Low Expectations,
Part 1
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Sorry about being late with this one, folks.  I wanted to cover the whole Final
Four in one shot.  Also, as you may surmise from the title, I am not pleased with
the outcome of Season 12.  More on that later.

Night 33 and Gitanos returns to camp after booting Shane.  Cirie just dumps her
torch any-ole-where as she stumbles in the dark.  Terry, who was right behind
her, almost trips on it.  Needless to say, he's irritated by this, and takes Cirie to
task for acting like a careless teenager.  Cirie argues back and the two bicker
about who is mature, etc.  Aras and Danielle side with Cirie.  Terry gives up being
rational and hits the hay while the others congratulate themselves for making it
to the Final Four.

Day 34 and we go right into a Reward Challenge.  Each player negotiates through
six stations while being connected to a rope.  At each station, players must
count the number of items (such as shells, rocks, etc…) and then return to the
starting point and select a tile with that number on it, BEFORE moving on to the
next station.  After getting all six numbers, players match up two sets of num-
bers with three combination locks to open them.  First to open all three wins a
luxury cruise of the Panama Canal.  Terry and Aras battle it out during this event,
often getting physical.  All players successfully open their first locks, but each
has the wrong numbers for the second lock.  Here's where things get messy.
Jeff tells them they can go back to recount the stations in question.  Terry does
so, one at a time, whereas Aras and the others recount all stations before return-
ing to work on their locks.  Aras wins, and Terry disputes the win as he did not
know he could've done likewise.  Aras makes snide remarks about Terry's
whining, and about how Terry will trash the women.  Aras chooses Cirie to join
him on the cruise, Terry and Danielle must go to Exile Island.

Now, we all know that at times, the Evil One, Mark Burnett, does tinker with the
challenges to get a desired result.  How this one ranks in manipulation depends
on how much credit you give to this challenge victory giving Aras the Big Mo
later for Immunity.  I think Terry had a valid point on this one.  Either the rules
were changed midstream against him, or Jeff failed to explain them adequately.

Aras and Cirie are flown to the yacht and begin their cruise.  They enjoy food and
drink and trash-talk Terry to no end.  Terry tells Danielle on Exile Island that he
thinks Aras  is getting flakier by the hour.  They discuss strategy and Danielle
is ready to align herself with Terry for the Final Two.  Back on the canal, Aras
and Cirie also align themselves for the Final Two.  Once back at Gitanos, Aras
snoozes while Cirie makes her first fire.

Day 36 and the Immunity Challenge involves digging up three sets of puzzle
pieces using clues and intersecting ropes to know where to dig.  Here, again,
we can see some manipulation by MB, as Aras' bags of puzzle pieces are very
shallow, buried only a few inches, whereas Terry's seem to be a foot or more
deep.  Aras wins immunity, ending Terry's winning streak. 

Back at camp, Terry has a serious talk with Aras concerning his remarks at the
end of the Reward Challenge.  Terry was clearly offended and demands an
apology.  Aras admits that he crossed a line and does apologize.  Danielle and
Cirie discuss Tribal Council and how the voting will go.  They figure it will wind
up being a tie with a make-a-fire tie breaker.  Aras coaches Cirie and Terry
coaches Danielle in the art of fire starting.  Danielle tries to talk Terry into giving
her the Hidden Immunity Idol.

At Tribal Council, Jeff notes how each of the Final Four represent each of the
original four starter tribes.  Aras thinks that the momentum has shifted in his
favor.  Terry is still confident about staying.  They all assume that he has the
Hidden Immunity Idol, but Terry still won't publicly admit to it.  Tonight is the
last time it could be used.  It's time to vote, and as expected, it's a tie as Aras
and Cirie vote for Danielle and Terry and Danielle vote for Cirie.  The tie breaker
is the standard fire-starter challenge.  The actual result is not shown until the
next episode, but Cirie lost.


Survivor:  Panama