You Can Trust Me
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 30 after Tribal Council finds Shane dismayed that Courtney, not Danielle,
had been booted.  Aras and Cirie give excuses why they couldn't tell Shane that
there had been a change in plans.  Shane buys their story.  He doesn't really
care who went, so long as it wasn't him.  The next morning, Shane even seems
pleased that Courtney is gone as things are calmer now.  Terry, on the other
hand, isn't happy.  Danielle had lied to him in promising to vote with Courtney
and him to boot Aras. 

Reward Challenge this episode is called, 'Looking For Love'.  Consisting of a
four-stage obstacle course, the last player at each stage is eliminated.  Thus,
only two will face off at the fourth stage of the event.  The winner gets to
choose who visits with a loved one.  Stage 1 is to dig up a sack and then cross
a finish line.  Shane is out.  Cirie is out after Stage 2, which is to crawl under
an obstacle and untie a wooden snake while carrying the sack.  Danielle is out
after Stage 3 which involves going through a wading pool to untie a fish from a
pole while carrying the sack and the snake.  Aras and Terry begin very even
in the final stage, traversing a multi-level obstacle while carrying all three items
(the sack, the snake and the fish).  Terry gets through the mid-point first and
when Aras drops all his goodies, Terry wins easily.  All the loved ones are
trotted out:  Terry's wife, Aras' mom, Cirie's husband, Danielle's mom and
Shane's son.  Terry selects himself and Shane to spend an overnight with their
loved ones at a well-stocked bungalow.  He let's Cirie's husband spend a night
at the camp and permits Aras one hug from his mom.  Danielle gets nothing
except a ride to Exile Island.

Danielle is pretty bummed out about not even getting to hug her mom.  She
pretends a coconut is Terry's head as she machetes it.  She knows that this is
Terry's payback for Courtney being booted.  Back at Gitanos Beach, Cirie's
husband, HB, is shocked how primitive things are.  Also, how filthy.  Parts of
snails and other litter are everywhere.  Even the boiled water is dirty.  At the
bungalow, Terry and Company find a well stocked kitchen and fridge.  Terry's
wife is surprised how thin he is.  Shane tells his son how he almost quit The
Game early on.  Terry shows his wife the secret immunity idol and she discusses
strategy with him.  All four have dinner together and Shane determines that
Terry's wife is even more competitive than he is. 

Day 33 finds HB doing all the morning chores at Gitanos.  Cirie and Aras kick
back as HB gathers wood, boils water, etc.  He doesn't mind and tells Cirie how
impressed he is with her as a boat picks HB up.  Another boat arrives returning
Terry and Shane.  Terry explains his choices, which ruffles Aras' feathers.  It
seems that Aras thinks spending a night with his mom is equal to that of Terry
spending a night with his wife.  Terry laughs at this foolishness and tells Aras
that maybe when he as a wife, he'll understand. 

It's time for the Immunity Challenge.  Each must balance themselves on top of
a pole off shore.  Next to each pole is a bamboo tube containing a flag which is
attached to a float.  Each perch on the pole has a rope tied to it with a small
bucket on the other end.  The object is to bring up water and then carefully pour
it into the bamboo tube, causing the flag to rise.  Once high enough, the first to
be able to grab their flag wins.  Terry leads this event from the beginning and
naturally wins his fifth straight immunity.

Terry is happy he won and is now thinking about taking Shane to the Finals as
few people like him.  Shane thinks Danielle is going tonight.  Aras talks with
Danielle about booting Shane.  Aras tells her that Cirie is on board with this
plan.  Danielle is happy and agrees.  She feels she can trust Cirie.  Shane then
talks with Cirie about booting Danielle, then Aras.  Cirie is concerned about
going to the Finals against Danielle, as she bonded with many of The Jury.

At Tribal Council, Terry talks about how tough it was to choose who saw their
loved ones.  Cirie says that HB enjoyed his visit.  Shane is very happy to have
been with his son.  Jeff redirects Aras to discuss the rivalry with Terry.  Aras
says it's fun to compete against Terry.   Shane tells all how trusting he is and
how he's never lied.  Danielle says that The Game is all about making moves
and deception.  Shane admits he's a good choice for being 'carried' to the Finals.
Danielle is concerned about being out of the loop for the two days she spent on
Exile Island.  It's time to vote.  Terry votes to boot Aras, Shane votes to boot
Danielle, and the rest boot Shane. 

SPOILERS:  Cirie stands up to Terry.  Aras and Terry get physical during a
challenge.  Danielle decides it's time to ally herself with Terry.

Survivor:  Panama