The Lesser of Two
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 3 and a terrible storm hits.  The older men of La Mina struggle as their
roof leaks.  They attempt repairs during the storm, but it only causes water to
leak in on the other end.  The younger men of Vivero are also having a bad time.
Bobby is smart enough to find a spot to catch rain water in his mouth.  But the
general feeling there is that they are all going to die.  LOL!

Day 4 and the older ladies of Casaya try to start a fire, but fail.  Oh well, guess
they shouldn't have voted off Tina, the only one who knew what she was doing!
The young gals of Bayoneta are more fortunate.  They manage to knock down
some ripe papaya from a tree.  At least they have food finally.  Back at La Mina,
Shane's withdraws from nicotine are taking toll.  He misses his family, too, and
wonders why he ever decided to participate in "SURVIVOR"?  We're all wonder-
ing that, too!  LOL!

Reward Challenge time, but first, Jeff has all the men stand on dark disks and
the women on light disks.  He then tells them to step back and flip the disks
over.  Terry and Danielle find buffs underneath theirs.  Jeff explains that they
will form two tribes.  Terry and Danielle will pick the first members, and alter-
nate genders till each tribe has seven members.  Hmmm, there are fifteen pre-
sent?  Someone going home???  The new tribes are as follows:

La Mina  -  Terry, Sally, Austin, Misty, Nick, Ruth Marie and Dan
Casaya  -  Danielle, Shane, Courtney, Aras, Cirie, Bobby and Melinda

Bruce is odd man out.  Jeff teases him about going home, but in fact, Bruce will
stay in The Game.  He automatically gets immunity.  Bruce must spend three
days on Exile Island and will only return to observe the next Tribal Council.  At
which point, he will replace who ever gets voted off.  Bruce seems pleased and
heads off to his island.

The Reward Challenge is an obstacle course, with three stations.  At each, there
are two big, long dummy snakes that must be collected.  Tribes must choose
one member to carry the snakes throughout the challenge.  In addition, tribes
may not advance to the next station until all members have completed the pre-
vious one.  The reward played for is fishing gear and a raft with paddles.  The
challenge itself is hum-drum, and both tribes keep it close till the end.  La Mina

At Casaya Beach, the new tribe licks it's wounds and gets familiar with each
other.  Shane is very happy with the new arrangement.  He didn't like being on
the "Old Man's" tribe.  Cirie and Melinda have a different take on the situation.
They now feel like the oddballs.  Worse yet is when Shane talks with Danielle
and Courtney about forming an alliance between them and Aras.  Aras joins
the conversation and the Casaya Four (C4) is forged.  Over at La Mina, Terry
and Dan likewise form an alliance with Nick and Austin.  But not so fast!  Austin
is also approached by Sally.  She tells him that the three ladies will vote
with he and Nick.  Someone's alliance is not going to happen.  Back on Exile
Island, Bruce tries to get a fire going.  The clue he is given makes him suspect
that the idol is hidden against a cliff above the tidal mark.  Bruce is confident
that his karate will keep him strong and safe.  But it doesn't keep him dry when
another rain storm hits that night!

Day 5 and La Mina decides to give fishing a try.  Nick and Sally take the raft out,
but Sally loses the spear in deep water.  Back on shore, Terry and Dan look
upset over this.  Misty tries to buck-up Sally.  Misty seems to think they can
make another spear.  Terry wonders where Misty will find another steel tip for
this new spear? 

Day 6 and it's time for the Immunity Challenge.  Off shore are two platforms,
each with a giant zombie head and a boat.  Each tribe must load the head on
their boats.  But wait!  When the challenge begins, each tribe must take out five
plugs in their boats, thus causing them to fill with water.  In addition to bailing
water and rowing, each tribe must also bring the boat's anchor to shore, which
is a heavy pirate chest.  Once ashore, the chest must be carried to a mooring
post, where the anchor line is unhooked from the anchor and hooked to the
post.  Only then, can the tribe complete the challenge by carrying the zombie
head and placing atop a wooden statue.  La Mina gets off to an early lead and
never really has to look back.  Casaya has all sorts of problems through this
challenge.  They simply don't function well together.  While Casaya does man-
age to close the gap at the end, it's too little, too late.  La Mina wins!  Again!!!

Back at Casaya Beach, Shane feels beaten.  He asks his alliance members to
vote him off.  Courtney and Danielle argue with him.  Melinda overhears this
and lets Cirie and Bobby know what's going on.  They figure let Shane quit, as
it keeps them safe another week.  But Shane's alliance won't quit.  Aras con-
vinces him to stay on.  Aras tells Shane that if he still feels the same way next
time, they'll vote him off.  But Aras reasons with Shane that perhaps after Shane
gets some water and food in him, he'll feel better.  Shane announces to all that
he's changed his mind and wants to stay in The Game.  Aras then let's the
others know about the alliance and tells Cirie and Melinda that one of them is
going tonight.  Shane tells them it doesn't matter which, because whoever does
not go tonight will go next time.  Courtney thinks this revelation was stupid.
Cirie and Melinda now really feel threatened.  Shane still feels out of sorts.

At Tribal Council, Shane discusses his Survivor-detox therapy.  He feels miser-
able but hopes to hang in there.  Cirie whines about how the Casaya 4 are in
control of their tribe.  Melinda agrees that it's unfair to be disadvantaged so
quickly.  Cirie starts crying due to her disappointment.  Bruce sits on the side-
line taking it all in.  It's time to vote.  Cirie and Melinda vote to boot Shane.  The
Casaya 4 and Bobby vote to boot Melinda.  Bruce joins Casaya after Melinda

SPOILERS:  The La Mina women scheme to get control of the tribe.  The chal-
lenges get rough and dirty.  Sparks fly at Casaya, most likely due to Shane.

Survivor:  Panama