The Good, The Bad,
And The Survivor
Part 1...

Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
The Finale

Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Day 37 and the Final Four awaken.  Lydia, Rafe, Stephenie and Danni count
their blessings as they have all made it to this point.  Lydia is very happy to
have lasted to the Final Four.  She never expected it.  Danni has felt the pres-
sure of being booted for a long time, and even more so now.  Rafe is very
proud of his decisions.  Lydia fetches tree-mail.  She gets very excited as she
reads the message to the rest.  They are to embrace Mayan culture.  She then
describes a vision she had of Mayans coming to their camp and performing
a ritual.  The rest nod and smile, humoring her, but sure enough, her vision
unfolds as three men and two women arrive at camp.  None speak English,
and they carry on as though the castaways were not even there, performing
a sacred ritual of cleansing, highlighted by the beheading of a chicken.  This
shocks Rafe and makes Stephenie hungry.  She wants to eat that bird, but
the shaman explains to Lydia in Spanish that the chicken is for the gods,
not for them.  Lydia is most delighted with the whole experience as it renews
her own Latin heritage. 

Immunity Challenge time.  It's the Monster Macaw Maze.  The most difficult
maze/puzzle challenge yet.  Players must race to find and retrieve eight sets
of three-sided puzzle pieces.  After getting all sets, work on solving the
puzzle, which is made triply difficult as each piece has markings to form
three different images.  Steph and Lydia are out front at first, but Rafe gets
into high-gear and is in the lead with Steph nipping at his heels.  Danni is a
distant third as Rafe cruises to victory. 

Back at camp, Rafe and Stephenie discuss who to take to the Final Three.
Steph thinks Lydia would be the better choice, as Rafe and Steph can easily
beat Lydia in the final IC.  Danni then gets a chat session with Rafe and they
discuss their Endgame promise of taking each other to the Finals.  Steph
is hungry and wants to eat the chicken from the Mayan ceremony.   Lydia
reminds her what the shaman said, but Steph doesn't care.  She's HUNGRY!
Steph grabs the bird and everyone except Rafe partakes in it's meat.  A very
nasty storm then hits the camp, and this makes Lydia think that the Mayan
gods are angry at them for eating their chicken.

Tribal Council and the topic of the Mayan ceremony is raised by Jeff.  Rafe
goes on about how wonderful it was, etc.  Then Lydia mentions the chicken
incident and the storm.  Jeff asks if they really did have any respect for the
Mayan culture?  Rafe answers that he didn't eat any of the chicken.  Lydia
then talks about how she is no threat.  Danni points out that Lydia is well
liked by all on the jury and that makes her a threat.  It's time to vote.  Lydia
votes to boot Danni.  The rest send Lydia packing. 

Day 38 and after a rainy night (probably the Mayan gods crying over Lydia's
boot) noisy animals awaken the three finalists.  The rain has made a mess.
The fire is out, the firewood is wet, and the corn spoiled.  Tree-mail instructs
them to begin their Fallen Comrade march.  They come across drawings of
each player, and must place the drawing in a fire while reflecting on them.
We are treated to the usual flashbacks and recollections of each.  Yawn!

The Final Immunity Challenge!  Balance and concentration are needed, says
Jeff as he explains the event.  Each must stand on a wobbly platform.  During
the first hour, each may steady themselves using two ropes hanging above.
After the first hour, each must let go of one rope and try to maintain balance
using just one rope.  After thirty more minutes, no rope.  They will be on their
own and cannot use their hands at all.  The first hour goes by uneventful. 
But as they each let go a rope, all three lose their balance and swing about,
trying to recover and not touch the ground with their feet.  Stephenie is first
to adopt a leaning position against a pole.  The rest follow suit.  Steph's
back is killing her after the next thirty minutes expire and the last rope is let
go.  But it's Rafe who uses his hands to steady himself and he's the first to
be knocked out.  Danni and Steph then battle it out.  No talk of deal-making
occurs, which I find rather odd.  After two hours and thirty-eight minutes,
Steph loses her strength and falls to the ground.  Danni is declared the
winner.  Stephenie starts crying, which causes Rafe to tell Danni that he is
releasing her from any promises they had made.

Back at camp, Danni is happy to have won but agonizes over who to take
with her to the finals.  She feels bad for Steph and admires how hard she
fought to stay in it.  Rafe is glad he let Danni out of their promise to take
each other to the finals.  He'd rather have earned it.  Stephenie just hopes
that Danni picks her.  Danni's tells Uncle Cameraman that she won't know
who to pick till she gets there. 

At Tribal Council, they begin by discussing how Lydia was the weakest play-
er, and why she had not been chosen to remain.  Steph said she had no
choice but to boot Lydia, since Danni and Rafe were going to boot her and
Steph did not want to face a tie-breaker.    Danni tells all it's a tough choice
as to who to take with her to the Final Two.  Steph thinks she should go as
she is less liked by the jury.  Rafe argues that the jury doesn't exactly like
him either.  Danni votes and decides to take Stephenie.  Rafe takes his walk
of shame.  At the confessional, Rafe proclaims that he will vote for Stephenie
to win the grand prize.

Click here for Part 2 of:
"The Good, The Bad, And The Survivor"