Save the Last
Fire Dance for Me
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Day 28 and while Gitanos prepares a breakfast of tiny hermit crabs, Terry is very
happy that Bruce was forced by his medical condition.  It meant no immunity
challenge and no need for Terry to consider using his secret idol.  Meanwhile,
Shane drifts deeper over the edge.  He finds a small block of wood which Shane
pretends is his Blackberry.  He sits on HIS stump, text-messaging friends and
surfing the web.  Danielle and others think Shane's gone insane.

Reward Challenge time.  The gang is divided into two teams of three each.  Both
teams must first make their way through an obstacle course attached to a rope.
Then, un-attach themselves and traverse a series of "lilly pads", after which,
dive underwater to retrieve three sacks.  Once each player has a sack, the team
then returns to starting point through the obstacle course.  The prize is a BBQ
on a local island.  Terry, Danielle and Courtney versus Aras, Cirie and Shane.
Both teams start off fairly even but eventually the superior athleticism of TDC
shines through.  They easily win and choose Aras for another stay on Exile
Island.  But wait, it's not over yet!  Jeff has Terry, Danielle and Courtney square
off against each other for a bonus reward.  The object is to break three tiles with
shooting marbles from a slingshot.  The prize is a brand new GMC Yukon.  Terry
wins this event.  Jeff tells them that they'll fly to the island getaway and the
Yukon will be there loaded with their BBQ reward.

Day 29 and Aras is back on Exile Island.  He's not wasting anytime looking for
the idol.  He figures Terry has it.  Speaking of which, Terry, Danielle and Court-
ney fly off to enjoy their reward.  They board the Yukon after landing and drive
off to a beach to enjoy their BBQ feast.  Terry talks with Courtney about forming
an alliance to boot Aras and then Shane.  Terry would like Courtney, Danielle
and himself to be the Final Three.  Courtney is very receptive to this plan.  But
Danielle seems skeptical.  Back at Gitanos Beach, Shane and Cirie discuss
strategy.  If Terry wins immunity, they plan to vote off Danielle.  But Cirie would
prefer to boot Courtney, as Cirie has determined that everyone wants to take
Courtney to the Final Two since nobody likes her.  It's Shane's birthday so
Cirie goes fishing and actually catches a nice sized fish to celebrate.  But she's
too scared to take the fish off the hook.  Shane cheers her for being a better
fisherman than Captain America (Terry).  The reward winners return in time to
see Cirie's fish.

Day 30 and while making breakfast, Danielle asks Terry if he plans on taking
Courtney to the Finals.  He says he hasn't thought that far ahead yet.  Rrrright!
Terry suggests that they make a pact, that of the Final Three, the two top fin-
nishers of the last challenge will go on to the Final Two.  Courtney thinks that
Danielle is insulting her with this plan, that she's not good enough to earn her
place in the F2.  Cirie hears all this and tries to convince Danielle that Courtney
needs to be voted off NOW!

It's time for the Immunity Challenge.  Each player kneels on a hinged platform
over a pool of water while holding two ropes.  On the other end of the ropes is
a set of weights.  Initially, each player will hold 20 percent of their weight.  Every
fifteen minutes, an additional ten percent will be added.  Let go of the ropes and
a mechanism dumps the player in the pool.  Shane is out first after 13 minutes.
Cirie goes right after the first addition is made.  Danielle is next after 19 minutes.
Aras goes after 23 minutes.  Courtney finally goes after 31 minutes.  Terry wins

Terry is very happy and thinks that Aras is a goner tonight.  Courtney talks with
Cirie about booting off Aras.  Shane talks with Aras about booting Danielle. 
Cirie then talks with Aras about booting Courtney.  She tries to convince Aras
and Danielle that both Terry and Shane want to take Courtney to the Final Two.

At Tribal Council, we see that Bruce has returned and is doing better and will be
a Jury member.  Terry talks about how he bonded with Courtney and Danielle
at the BBQ.  Cirie says that she's sure they discussed endgame strategy.  Aras
knows he's seen as a threat and could go tonight.  Shane says that tonight's
vote will be critical.  Danielle says that her head is spinning from all the strategy.
Courtney doesn't think she's guaranteed a place in the Final Two despite the
results of the earlier challenge.  It's time to vote.  Shane votes to boot Danielle.
Terry and Courtney vote to boot Aras.  Cirie, Aras and Danielle vote off Courtney.
I'm not sure who was more surprised, Courtney or Shane?

SPOILERS:  Aras and Cirie try to cover their tracks.  Aras has had enough of the
strategizing.  Shane is somehow brought to his knees.

Survivor:  Panama