"Houston …, We
Have A Problem!"
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 14 at Casaya Camp.  They're all in the shelter trying to sleep, except for
Courtney who decided to crash on the beach.  Shane decides to unload on
Danielle.  He says that they made a mistake tonight at tribal council.  Shane
believes that Bruce should have been voted off instead of Bobby.  Bruce is old
and near the end of his endurance, according to Shane.  Shane is also just plain
irritated by Danielle and Courtney and tells Danielle that he wants out of their
alliance.  The only reason he is still loyal is due to his swearing on his son's
life.  Shane would prefer to play lone wolf for the rest of the way.  Danielle is
tired and just wants to sleep.  She doesn't feel like debating with Shane and tells
him they'll argue in the morning.

Day 15, which is a real long one.  Cirie is up early and gets things going with
Courtney, who apparently must have gotten a good night's rest on the beach.
Cirie tells Courtney about Shane's latest outburst.  Courtney's had enough of
Shane and tells Cirie that he's toast at the next Tribal Council.  Danielle wakes
up and joins them.  The three ladies giggle in delight over the prospects of
booting Shane. 

Over at La Mina, Dan's enjoying a quiet moment on the beach.  He reflects about
how he's been here (Panama's Pearl Islands) before countless times, but then
he was two-hundred miles up in space.  Sally is revelling in being the last wo-
man standing and she thinks the Boy's Club alliance is doomed at some point.
Terry and Austin enjoy a protein break consisting of the world's smallest min-
nows!  Dan and Nick go fishing and Dan decides to confess his secret about
being a retired astronaut who's made multiple trips a board the space shuttle.  Nick is extremely impressed.  Dan then confesses his true identity to Austin
and Sally.  Austin is also amazed!  I'm amazed that Austin knows who Neil
Armstrong is!!!

Back over at Casaya, the warmth of the sunshine is soon overshadowed by
another Shane outburst.  He announces that he's tired of his alliance and only
his oath on his son's life prevents him from walking.  Danielle absolves Shane
of any obligations.  She and Courtney then lay into him about how disrespectful
he's been to them and others in general.  Courtney does attempt to reason
with him, that now is a really bad time to not have an alliance.  But Shane does
not care.  He thinks the two young gals are wrong and useless.  The exchange
continues on as Aras confides to Uncle Cameraman that he's glad the alliance
is over.  He really doesn't want to be dragged down by Shane's behavior.  Aras
does take Shane off to the side and explains to him that he may have just sealed
his fate, and that it might be a good idea to apologize and patch things up.  But
Shane will have none of that.  He can't stand either Courtney or Danielle.

Tree mail arrives at La Mina.  Sally reads it to the gang and they learn that the
next challenge is an Immunity-Reward combo.  Terry tells Uncle that this one is
extremely crucial.  Should they win, then they'll go to The Merge even at five
members each.  Failure will give Casaya a six-to-four advantage.  It will also
mean the end of Sally's stay. 

Both tribes are assembled together and Jeff explains the event.  For reward, he
unveils a pile of toys, which the winning tribe will present to the children of a
local village.  There, the winners will enjoy a barbeque complete with beverages.
The winning tribe will also pick one member of the losing tribe to be sent to
Exile Island.  The hook here is that this time, being exiled is a very good thing,
as the exile-ee will not face a vote at Tribal Council. 

The event itself is another puzzle race.  Three members from each tribe (Terry,
Nick and Austin for La Mina and Shane, Aras and Danielle for Casaya) will
race one at a time to untie and retrieve four large, heavy wooden puzzle pieces.
Once all four are gathered, two members from each tribe (Dan and Sally for La
Mina and Bruce and Cirie for Casaya) will then fit the pieces into an interlocking
game board which has sections which can be spun in order to fit the pieces
together.  First tribe to figure out the pattern and assemble their puzzle wins.

La Mina gets an early lead thanks to Shane's slowness.  Casaya tries to keep
pace afterwards but La Mina does gather their four pieces first.  Dan and Sally
then try assembling the puzzle, but can't figure out the right way to turn the
interlocking pieces with those which were retrieved.  Casaya catches up and
Bruce and Cirie begin working on their puzzle.  Bruce figures out the pattern
very quickly and completes their puzzle while La Mina barely gets their first
piece in place.  Casaya wins reward and immunity!  After a brief pow-wow,
Casaya chooses Sally to be exiled, and therefore safe from Tribal Council.

Sally is happy as a clam on Exile Island.  She knows damn well that Casaya
just saved her butt from being booted.  Her gal-pals, Courtney and Danielle,
came through for her.  Sally gets a set of clues for the hidden idol, and seems
to be looking in the right place, but she finds nothing.  After all, we know that
Terry already found the idol.

Casaya boats over to a small fishing village.  They pass out the toys furnished
to the awaiting children.  All of them have a great time.  Danielle pigs out on all
the food.  Cirie just likes being around different people for a change.  Courtney
plays and dances with the children.  Aras is pleased with the whole experience.
Bruce puts on a karate demonstration.  But the happiest Casayan of all is Shane.
He bums a smoke from a villager!  The nicotine takes the edge off his attitude.
Shane gets all warm and fuzzy and apologizes to Danielle.  Cirie is not happy
about that and now worries that the old alliance is reborn.

Back at La Mina, Dan tries to explain his failure at the puzzle-solving.  Austin
talks with Terry and convinces him that Terry would be better off swinging with
the young guys now.  Both talk with Nick, who agrees.  Terry decides to tell
Dan before Tribal Council what will happen.  Dan is concerned about a 2 vs 2
vote.  Terry tells him that he's decided to go along with Nick and Austin.  Dan
admits that the loss was mostly his fault and understands Terry's decision.  Dan
says he'll take the hit.

At Tribal Council, Austin lets Jeff know that had Sally not been exiled, she
would've been voted off tonight.  Terry says that Casaya made a good strategic
move in choosing her, as it forces the Boy's Club to boot one of their own.
Nick declares that they are all very close, but that a decision was made in a
heads-up, business-like manner.  Jeff is amazed and wants to know who's been
selected for the boot?  Dan raises his hand.  He tells Jeff he's going tonight.
Terry explains that the options were facing off with a 2 vs 2 vote or someone
falling on their sword.  Terry made his managerial decision that Dan was the
weaker member of the Boy's Club and that's all there is.  Nothing personal, it's
just business.  Austin praises Dan as well.  Jeff has them vote anyway.  Dan
cast his ballot against Austin.  The rest boot Dan.  As Jeff snuffs out his torch,
the others all rise and stand in honor of their departing comrade. 

SPOILERS:  Next week Wednesday is your basic recap show with additional
footage and extra blah-blah.  Due to March Madness, the next new episode will
not be for three weeks!!!  We are told that the rewards will be bigger and the
challenges more difficult.  We are then shown footage of an ambulance boat
making a run!  One of the contestants will require medical attention.

Survivor:  Panama