Class Warfare
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

We begin with Jeff Probst, our host with the most, buzzing overhead in a
small plane.  Below him, this season's 19 contestants are briskly paddling
away towards the shore of an island in the Fiji atoll.  Jeff tells us that Fiji
has a history of danger, from poisonous sea snakes to cannibalism.  So
much so that a 20th contestant decided to opt-out at the last moment.  This
season will again have an Exile Island, but a new twist of TWO hidden im-
munity idols to complicate The Game

Our intrepid players arrive on the beach and mingle with each other.  There
is no Jeff, and no instructions, so they have no idea what to do.  So they
start out walking about, checking out the situation.  Their source for water
is discovered, as well as a nice large cave to provide shelter.  As others
continue to sight-see, Cassandra and Yau-Man gather up some coconuts.
Yau-Man is an old-pro, having been born in Borneo, and demonstrates how
to open coconuts.  Jeff finally flies over the beach, and drops a small crate,
which parachutes down off shore.  Once retrieved, the young men try to
bust it open, but fail.  Yau-Man, a computer engineer, employs physics and
drops the crate on a weak corner.  The crate opens easily and inside are
instructions, maps and building plans.  They are instructed to find a cache
of building supplies and construct a shelter. 

While others locate the supplies, Sylvia, an architect by profession, looks
over the plans and takes charge of the construction.  This ruffles the fea-
thers of some of the men, but too bad!  She actually knows what she's do-
ing!  Unfortunately, too much time is lost in socializing.  Jessica and Erica
form the first alliance.  As a result, the shelter is not anywhere near com-
pleted as night falls.  A nasty rain storm hits, drenching everyone.  This
convinces the gang that they better finish the shelter tomorrow.  LOL!

Day 2 and Yau-Man amazes everyone by brewing up some homemade tea.
Is there anything this guy doesn't know how to do???  The shelter gets
built, along with an outhouse, complete with toilet seat, and a kitchen area.
At night, everyone is exhausted, except for Andria, who wants to be known
as Dreamz.  He has a motor-mouth with no Off-switch and annoys the gang.
James, a tough guy from Boston who wants to be known as Rocky, has had
enough and bickers with Dreamz.  Rocky finally gives up and finds a place
outside the shelter to sleep.

Day 3 and the players are gathered on Challenge Beach with Jeff.  He asks
who led the construction of the shelter and all agree that Sylvia did.  Jeff
calls her over and tells her to divide up the group into two tribes.  Cassan-
dra, Liliana, Stacey, Lisi, Boo, Gary, Dreamz, Alex and Edgardo form up
the green tribe:  Moto.  Erica, Jessica, Rita, Michelle, Rocky, Earl, Yau-Man,
Anthony and Mookie form the orange tribe:  Ravu.  Jeff then tells Sylvia
she's going to Exile Island!  Waaaa-Waaaaa!  She won't be alone, however,
since the place is crawling with sea snakes.  Waaaa-Waaaa!  But the good
news is that she'll get the first clue to the hidden immunity idol, and that
she'll join which ever tribe loses a member first. 

With Sylvia boating away, it's time for the first Immunity Challenge.  It's
to be a chariot race, with seven players from each tribe pulling a chariot
that has the remaining two players onboard.  These two must fetch three
bags of puzzle pieces tied up at various points along the race track.  Once
all three bags are retrieved, the charioteers then head to their puzzle sta-
tion and assemble the three puzzles, which spell out three sets of numbers
to be used on a combination wheel holding ten bundles.  Only one bundle
has a knife.  The first tribe to get their knife, cut a line and unfurl their ban-
ner wins.  Not only do they win immunity…, BUT, they also get to stay in the
nice shelter, which will also be supplied with additional goodies, like a
camper-shower, dinnerware, utensils, pillows, blankets, and a comfy couch!
The losing tribe must go off to another beach and start from scratch with
only one pot and one machete.  Waaaaa-Waaaaa! 

Moto gets an early lead, but Ravu is right behind them.  After both tribes
get their three bag of puzzle pieces, they race back to the puzzle stations.
It's here where Moto stumbles and Ravu passes them up.  But their lead
doesn't last, as Moto assembles their puzzles quicker and solve the com-
bination wheel first.  The knife is found and line is cut.  Moto wins!

Moto returns to their luxurious camp and finds a chest full of goodies.  They
celebrate in style.  Meanwhile, poor Sylvia makes her way on Exile Island
to a tower where she finds the first clue.  It says that the hidden idol is not
there but on the beach back with the tribes.  She doesn't know at this point
yet that there are two such idols.  Ravu arrives on their new beach.  The
politicking begins in earnest.  Erica, Jessica, and Rocky discuss booting
Rita off.  Rocky and Jessica then chat up Earl on this plan.  Anthony,
Mookie, Michelle then discuss with Erica about booting off Jessica.  Rita
and Yau-Man chat up booting off Jessica.  Erica tells Rocky that Jessica is
in trouble.

At Tribal Council, Jeff wants to know how they feel about not sharing the
nice shelter.  Michelle says the new beach is great!  Others agree that the
new beach has plenty of food and such.  A few are unhappy about missing
out on the pillows and blankets.  The conversation then switches to who
gets booted off.  Most agree that their choice will be based on making their
tribe stronger.  It's time to vote.  Earl and Jessica vote for Rita, Rocky votes
to boot Mookie, Erica votes to boot Yau-Man.  The rest vote off Jessica. 
Jeff doesn't allow them to take the torches back since they have no fire yet.

SPOILERS:  Ravu starts to weaken from the lack of food and water.  Earl
kills a sea snake.  Boo is accident prone.

Sir Linksalot
Survivor:  Fiji