"The Song of
the Turtle"
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 24 at Bula Bula Beach finds half the tribe waiting for the rest to return
from Tribal Council.  Mookie is mad at Dre for voting to boot off Michele
instead of Stacy.  Thanks to Dre, Alex now has more power in Mookie's
mind.  Alex then talks with Mookie.  He defends keeping Stacy AND wants
Mookie to rotate possession of the idol.  Dre defends his vote, claims he
didn't trust Michele.  Can he trust any of them?  Mookie feels so screwed.

Day 25 finds Earl regrouping.  Losing Michele has cost him a majority.  Boo
chats Earl up about an alliance.  A new opportunity!  It's time for the Reward
Challenge.  Vox Populi.  Players are to answer questions about the others.
Results are tallied, then Jeff polls the group.  Those who match the results
get to smash another player's tower.  Each have three.  Winner with the last
tower(s) gets an overnighter on a 70 foot yacht, plus the pick for Exile Is-
land.  These sort of challenges often show the pecking order for future
boots.  Stacy gets busted out on the first question by Cassandra, Yau-Man
and Boo.  Boo goes next when Mookie, Alex and Dre guess correctly. 
Alex is next, followed by Edgardo and Mookie.  Earl and Yau go leaving
Cassandra and Dre with two towers each.  Cassandra guesses correctly
on the next two questions and wins!  She picks Mookie for Exile Island.
Jeff allows her to take 3 others with her on the yacht. 

On Exile Island, Mookie fumes.  He's really pissed with Cassandra.  He pro-
mises revenge!  He also gets to actually read the clues for the hidden idol
and figures out that there are two in The Game.  Mookie suspects that Earl
has the second idol.  Back at Bula Bula, Cassandra decides on taking Boo,
Dre and Yau-Man with her on the yacht.  Earl seems irritated, but oh well.
There's plenty of food and drink onboard, and even more plush comfort. 
Cassandra and Yau recruit Boo and Dre into The Syndicate.  Between
glasses of champagne, they discuss the need to boot Alex off.  Dre knows
he's a swing vote.  While he has an alliance with the Ex-Ravu Men's Club,
he also knows that they don't trust him.  What is he to do?

Day 27 back at Bula Bula and Dre tells Alex he is targeted.  Earl sees them
chatting and gets suspicious.  He and Cassandra privately chat with Dre
and want him to make a commitment.  Dre spills the beans that Mookie has
the idol.  Earl asks Dre what it looks like and Dre answers that it's a turtle
necklace.  Yau-Man joins the chat.  He now must plan a new move to deal
with this threat.

Immunity Challenge time!  It's for individual immunity.  Players are perched
using arms and elbows on two posts.  Sets of three successively smaller
footholds will be used with step-downs every thirty minutes.  The first is
about an inch wide, second half an inch, and the last footholds a quarter
of an inch wide.  Let the endurance battle begin!  After about ten minutes,
Cassandra steps down.  Edgardo bails out at the twenty-two minute mark.
Thirty minutes go by and all are on the second set of footholds.  Earl slips
and is out.  Mookie lasts about another fifteen minutes.  An hour passes
and all are now on the last set of footholds.  Alex goes, followed shortly by
Dre.  Stacy lasts till 1:15 then drops.  It's between Yau-Man and Boo.  Boo
begins to struggle, and despite several recoveries, he finally succumbs to
gravity.  Yau-Man wins!  He tells Jeff he could've stayed up there another
hour, and I bet Jeff believed him.  I sure do!

The gang returns to camp and the knives come out.  Plots and counter-
moves.  Mookie wants to target Earl.  Dre voices his concerns about Stacy
to Mookie, Alex and Edgardo.  Yau and Stacy chat and he tells her that
Alex is their target.  Alex then talks with her about booting Earl.  But Stacy
doesn't commit.  This makes Alex nervous.  Dre lets The Men's Club know
that Alex is definitely the target.  To be safe, Mookie slips Alex the idol, but
Dre sees the switch.  Dre then runs straight to Cassandra and her friends
to warn them.  It's decided to vote off Mookie instead.  Edgardo, Alex and
Mookie decide that Cassandra is the key to unraveling the opposition.  They
choose not to tell blabber-mouth Dre about the change in plans.  Mean-
while, The Syndicate changes their plans and decide to vote off Edgardo
They, too, choose not to tell Ol' Blabber-Mouth!

At Tribal Council, Jeff wants details of the post-challenge politicking.  All
agree that chaos ruled.  Everyone is paranoid, except for Yau-Man.  The
subject of the hidden immunity idol comes up.  Yau-Man says that the
goal is to not go after the person who has it, but one of his comrades.  Jeff
says it's time to vote.  We see Edgardo vote for Cassandra and Dre vote
for Mookie.  The ballots are collected and Jeff asks if anyone who has an
idol wishes to use it now?  Alex stands up and gives Jeff his idol.  Jeff
then reads the votes.  It's Mookie 1, Cassandra 3, and Edgardo 5!  ZING!
Jeff informs all that the idol will be hidden again and new clues on Exile

SPOILERS:  Dre has a lot of explaining to do to both sets of allies.  The
Ex-Ravu Men's Club learns that Yau-Man has the other idol.  They hatch
a new strategy.  Ummm, a bit late for that I think.  LOL!

Sir Linksalot
Survivor:  Fiji