Trouble in Paradise
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 6 finds Bruce joining Casaya after Tribal Council.  I'm sure he's not shed-
ding any tears for the departure of Melinda.  Neither am I.  Heh, heh, heh.  She
can now hang out at the Loser's Lounge with Tina.  I'll bet that will be fun!  LOL!
Bruce quickly sizes up the state of his new tribe.  Things generally suck.  No fire
and no drinkable water.  He devises a filter made out of T-shirts, which he claims
will remove 90% of bacteria.  Courtney seems doubtful as to just how safe this
is, but Bruce assures all that he's had 30 years of backpacking experience.  He
KNOWS what he is doing!  Shane bites his tongue, except for Uncle Cameraman.
He wasn't too happy with the Karate Kid back when they were on La Mina.  Now,
Shane is stuck with Bruce again.  Oh NO!!!

Day 7 and La Mina tribe is getting hungry.  They have snail stew for breakfast.
Yum-yum!  The only fish being caught are poisonous puffer-fish.  Too bad Sally
lost their spear.  Maybe then they'd be eating better.  Terry manages to catch
a small edible fish. 

Time for the Reward Challenge.  Each team selects three shooters who take
turns launching balls with a large slingshot-thingy.  Bobby, Cirie and Bruce
for Casaya, and Dan, Misty, and Ruth Marie for La Mina.  The rest of both tribes
stand off shore on a balance beam.  If they fall in the water while trying to catch
the launched balls, they only score a point if they caught the ball in the process.
Five catches win an assortment of goodies, like a tarp, water cans, lantern, etc.
Terry really comes alive in this match, doing most of the catching for La Mina.
The one time he did miss, he bobbled the ball into Nick's waiting hands.  Casaya
also does well, functioning as a team, thanks to their new inspirational member,
Bruce, who just HAD to tell Jeff before the start of the challenge how he's made
a big difference on Casaya.  Despite a good effort, and tied score, Terry wins
the challenge for La Mina.  As part of the reward, La Mina gets to decide which
member of Casaya must spend a night on Exile Island.  After a short pow-wow,
La Mina chooses to send Bruce back to Exile Island, as he is now so important
to Casaya's morale.

La Mina returns to camp with their spoils.  They are most pleased with obtaining
a tarp, which they use to augment their shelter's roof.  And just in the nick of
time, too, as another nasty rain storm hits.  La Mina is high and dry inside their
shelter.  They take a moment to honor Bruce, who must endure the storm on
Exile Island, thanks to them.  Terry is remorseful, but saw that it was the correct
strategic choice to make.  He wants Casaya weak and disorganized.  We then
see poor Bruce huddled under some tree bark, trying to stay dry as the rain
pours.  Having arrived late in the day, he did not have a chance to prepare, thus
he spends another miserable night alone.  Bruce has spent more time alone on
Exile Island now that he has with any tribe.

Day 8 finds Casaya busy boiling water.  Somehow they managed to get a fire
going, without Bruce's help!  They are down and out, however, from losing again
as well as losing Bruce.  If things weren't bad enough, Shane announces that
the rock he is sitting on is HIS "Thinking Seat" and asks the others not to use it.
Courtney questions this, which causes Shane to erupt in a tantrum.  Cirie thinks
the C4 Alliance are all crazy.  All they do is argue with each other.  Another argu-
ment ensues when Shane and Courtney debate the soundness of their fire pit.
These two really don't like each other much, and both think the other is insane.
Aras thinks all his allies are insane.  Over at La Mina, Sally and Misty continue
their plot to work on Austin and Nick.  Misty flirts with both guys and gives them
massages.  Terry and Dan watch and wonder when it's their turn to get a mas-
sage?  Austin feels like the man-in-the-middle as Sally tries to convince him
that Terry is just too strong and needs to be booted.

The Immunity Challenge this week was promised to be the most physical ever,
and it was!  Challenge Beach is outlined with five circles, each with a buried
sack.  Each tribe will field a team of 2 to 3 players to recover the sack.  Anything
goes, except for choking or other violence.  First tribe to reach the finish line
while in contact with the sack scores a point.  Three points earn immunity. 
Casaya has an upper hand on this event, thanks to Cirie.  She has the weight
and muscle to out wrestle anyone, male or female.  Cirie and Danielle make quick
work of Misty and Sally, and Cirie scores the first point for Casaya.  La Mina
comes back and scores two in a row, since Cirie ain't around.  But she returns
and helps Aras score a second point, which evens up the challenge at 2 points
each.  In the final match, Bobby and Danielle go against Terry and Ruth Marie.
Terry gets the sack but is overwhelmed by Bobby and Danielle.  Terry manages
to pass the sack to Ruth Marie, who is in the open.  She makes a mad dash for
the finish line, but is over-taken by Bobby.  Casaya wins immunity!

Back at camp, La Mina licks their wounds.  Dan and Terry discuss the boot
selection with Austin and Nick.  While Ruth Marie's name pops up, Terry claims
that Misty is the weakest member of the tribe.  Sally and Misty then have their
turn at convincing Austin that either Dan or Ruth Marie must go.  Dan is deter-
mined to be too smart to dispose of just yet, so the focus is now on Ruth Marie.
Austin and Nick then chat amongst themselves, pondering which alliance they
need to side with?

At Tribal Council, Jeff asks how the first 8 days have been?  Terry and Dan both
seem to be enjoying themselves.  The experience, thus far, has been a piece of
cake for these two experts on survival.  Austin says they are all very hungry,
which prompts Jeff to ask about the fishing spear?  Austin glosses over the fact
that Sally lost the spear.  Like Jeff doesn't know this already???  DUH!!!  Misty
says that she is very surprised how well they are all functioning as a team.  Ruth
Marie feels like the odd-man-out as she came into Casaya alone with no pal.
When asked about voting strategy, Nick answers that the choice he is making
is for the benefit of the whole tribe.  It's time to vote.  Misty and her gal-pal Sally
cast their votes to boot Ruth Marie.  The rest of La Mina chooses Misty to go.
Jeff asks Misty if she has the hidden immunity idol.  Of course she doesn't!  So
much for her big bluff.  Sally looks shocked and upset that the young guys be-
trayed her and Misty.  OH WELL!!!

SPOILERS:  La Mina is getting very hungry.  Dan figures they've got three days
till starvation sets in.  Over at Casaya, more discontent emerges, probably due
to Shane's insanity and generally poor attitude.

Survivor:  Panama