"I Said You Talk
Too Much…"
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Day 17 and Lisi is headed for Ravu Beach.  The Men's Club ponders how
to handle her.  Alex is confident he'll continue his friendship.  Dre didn't
like her before and is ready to boot her fast.  Lisi arrives and tells how she
broke down on Exile Island, but quickly recovered and is ready for the next
challenge.  She even claims to have had a spiritual moment!  Will it be

Moto Tribe stirs as they wake.  Earl is in the driver seat and continues his
plan to help Yau-Man find the hidden immunity idol.  Earl leads the gang
off to find their boat, while Yau remains behind.  The searching begins on
both fronts.  Yau-Man is aided this time with a shovel left-over from the
shelter construction.  He quickly finds the turtle necklace buried in a sack!
The others return having found the boat beached high on shore.  They'll
need to wait till the tide comes in to move it.  Yau and Earl scamper off
alone and Yau shows Earl the idol.  They devise a game-plan for it's use.

It's time for the Reward Challenge.  The object is to fling burning coals at
three targets.  First tribe to hit and burn their three targets wins a day at
an arcade, complete with hotdogs and beer.  Also, the winners select one
from the losing tribe for Exile Island.  Earl goes up against Dre first.  Dre
scores for Ravu!  Michele and Lisi both miss.  Edgardo and Yau take shots
and Yau-Man scores for Moto.  It's now Boo versus Mookie, and Mookie
puts Ravu up again, 2-1.  Alex and Cassandra both miss, as do Stacey and
Rocky.  It's back to Earl versus Dre.  Earl misses, but Dre scores again,
giving Ravu their first challenge victory!   Earl is selected for Exile Island.

A small float plane flies Ravu to the Kava Bowl.  The starving tribe first
attacks the food spread out before them.  All but Rocky stuff themselves
silly.  Rocky shows restraint, knowing his system can only handle so much.
Then it's on to the games!  Digital golf, a bowling alley and pool table are
enjoyed.  Lisi demonstrates her skills at being one-of-the-boys.

Day 18 and Earl is bored.  Since the idol is found, there's nothing to do. 
He wants to change the name of Exile Island to Earl Island, since he's
spent so much time there.  He maps out his future resort and facilities.
Back at the Kava Bowl, Ravu has tummy aches.  Rocky chides his tribe
mates for their gluttony.  He goes on and on about how foolish they were.
This rubs them the wrong way.  Oh-oh! 

Back at Moto Mansion, the gang mulls over their challenge loss.  Boo
thinks that Yau-Man needs to go first should they lose immunity.  But
Yau-Man has a plan.  He paints a coconut and makes it into a phony
immunity idol.  LOL!  He's too much!  While the others snooze, Yau puts
his phony idol in sack the real one was in and buries it back at the same
spot.  Hahaha!

Day 19 and it's time for the Immunity Challenge.  One player from each
tribe is to be 'the caller' and is to direct the rest, who are blindfolded.  The
object is to smash five skulls hanging along the course.  Inside each is a
sack with letter tiles.  Players go one at a time to get a sack of tiles, then
place it on a table at the end.  Once all five sacks are there, the blindfolds
come off and tribes race to solve a two-word puzzle.  Tribes are allowed
to switch callers if needed.  Lisi and Stacey are chosen as callers.  Moto
gets an early lead, but by the second skull, it's nearly even.  Boo loses
more time from confusion.  With the score 4-all, Yau-Man puts Moto back
out front breaking the last skull.  But it's still close as both tribes begin
working on the puzzle.  Ravu seems to almost have it when Moto calls
Jeff over.  Moto has the two words, Cannibal Island, and wins the IC!

Ravu returns to their beach and the knives come out.  Alex and Edgardo
discuss booting Rocky.  They are already thinking towards The Merge
and want to keep as many of old Moto around.  Alex tells Lisi their plan
and she in turn tells him about the clues to the immunity idol.  Meanwhile,
Dre and Mookie discuss booting Lisi.  Mookie says he won't vote against
Rocky and Dre tells him it's ok with him.  Rocky is nervous, knowing the
old Moto players outnumber Mookie and him.  Lisi isn't taking any chances
and tries looking for the idol.

At Tribal Council, Lisi tells of her Exile Island experience.  Dre says he's
happy that Lisi has a better attitude now.  Rocky admits to being nervous
for the first time at TC.  Mookie wants the vote to keep Ravu strong.  Rocky
says he does trust everyone.  Lisi says that what ever happens, she just
wants Ravu to win.  It's time to vote.  Rocky and Mookie vote to boot Lisi,
the rest boot Rocky.  Lisi didn't find the idol yet.  Jeff tells Rocky he's to be
the first member of The Jury. 

SPOILERS:  Lisi cries, Boo dances, and the search for the Ravu immunity
idol continues.

Sir Linksalot
Survivor:  Fiji