Days of Whine
and Morose
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Day 15 arrives at Ravu Beach, along with a zillion flies.  In between swatting
the unwelcome guests, Yau-Man breaths a sigh of relief that he was not
booted the previous night at Tribal Council.  He knows he's not a strong
asset during challenges to a perpetually losing tribe.  Yau is worrying need-
lessly, as he was never a target.  Rita was booted, due largely to her end-
less chatter, with Anthony as the back-up-boot, because, well, because he's
Anthony!  Tree mail arrives heralding that the next challenge is to be a
brain teaser of sorts.  The reward is a feast!  This causes great excitement
to the starving Ravuians.

Both tribes gather (BEFORE opening credits!) and Jeff wants one player
from each tribe to step forward.  Egardo and Earl comply.  Jeff then tells
the remainder to DROP THEIR BUFFS!  Ooooooh, an unexpected twist!
It's time for another round of schoolyard picks.  As before, each selected
player in turn selects the next for their team.  The action rounds out as
follows:  Egardo, Alex, Mookie, Rocky, Dre and Anthony versus Earl, Yau,
Michele, Cassandra, Boo and Stacey.  Lisi is to be sent to Exile Island,
where she'll cool her heals till somebody gets voted off at the next Tribal
Council.  She's not happy about this, but oh well!  Jeff then has Egardo
and Earl do rock-paper-scissors to determine who draws from a buff from
a bag.  Whoever draws the Moto buff wins the luxury shelter.  Egardo wins
the preliminary, but draws the Ravu buff.  Earl and his bunch are the new
Moto tribe and get the life of ease.

Lisi sulks on Exile Island.  She doesn't care about the clues for the hidden
immunity idol.  Lisi is upset that nobody wanted her, her alliances are gone,
and she's a replacement for a losing tribe.  Boo-Hoo.  Into each one's life
some Draino must fall.  The new Moto tribe arrives at the Bamboo Mansion.
Earl tries out the comfy bed right away.  Then on to the feast.  Earl's happy
as a clam.  He and Yau-Man still have a shot at the idol, and now they're
living on Easy Beach.  Over at Ravu, they also find a feast of wine, cheese,
crackers and fruit.  It's been a good day for Rocky.  He has food, his pal
Mookie, and no women around to annoy him.  Well, there's still Anthony.
Ravu forms The Man Club.  Alex recites 18th Century literature, as any
good Harvard man should.  Then they organize themselves.  The Man Club
will go foraging for food while Anthony is to remain behind to tend to the
fire.  LOL!  Anthony thinks his new nickname should be Cookie.  He still
feels left out and vulnerable.  Boo-Hoo!

Day 16 and Boo feels vulnerable also.  The new circumstance has left him
in a dire strait.  Earl is still basking in the glow.  He and Yau go fishing.
Cassandra brings the guys some coffee.  What service!  She chats up an
alliance with them, who naturally feel that they have Michele also in their
pocket.   It doesn't get much better than this.

Anthony is still sulking.  He still doesn't trust anyone.  And he's still being
left out as the rest go foraging again.  LOL!  The Man's Club finds some
crabs and catches five fair-sized fish.  Alex chats up Mookie and Dre about
alliances and such.  Mookie lets them know that prior to the shake-up,
Anthony was next on the chopping block, as he is weak and spineless.
The fish are cooked and Rocky is elated.  The bad 'ole days are over!

Day 17 and it's time for the Immunity Challenge.  Each tribe gets harnessed
to some connected bamboo poles.  They are to maneuver through a course
with gates to obstruct them.  Each tribe must be innovated in going through
the gates.  At two points on the course, the paths of both tribes will inter-
sect, which should cause great amusement.  Ravu is off to an early lead.
Then poor Michele gets caught in the middle of Ravu, forcing both tribes
to twist and turn.  Moto breaks free and takes the lead.  Both collide again
as they approach the last gate.  The tribes are neck-and-neck as they
wiggle about through the final gate.  Moto wins again, still undefeated!

Back at Ravu Beach, Anthony is again alone while The Man Club forages. 
Rocky and Egardo discuss booting the Boy Blunder.  But Anthony isn't
giving in as he chat's up Dre about booting Rocky.  Dre agrees that Rocky
has issues, namely his big, loud mouth.  Anthony then works on Alex and
Egardo.  Could Rocky be down for the count?

Tribal Council begins with Egardo recognizing that he is now actually play-
ing "Survivor".  LOL!  It's about damn time!  Mookie says that the tribe is
working well together.  Then Anthony pipes in that he's unclear about his
position.  Rocky offers some tough advice, dissing Anthony in a back-
handed way.  The two argue for a bit.  Alex thinks Rocky may have gone
too far in insulting Anthony, questioning Anthony's manhood.  Anthony
thinks Rocky always goes too far every time he opens his mouth.  He still
thinks he deserves to be there and is an asset.  It's time to vote.  Anthony
votes for Rocky, The Man's Club boots Anthony.  Jeff reminds them that
they'll have a new member in the morning…, Lisi.  Is she ever in for a
surprise!  LOL!

SPOILERS:  "Survivor" returns to Thursday now that March Madness is
winding down.  Typhoon Lisi makes landfall at Ravu Beach.  Yau-Man
returns to his search for the hidden immunity idol.  The challenges get
tough as we see Michele fall and scream.   Oh-oh!

Sir Linksalot
Survivor:  Fiji