
locks and shackles, but doesn't have enough slack in her rope to reach the
flag pole.  She hurries to untie some knots in the rope while Cindy tries to
catch up.  But Steph manages to get enough slack finally and wins her first
individual immunity. 

As they return to camp, Stephenie is very happy to be guaranteed a spot on
the Final Four.  She's come a long way since the first tribal council, where
she was endanger of being booted off.  Not to mention the Season of Doom
when she first competed.  Rafe and Danni discuss their private alliance. 
Rafe tells Uncle that Danni has promised to take him to the Final Two.  He
then chats with Stephenie about who to vote off tonight?  Rafe wants Cindy
gone.  He's tired of her babbling on and on about her new car.  Stephenie
points out that if they boot Cindy off, that's one more person on the Jury
who will have a real beef against them.  She's not sure what she wants to do.
Steph tells Cindy that Rafe considers her, Cindy, a bigger threat than Danni.
They discuss with Danni and Lydia an option of booting off Rafe and make
it an all-female Final Four.

At Tribal Council, they first discuss the mood at the camp.  Rafe says that
everyone feels threatened.  Danni adds that she feels like the odd-man-out.
Cindy goes on a long monolog about her winning the car, and the Curse of
the Car.  She looks at the reason why the car winners are booted off is sim-
ply because they are tough competitors.  Cindy then outs Rafe as being the
toughest competitor of the bunch.  It's time to vote.  Cindy votes to boot
Rafe, the rest vote against Cindy.  She quips that none of them will watch
the stars from the sunroof of HER NEW CAR!

ONE MILLION DOLLARS!  Two-hour episode followed by the standard one
hour reunion show.  My bet is on Rafe and Danni being the Final Two with
Danni winning by default as Rafe engineered the fall of each of the Jurors.