"Dancing With
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Day 20 begins on Ravu Beach.  Alex and Edgardo are feeling confident.  Not
only do they have separate alliances with Dre & Mookie (The Men's Club)
and with Lisi (Old Moto), but they also know all the clues for the hidden
immunity idol, as Lisi has told them.  While Dre and Lisi sleep, Alex, Mookie
and Edgardo dig and find the idol.  They scamper off to the jungle and open
the sack with great glee.  Mookie reveals the turtle necklace.  Mookie will
hold the idol, but the three will share in it's power.  They also decide not to
tell either Dre or Lisi that they have the idol.  Mookie returns and starts fill-
ing in the hole, but Lisi stirs and sees him.  She asks him if he was digging
for the idol.  Mookie admits to the digging, but nothing more.  He even then
helps Lisi dig.  LOL! 

Visitors arrive at Moto (and Ravu) to teach them a native Fijian dance.  The
next Reward Challenge is to be a dance competition.  Yau Man sits out the
lesson as he claims to have no rhythm.  At Ravu, Lisi takes it all lightly,
not trying very hard.  She doesn't try very hard at much, except for getting
under Dre's skin.  At this, she's an expert!

The Reward Challenge takes place at a native village.  Both tribes arrive
fully dressed for the part.  Each tribe will perform the Mekay (sp?) dance
in turn and be judged by three village elders for appearance, authenticity
and spirit.  The winning tribe will be guests at a feast, and select one from
the losing tribe for Exile Island.  Moto goes first, with Earl leading off to
be joined by the others, except Yau who sits it out.  Ravu then begins with
Dre and Mookie doing a routine with the rest joining.  Dre ends their effort
with a back-flip.  Jeff asks the judges how they did?  Both tribes were pro-
perly dressed and showed good spirit, say the judges.  BUT… Moto's
dance was more authentic and the judges complimented Earl's leadership.
Moto wins and they choose Lisi to return to Exile Island. 

After Ravu leaves, the party begins.  Food is served and Moto chows down.
Earl is very happy to be getting a taste of the local culture.  Stacy is happy
to be getting some great food.  Moto has another good time.  Lisi is not
having a good time on Exile Island.  It's a stormy night and she hates being
there.  Lisi feels like quitting. 

Day 21 and while Yau builds a fire, Earl and Michele head off for a chit-chat.
Michele is the designated spy.  Neither are too concerned about Boo at
this point.  But Cassandra and Stacy are deemed potential threats.  They
worry about both flipping in a merge.  Michele is more concerned about
Stacy, since they are very much a like.  Who needs two Micheles?  Over
at Ravu, Dre brags about how he has Cassandra in his pocket.  Edgardo
is worried about The Merge and Dre's loyalty.  Tree-mail arrives along with
a bow and arrows.  They must be mastered for the Immunity Challenge.
Edgardo tells all about his expertise in archery.

It's Immunity Challenge time.  It's weapons proficiency.  Blowgun/darts,
spears, and bow & arrows.  Each player will have a try at each.  Closest
hit for blowgun gets one point, two for spear and three points for archery.
Cassandra sits out.  Round One and Ravu is doing well with the blowgun
until Boo nails the bulls eye with his dart.  Moto earns one point.  Next
come the spears and everyone is having a hard time till Dre finally hits
the outer most ring.  Then Yau Man is up.  He carefully finds the center of
balance, backs up and takes a running throw.  BAM!  He nails the ring
surrounding the center.  Moto earns two more points.  Jeff explains that
should Ravu win the next round, there will be a tie-breaker.  Again, Dre
puts Ravu out front.  But it's Yau's turn again.  Jeff chides him as he
carefully selects the straightest arrow.  Yau then assumes a kneeling
position and aims.  BAM!  Moto is back in the lead.  Edgardo is up for
Ravu, to be followed by Earl, who has yet to do anything.  Edgardo aims
but misses the target altogether.  LOL!  Moto wins with all 6 points.

Ravu sulks home.  They know they suck.  Lisi is tired of being on a losing
tribe.  She tells Alex she's had it.  She predicts them losing the next chal-
lenge and hates the idea of being sent back to Exile Island.  She wants out.
Alex let's the rest know that Lisi wants to be voted off.  Dre is happy, he
was going to vote for her anyway.  So confident he blabs about not bother-
ing to pack.  This ticks off Lisi, who takes Alex and Edgardo off to the side.
She wants to stay and boot Dre.  Lisi says she can handle another round and knows that Dre will flip with Cassandra at The Merge. 

At Tribal Council, Jeff wants to know what's missing on Ravu?  Why are
they such losers?  LOL!  Lisi says Ravu is not cohesive.  Dre thinks it's
because Lisi has given up.  She shoots back that Dre has choked at some
of the challenges.  Edgardo says that he trusts Lisi.  Dre argues that he'll
keep fighting to the end.  He keeps taunting Lisi and asks her point blank
if she wants to stay?  She starts with an explanation but Dre cuts her off.
He wants a Yes or No.  Dre polls the others, who all simply answer Yes.
The point is made.  It's time to vote.  Lisi votes for Dre, the rest send her
packing.  At the confessional, Lisi really lays into Ravu, calling them losers
and such.  Well…, THEY ARE!!!

SPOILERS:  Mysterious tree-mail tells all to pack their belongings and go
to Exile Island.  Merge time???  Could they be living there now?

Sir Linksalot
Survivor:  Fiji