Orgy of Snakes,
Part Two
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 38 and the bastards return to camp.  Dre defends his decision.  All
figure The Jury will beat them up.  Earl for not sticking up for Yau-Man,
thus causing a tie-breaker against Cassandra, which Yau wound have
easily won.  Cassandra for essentially being useless the whole time.  And
Dre for his breaking his promise to Yau.  Dre has no regrets.  Sad, very sad.

Day 39 and the bastards are all happy to still be around.  They plan to chill
out the rest of the day.  A plane drops them breakfast, even Jeff doesn't
want to join them!  LOL!  They decide afterwards to burn the camp down.
Dre is so proud of himself, he thinks he should be standing next to Oprah.
LOL!  Talk about being deluded!!!  Earl is also proud of how he played.

It's time for the Final Tribal Council.  Earl makes his opening statement.
He played The Game well, never sacrificed his integrity.  He feels he's
earned and expects the "respect vote".  Cassandra says she started out
slow, but befriended everyone and stayed true to her alliances.  Ummm,
yeah, right!  Dre says that he was open about his life and hopes The Jury
will reward him.   They don't call him Dreamz for nuttin!  The Jury now

Michelle asks each what they greatest hardship was?  Dre answers that
he didn't mind much except being thirsty.  Cassandra said that swimming
and overcoming her fear of water was her big obstacle.  Earl says that
as the only one left from Old Ravu and being sent to Exile Island so often
were his challenges.  Edgardo asks Earl how he found out about Mookie
giving Alex the immunity idol?  Earl rats out Dre as the blabber-mouth.
Mookie then asks Dre if he considered his betrayal a betrayal?  Dre replied
it was just a strategy move.

Next comes Alex, the Harvard lawyer.  He first grills Cassandra on integrity.
Cassandra attempts some lame answer about how she overheard the boys
discuss Yau's idol, but Alex cuts her off and calls her a liar.  He then turns
to Dre and wants to know why Dre is a dirty-rat-fink?  Dre answers it's all
part of The Game.  Lisi begins her moment by calling all three liars.  She
makes some point about Cassandra having no business even being on the
show.  Lisi then sees if Dre knows how many zeros are in a million, which
he surprisingly does know, six.  Lisi then turns to Earl and wants to know
why he booted Yau-Man?  Earl answers he had no choice.  Once Dre de-
cided not break his promise, Earl had to make the smart move.

Stacy accuses Earl of being a more sophisticated liar than Dre, but a liar
nonetheless.  She asks which deserves the million dollars more?  Earl
replies that he had a hard life, too, growing up.  Rocky asks each for how
they best manipulated others?  Cassy tries to give her "I'm friendly" speech
again but Rocky cuts her off.  Dre replies that he turned the chopping block
around.  Earl smugly answers that he manipulated everybody!  LOL!

Boo begins by praising Yau-Man as being the most deserving to win The
Game.  He then trashes Dre, reminding him of how he swore to God when
he made his promise to Yau.  Dre says he just played The Game, but Boo
is having none of it.  He considers Dre in league with Satan. 

Yau-Man is his usual cordial self.  Says he just didn't have the testosterone
to be in the Finals.  Yau-Man wants to know when Dre decided to lie to him.
Dre continues his drumbeat of "playin' The Game".  Yau-Man then asks
Earl why he didn't want to back him up?  Earl didn't want to compete with
Yau before The Jury.  Earl knows that Yau played The Game best. 

No closing statements this season.  I guess Jeff heard enough from the
bastards, too.  It's time to vote.  No sneak peeks.  Once all ballots are cast,
Jeff grabs the jar and walks down bamboo stairs, right into the cheering
crowds at the Ed Sullivan Theater in New York City.  The votes are read,
Earl wins.  First 9-0 vote. 

During the reunion show, we learn that Earl was a last-minute casting call.
He was selected just two days before the start.  He also had never watched
the show before.  He and Yau became friends on Day 1 and are still friends
today.  Earl says the key moment was when Dre broke his promise.  Once
that happened, Earl knew he won The Game.  Jeff asks for a show of hands
from The Jury who would've voted for Yau had he been in the Final Three?
At least six would have, enough for victory. 

A lot of time is then spent on Dre concerning his game play and the broken
promise.  When the segment is replayed, the audience booed when Dre
invoked God into his promise.  Dre admits that he never intended to keep
the promise from the start.  But he does intend to keep the truck.  Earl
says that he honestly thought Dre would keep his promise.  Yau-Man was
gracious, says he thinks Dre is ok, just undisciplined.  LOL!  Right On, Yau!

The rest of the show then shifts to the remaining bunch.  Rocky is praised
for his on-air antics.  Anthony is still Anthony, a wimp!  Boo really did hurt
his knee.  Gary's feeling better after being done in by 200+ fire ant bites.
Mookie is still bumming about having faced every Tribal Council.  Stacy
says she's grown since being on the show.  Etc, etc, etc.  Normally I put
all the finalists pictures on this page, but sorry, I'm just too disgusted.

Next season will be flimed in China!  Till then, have a great summer folks.

Sir Linksalot
Survivor:  Fiji