The Merge
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 15 at Casaya and it's chilly and raining.  Everyone huddles in their inade-
quate shelter.  It does them little good as all get soaking wet.  Courtney is espe-
cially unhappy with Shane's lack of consideration.  He offered no body heat nor
comfort during the long night. 

Day 16 and we're still at Casaya as they try to get organized.  They stumble about
this morning, fatigued after the miserable night.  Bruce gets started right away
with cleaning his rock garden.  Over at Exile Island, Sally counts her blessings
for being spared a trip to Tribal Council.  She's tried to find the secret immunity
idol, but suspects that Terry has found it already.  La Mina gets tree mail in the
morning signaling The Merge.  They are directed to a beach where they find a
boat loaded with a crate and other items.  The instructions are for them to gather
what belongings they need and to head to Casaya.  Terry knows that they will be
outnumbered, but hopes to devise a strategy to turn The Game on it's head.

After a commercial break, we rejoin Casaya, as they are chillin' by the fire, hav-
ing some rice for breakfast.  It's now that they spot a boat headed towards them.
Shane gathers everyone together for organizing a post-merge alliance.  The
Casaya 6 will boot off the La Mina members first, as well as deny them any food
or goodies they had already won.  On the beach, Casaya welcomes the La Mina
men.  Bruce seems most happy to see his old buddy Terry.  Another boat arrives
bringing Sally from Exile Island.  Once all are together, the crate La Mina brought
is opened.  Inside are the new buffs, paints and such to make the new tribal flag,
and, of course, snacks and drinks to celebrate The Merge.  Terry is surprised
by how much Casaya welcomed them.  He won't be as gracious soon.

Terry organizes a new shelter, using La Mina's tarp for a roof.  Shane has already
determined that Terry must be booted off at the first opportunity.  Terry starts
to work on Bruce to see if he'll flip and join them in an alliance.  Shane and Aras
see what's going on and plot to make Bruce feel like he is THEIR leader to keep
him on board with the Casaya 6.  As work progresses on the new shelter, Nick
accidentally clips Bruce in the face with a machete, splitting Bruce's lip and
busting a tooth.  This was the medical emergency.  Bruce gets patched up but
remains in The Game.

Day 17 and Bruce shows off his artistic talents making the new tribal flag.  The
new name is Gitanos, Spanish for gypsy.  Probably Courtney's idea.  The flag
looks really nice!  Way to go, Bruce!  Austin and Nick chat with Aras to get a
bead on the political situation.  They learn that Casaya is tight and there will be
little hope of flipping anyone, or joining up themselves.  Meanwhile, Terry talks
with both Shane and Cirie about flipping.  He promises them two whole weeks
of no worries.  Shane rejects the offer publicly.  Things are looking bleak for the
old La Mina gang.

Day 18 and it's time for the first Individual Immunity Challenge.  The necklace is
unveiled and Jeff explains the event.  It's a simple endurance test, where each
must hang upside on to an elevated horizontal pole.  Ladders are used to climb
to their positions.  Jeff warns them that if they feel that their arms are giving
way, they should drop feet first as to not fall on their heads.  Cirie is the first one
to bail out after a few minutes.  Aras joins her at the ten minute mark.  Bruce
drops at 12 minutes, followed by Sally.  Shane tells Jeff he'll drop out for some
food, like a cheese burger, but Jeff says there will be no temptations.  Upon
hearing this bad news, Shane bails out, followed by Danielle and Courtney.  At
the 20 minute mark, only Austin, Nick and Terry are left.  Austin tries to convince
Terry that he needs immunity more, but Terry isn't biting.  At the 30 minute mark,
Austin gives up.  Nick hangs on till 46 minutes when he finally succumbs.  Terry
wins the first individual immunity!

Back at camp, Terry is still working Bruce.  Both Austin and Nick are worried
about going home tonight.  Nick tells Uncle Cameraman that it was his personal
goal to make it to The Jury.  Shane gathers the Casaya 6 for a meeting to discuss
their vote.  The La Mina 4 just sit and watch as their fates are sealed.  Shane
tells the others he's leaning towards booting Austin, but Cirie thinks that Nick is
a greater challenge-threat after seeing his performance today.  The others agree
and it's decided to boot Nick.  La Mina has their own discussion and decide to
all vote to boot Shane.

At Tribal Council, they first discuss The Merge and the new tribal name.  Terry
says he had hoped for one more tribal IC to even things up more.  Nick says that they were hoping to exploit a fringe player and get one to flip.  Bruce acknowl-
edges that he is a link player for both tribes and respects everyone.  Nick says
he held on so long to show everyone how much he wants to stay.  Austin admits
to bailing out early to make others think he's weak.  Shane gloats about Casaya
having the numbers in their favor.  Courtney says she'd be very surprised if
anyone flipped.  It's time to vote. 

With a bit of drama, Jeff reads the votes.  The first four are all for booting Shane!
Just as we begin to wonder if some form of intrigue is afoot, the remaining six
votes are all for Nick.  Both groups stick to their plans.  Nick's torch is snuffed
and he takes his walk of shame.  No jury-duty for him!

SPOILERS:  Terry reveals to Sally that he has the secret immunity idol from Exile
Island.  This causes a stir in camp as Terry starts wheeling and dealing.  By
having the idol, and being the best individual player, Terry now has some real
power.  How will all of this impact The Game?  Stay tuned to find out!

Survivor:  Panama