The Days of Wine
and Neu-roses
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

I know!  I know!  BOOOOOH!!!  Bad pun for the title, huh?  Day 12 begins over
at La Mina Beach.  Dan is still smarting over Ruth Marie being booted.  He thinks
they made an error, that Sally will betray them post-merge.  I tend to agree, espe-
cially with her gal-pals Courtney and Danielle are still around.  Sally, of course,
is elated to have averted disaster and continue The Game.  Over at Casaya,
Aras heads up the fire making team of Courtney, Shane and himself.  They are
struggling as their kindling appears to be damp.  Bruce is busy on the beach
creating a Zen rock garden.  The others watch as he carefully lays down his
arrangement.  When Bruce walks over to the fire-folks and offers advice, Aras
snaps back at him.  Aras implies to Bruce that the rock garden is a waste of time,
or at least should have been delayed until other duties (like getting the fire going)
were completed.  Bruce gets snippy with Aras and his attitude.  The two spar for
a bit, but eventually appear to make-up.  We then see Aras telling Uncle Camera-
man how he'd wish he'd be sent to Exile Island, just to get away from everyone.

Reward Challenge time.  The object this week is to transport food items (rice,
beans, and large fish) from a boat off shore using a relay team.  One from each
tribe retrieves the items from the boat, then tosses it to another.  There is more
tossing among the other four participants until the last person who must get
the goods into the appropriate box.  To do so with the fish, the last player must
chop off the head and tail of each large fish.  The prize is that the winning tribe
gets to keep all their food items, along with a basket of spices and wine.  The
losing tribe will only get to keep one food item.  The winners also select a player
from the losing tribe to spend two days on Exile Island.  Casaya begins with a
slight lead as the sacks of rice and beans are retrieved.  However, La Mina is
able to catch up when Bruce loses ground for Casaya as he has trouble chop-
ping the fish.  Bobby replaces Bruce as the last man in their relay chain and
Casaya catches up quickly.  Casaya wins reward and exiles Terry, again.  Terry
decides for La Mina to take the sack of beans home.  At last they have food.

Returning to camp, Bruce slices up a fish and treats everyone to some sushi. 
Some aren't thrilled, such as Cirie, with eating the raw fish.  More is cooked,
while a bottle of wine is passed around.  La Mina chows down on beans, espe-
cially Austin and Nick, who each have second helpings.  But the beans don't
go down well, causing both fellas to get sick.  As night falls, Austin has puked
at least twice and Nick once.  A rain storm hits Casaya, causing Bruce and
Bobby to seek shelter in the outhouse.  Bobby brings along a bottle of wine and
the two men get wasted.  They form their own alliance while getting blasted.

Day 13 and Casaya picks up the pieces after the storm passes.  They notice that
Bobby and Bruce are missing, along with a bottle of wine.  Cirie finds Bruce
crashed-out in the can.  Courtney confronts Bobby about his taking the wine.
Bobby complains that his spot in the shelter was taken, so he joined Bruce in
the outhouse.  Bobby further lets Courtney know that while he's sorry he drank
other's share of wine, he's not sorry for drinking HER share.  Courtney is frus-
trated with him.  Over at Exile Island, Terry is doing fine.  He has a fire going,
boiling water, staying hydrated, etc.  He's worried about his fellow tribe mates.

Day 14 and news of the Immunity Challenge reaches La Mina.  Austin and Nick
are still in bad shape from the beans.  Both tribes assemble for the IC, including
Terry who is ferried back to rejoin La Mina.  Jeff explains the event.  Each tribe
sends three players out on a boat to dive on four submerged coffins, each of
which contains a skull-puzzle-piece.  Once all four are obtained, paddle back to
shore and place them on a mat, at which point two other tribe mates then solve
the 3-D skull puzzle and build a pyramid.  La Mina gets an early lead with Nick
paddling and Dan and Terry doing the diving.  Casaya, as usual, is disorganized,
but Danielle comes through with her diving skills.  La Mina is first to get all four
pieces and to get them ashore.  Austin and Sally try assembling the puzzle, but
are having trouble.  This allows Casaya to catch up and make it back to shore
as well.  Shane and Bobby had been watching La Mina's efforts, so they had
some insight in how NOT to assemble the puzzle.  But in the end, La Mina com-
pletes their pyramid first and wins immunity. 

As Casaya limps home, Shane announces that he wants Bobby gone.  Shane's
worried that after The Merge, Bobby and the other young guys will recreate
their alliance.  Aras, one of those young guys, argues for keeping Bobby and
giving Bruce the boot.  Courtney pipes in with an opinion and Shane slams the
door in her face.  Cirie sits back and listens as they argue, but Bruce is now the
marked-man.  Shane talks with Bobby, and gets him to swear on his son that
Bobby will not betray them after The Merge.  Meanwhile, Cirie tells Danielle what
happened and Danielle suggests to Cirie and Courtney that they seize control of
The Game and boot Bobby anyway.  The three women talk with Shane, who
explains that he swore to Bobby on his son not to vote against him.  Shane won-
ders why they didn't come to him an hour ago with this plan?  Bruce gets all
wigged-out when Courtney exercises in his rock garden.

At Tribal Council, Jeff asks Shane if things are any better than the last time they
were there.  Shane answers that while they function OK during challenges,
Casaya is still a dysfunctional tribe.  The whole outhouse-wine party story is
re-hashed over.  Bruce said he first went to the outhouse just to be dry and sleep
till Bobby showed up with the wine.  Bobby again complains that HIS spot in
the Casaya shelter was being used by another so he took the bottle and joined
Bruce to get out of the rain.  Cirie throws in her two-cents, saying that Bobby
was wrong for taking the wine, which everyone earned.  Aras then pipes in that
Bruce is also at fault.  Bruce apologizes for his part in the incident, but feels
that he's unappreciated by the others.  Danielle defends Bruce, saying that Aras
doesn't show Bruce enough respect.  It's time to vote, and boy, is it a confusing
vote!   Bruce votes to boot Courtney.  Shane votes to boot Aras.  Bobby and
Aras both vote to boot Bruce.  The three ladies, Courtney, Danielle and Cirie
vote to boot Bobby.  So it's a 3-2-1-1 finish.  Jeff comments that while the vote
was as dysfunctional as Casaya is, perhaps all of the venting tonight will help
regroup them.  I really doubt it!

SPOILERS:  The Casayan women decide, FINALLY, that Shane needs to go!  La
Mina hits rock bottom survival-wise.  A new twist may change one player's
game strategy.  This coming Tribal Council will be explosive!

Survivor:  Panama