Changing Priorities
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

It's Night 11 at Ravu Beach.  While some sleep, Yau-Man wonders about the
hidden immunity idol.  Where is it buried?  How can he dig it up without
drawing attention?  Is it still there?  Has Earl gotten it already?  He decides
to talk with Earl about it.  They agree to work together.  Earl will somehow
distract the rest of the tribe to give Yau a chance to find it.  This could be
the start of a beautiful relationship, and the all-important Alliance-of-Two!

Day 12 arrives and Ravu slowly stirs.  They are tired, weak and hungry. 
Aside from drinkable water, they have little else going their way.  Earl
organizes a food hunt.  Good move!  As they rest go foraging, Yau-Man
stays behind and begins his search for the idol.  He picks a spot and begins
to dig with a machete.  Meanwhile, Earl is keeping everyone busy.  He and
Anthony do take a break on top of the highest peak to enjoy the vista.  Back
at camp, Yau-Man is having a tough time.  The ground is hard and the dig-
ging difficult.  Tree-mail arrives at Moto Beach.  It comes with the "Survivor
Catalog", full of both practical and luxury gift items.  The instructions tell
both tribes to choose two items to compete for.  At Ravu, Earl tries to keep
them focused on going for necessities rather than chocolate cake!

Both tribes gather for the Reward Challenge.  Boo brings along a snack of
mango.  This irritates Rocky and the rest of Ravu.  The event is a version
of Sumo battle, where two players square off on a platform and each use a
large pad to push the other off.  First tribe to score seven victories wins
both their two choices and the two of the losing tribe.  Ravu selects the
fishing gear and a pot full of potatoes.  Moto chooses coffee  and toiletries.
"Let the battle BEGIN!" 

First up are Rocky versus Dre.  They push each other around but Dre has
a full belly of energy and forces Rocky into the drink.  Next is Cassandra
against Rita.  Cassandra must weigh twice as much as Rita, plus Cassy's
been eating regularly.  Moto is up 2-0.  Egardo pushes Anthony off the
platform so fast if you winked, you missed it.  LOL!  Lisi easily scores
against tiny Michelle, Moto is up 4-0.  This is looking really sad now.  Next
up is Boo versus Earl.  Earl puts up a struggle but Boo wins.  Alex does
likewise to Mookie, and now Moto is ahead 6-0.  It's all on Stacey as she
squares off against Yau-Man.  She's younger, and fed, but Yau is tough
and a good 30-40 pounds heavier.  Yau-Man FINALLY puts Ravu on the
scoreboard!  The score is now 6-1, Moto is one away from victory.  It's a
rematch between Cassandra and Rita.  Before you can say Jack Robinson,
Rita is in the drink.  Moto wins, again!  They get all four prizes, plus they
send Earl back to Exile Island.

Back at camp, Moto celebrates, again!  But all is not well.  Dre tries to make
coffee, but doesn't know how to brew.  It seems that Stacey and Lisi are
not speaking with him and won't help.  Lisi does make a cup for Stacey
and herself.  Stacey finally rattles off instructions to Dre after much prod-
ding by others.  On Exile Island, Earl isn't very happy, either.  Yau-Man
did not find the idol earlier.  The ground was too hard to dig.  Meanwhile,
at Ravu Beach, Rita apologizes for her shameful performance.  She then
goes into a long monologue on her make-up techniques.  While Michelle
seems interested, the rest are not.  Rita's constant chatter is driving Rocky
crazy.  Everything seems to drive him crazy.  Back at Moto, Alex tries to
convince the others that they need to be nice to both Dre and Cassandra.
The Moto Five alliance will need their support once The Merge occurs.  So
the atmosphere becomes a bit more friendlier, but the damage has been
done.  Dre vows that upon The Merge, he and Cassandra will flip to the
other side.

It's Day 14 (apparently we missed Day 13 somewhere) and time for the Im-
munity Challenge.  In another vain attempt by The Evil One to give Ravu a
chance of victory, the event today is a memory game.  Thirty boards are
marked with numbers or words.  There are thirteen matching sets and four
'dummy' boards that match nothing.  Moto goes first, and on their next
play, Cassandra scores first for Moto.  Boo then makes it 2-0.  But before
Ravu throws in the towel, Moto is penalized when someone spoke out
during Lisi's turn.  Earl scores for Ravu, followed by Anthony, making it
even at two a piece.  From this point, the game stays close right up till the
end.  The score is 6-6 with Michelle up for Ravu.  There is only one set left.
She fails to make a match.  Egardo tries, and also fails.  Rocky then tries
but he, too, fails.  Cassandra takes her turn and finally completes the last
match.  Moto remains undefeated! 

Back at camp, Rocky accepts blame for the loss.  But he adds that he was
distracted and scolds the tribe for not being focused, and quiet.  Rocky
then chats with Earl and Anthony about booting Rita.  Mookie tells Yau
that he's eyeing either Anthony or Rita.  Michelle chats up Mookie, Yau-Man
and Rita about booting off Anthony.  Rocky tells Mookie he's gunning for

At Tribal Council, Yau-Man says he's frustrated and embarrassed.  Mookie
thinks they're disorganized.  Rocky goes on about how he ALMOST tasted
victory.  Rita tells Jeff how she cheers up everyone with her endless stories.
Uhhhh, yyyyeah.  Earl says that the priorities for voting are changing.  Yau
agrees, but most importantly is to keep the group together.  Anthony is
concerned that he's vulnerable.  It's time to vote.  Rita and Michelle vote to
boot Anthony, the men gang up and boot Rita, 5-2.

SPOILERS:  It's the March Madness scheduling foul!  Next episode is to
be on Wednesday, March 21st.  There's to be a shake-up of the tribes.  It
looks like there will still be two tribes, but the rosters are shuffled.  Rocky
and Dre will now be on the same team. 

Sir Linksalot
Survivor:  Fiji