The Good, The Bad,
And The Survivor
Part 2...

Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
The Finale

Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Day 39 finds Danni and Stephenie waking up to the sounds of screaming
monkeys.  Danni is very happy that the two jock-girls made it to the Final
Two.  She's proud of the way she's played The Game and of the choices she
has made.  She thinks it's amazing that she has gotten this far after being
targeted for elimination since The Merge.  Stephenie is likewise proud.  She
came close to being booted at the first Tribal Council she attended.  The girls
decide to take one last swim.  Afterwards, they begin burning down the
camp's refuse.  Danni reflects more on how happy she is with her perfor-
mance.  Stephenie knows she's in for a rough time from the Jury, but she
is not afraid.

The Final Tribal Council begins with Opening Statements.  Danni starts off
telling the Jury how honored she is to have known and competed against
them.  Often she thought she was toast, but overcame the odds and lasted
to the very end.  Danni then invited everyone to a barbeque.  Stephenie also
thanked the Jury and such and promised to be honest with her answers.

Bobby Jon is the first Juror to speak.  being a Southern Gentleman, he first
compliments both ladies on their going the distance.  He then further
thanked Stephenie for keeping him around that one extra TC so he could
be on The Jury.  BJ then asks both if they are proud of the way they played
The Game and both answer that they are.

Gary is next, and he jumps right into it, asking both why he SHOULDN'T
vote for them?  Steph is first to explain that she had to switch away from
the alliance she had with him because of pressure from the others.  She had
to do so in order to last another TC.  Danni's answer was about the same.
She, too, had voted to boot Gary at the time to stay part of the mob.

It's Jamie's turn and he first asks Danni who she would have preferred as
the Final Five?  Danni answers that she would've liked to have had her old
tribemates with her.  Jamie then asks Stephenie why she voted him off?
She again answers that she had to go along with the crowd.

Lydia begins by telling Steph how loyal she was to her, and why should she
now stay loyal since Steph voted her off?  Stephenie again beats the drum
that she had no choice.  Rafe and Danni were committed to booting Lydia
and Steph did not want to risk a tie-breaker.  Lydia then asks Danni why
she should trust her?  Danni says that she's a good person, just forced to
outwit and outplay the rest because of the demands of The Game.

Cindy asks both who each would have removed from the Jury if they could?
Danni answers that she'd would choose Rafe to be gone, since he is going
to vote for Stephenie.  Steph is less concerned, answering Bobby Jon, sim-
ply because he was the first juror.

Rafe asks Danni about her choice of taking Stephenie over him.  She points
to the Final Immunity Challenge and the effort Steph put in.  She deserved
to be there.  He asks Stephenie what her best strategic move was that she
did not tell him about?  Steph answered that she told him everything, Rafe
was the one person she was completely honest with.

Judd asks Danni, in typical Judd-style, if she's ever been roller skating or
ice skating?  She answers yes.  In more typical Judd-style, Judd tells her
she's been skating all game.  Judd then goes on the attack against Steph.
He asks her if she's starving?  Stephenie is always hungry!  She shoots
back that she likes to eat.  Judd then rants away about her back-stabbing
ways.  About her lying to his wife.  Steph defends her vote and continues
to bang the Rafe-and-Danni drum.  They were the REAL masterminds! 
Mind you, she says this after it becomes clear that Rafe and Steph were
the ones calling the shots.  Judd says that he will keep an earlier promise
of not voting for her.

The closing remarks were typical.  Stephenie says she assumed a leader-
ship role, which is why she now has many targets on her.  But it's also
the reason why she's in the Final Two.  Danni simply admits that she did
have a tight alliance with Rafe and Steph, which is how she got there.  It's
time to vote.  We see Judd casting a ballot for Danni, and against Steph.
We also see Rafe's vote for Stephenie.  Probst collects the votes and
walks off the temple to an awaiting helicopter.  He is flown to CBS Studio
City, California.  The votes are read and Danni wins 6-1.  Rafe was truly
Stephenie's lapdog!   Danni Boatwright is the winner of Survivor 11.