"Men of
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 27 finds Alex and Mookie discussing their predicament.   Dreamz had
sold them out to The Syndicate, informing them about Mookie giving Alex
their immunity idol and leaving the door open for Edgardo to be booted.
Meanwhile, Earl and Stacy talk about how they left Dreamz hanging, as he
voted to boot Mookie, unaware that the rest switched to Edgardo.  Stacy
says that Alex and Mookie will be lucky if they're fed.  LOL!

Day 28 and Dreamz is confronted by Alex and Mookie.  Dre admits to voting
against Mookie, but fails to explain his other offenses.  Neither are buying
his excuses.    It's time for the Reward Challenge.  Divided into two teams
of four.  One from each will man a catapult and launch balls to be caught
by the rest using lacrosse-like sticks with baskets on end.  Yau-Man throws
for Team Orange (Cassandra, Mookie and Boo) and Stacy for Team Green
(Earl, Alex, and Dre).  First  team with five catches wins an overnighter at
a spa complete with meal, shower, soap, shampoo, etc.  Winners also get
to choose one loser for Exile Island.  Either team can catch any ball in play.

Boo scores for Orange first.  Mookie then steals a shot from Stacy.  Dre
puts Green on the board.  Then Boo gets hurt diving for a ball.  He missed,
but wrenched his back and popped his knee out of place.  Jeff halts the
challenge and calls in medics.  They get Boo on his feet and he pops his
knee back in on his own.  What a guy!  Boo says he'll keep playing so the
challenge resumes.  Things do get rough with lots of shoving and tripping.
Dre scores again tying the match.  Mookie scores, followed by Dre again.
Mookie gets Orange's fourth point.  But Alex comes up with a steal from
Yau.  Each team needs only one more.  Boo misses one by a hair.  Dre
scores with the next ball.  Green Team wins!  They pick Boo for Exile Island.

Boo finds the new clue for where the second idol has been re-hidden.  It's
near a tree that stands alone and is easy to reach.  Hmmm.  Boo's knee is
still sore and he's running low on water.  Meanwhile, the winners arrive at
the spa.  They hit the showers first.  All cleaned up, it's time for dinner.
Alex uses the opportunity to sell himself.  He brags about what a good
sport he's been.  Not taunting or being confrontational.  Stacy is not so
impressed and shrugs him off.  Later, Alex tries working on Earl for not
being the next to go. 

Day 29 and the winners return to Bula Bula Beach.  The others can smell
the soap and shampoo yards away.  Mookie suspects that he's in trouble.
While the others are off, he and Alex rifle through Yau-Man's belongings
and find the other idol.  While they discuss how to use the information,
Stacy and Cassandra hide nearby.  They don't overhear much, but the
boys hear them.  Alex and Mookie rush away and find Yau.  They tell him
they know he has the idol and try to blackmail him by threatening to tell
the rest.  But Yau-Man isn't phased.  Instead, Yau tells the rest what has
happened.  Stacy, Cassandra, and Earl are all upset that Yau's privacy
was violated and that he was bullied.  Even Dre doesn't think it's cool.

Immunity Challenge time.  It's Survivor Battleship.  Each player secretly
selects three connected squares on a 5 by 5 grid.  The squares must be
adjacent either straight or diagonally.   Once a player's three squares have
been called off and 'hit', that player is eliminated.  More than one player
can use the same square.  Earl gets nailed first.  Boo and Dre go out on the
same hit.  Cassy is next to go.  Then Mookie gets his third square zapped.
Stacy then wins by taking out both Alex and Yau on the same shot.

Day 30 finds Alex and Mookie plotting to shake things up.  They know
they're cooked and decide to cause trouble during Tribal Council.  Dre
talks with Earl about booting Mookie over Alex.  Boo chimes in that the
new hiding place for the other idol is easy to reach.  So maybe Alex and
Mookie have found it?  Hmmm?  The threat is enough so The Syndicate
decides to play it safe.  They will cast three votes each against Alex and
Mookie so one will go. 

At Tribal Council, Jeff wants to know about the rough play during the
Reward Challenge, and if it has effected the tribe.  Alex uses this to stir
up mistrust.  Mookie then admits to having searched Yau-Man's belongings
and finding the other idol.  Jeff is astounded.  Yau says it doesn't matter,
the next two votes are written in stone.  Earl is really pissed about how low
Alex and Mookie are for violating their privacy.  It's time to vote.  Mookie
votes for Boo.  Stacy, Earl and Yau vote for Alex.  Dre, Boo and Cassandra
vote for Mookie.  And who did Alex vote for?  None other than his pal,
Mookie!  No honor among snoops.

SPOILERS:  Alex tries to fly under the radar.  Boo becomes annoying.
The Reward Challenge gets primal with disgusting dining.

Sir Linksalot
Survivor:  Fiji