A Chicken Is
Only A Bird.
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Day One and the journey begins for 16 new contestants on this, the 15th sea-
son of "Survivor".  Arriving in Shanghai, China, they take a train into the inte-
rior.  Next, they ride in a truck, going deeper in-country, till reaching a 16th
Century Buddhist temple.  Jeff Probst, our host with the most, awaits for them
in the courtyard along with a few dozen monks.  After greeting the players,
Jeff explains that they must participate in a non-religious, welcoming cere-
mony.  This is less than voluntary as the monks make the players prostrate
themselves before statues of Buddha.  Leslie, a Christian talk radio host, is
uncomfortable and leaves the ceremony.  Jeff informs them that they must
shed their luggage as The Game has begun! 

They're divided into two tribes of eight each by finding bags with their names
on them.  Those with red buffs are Fei Long (Flying Dragon) and yellow buffs
are Zhan Hu (Fighting Tiger).  Both tribes then scurry off to board their boats
and head for their islands. Each team received a map and a copy of Sun Tzu's
"The Art of War", which Jeff advises them to read. Fei Long consists of: 
Aaron, Amanda, Courtney, Denise, James, Jean-Robert (JR), Leslie and Todd.
Zhan Hu consists of Sherea, Peih-Gee (PG), Ashley, Steve (Chicken), Dave,
Erik, Mike (Frosti), Jaime. 

Fei Long arrives at their island.  They find an urn of rice, a pot and a machete.
Courtney isn't meshing well with the others.  Not her kind of folks.  Aaron
seems to be the self-appointed leader, having taken charge while rowing.
JR and Todd locate the tree-mail site while exploring.  JR, a pro poker player,
sizes up Todd as a clever guy, perhaps even untrustworthy.  He let's Todd
know he's on to him.  Todd seems defensive.  Is this the first alliance or pair
of enemies?

Over at Zhan Hu, Sherea has trouble walking in her dress and heels.  They
find the remains of some shelter.  Most want to use it as a base for a new one.
But Chicken voices concern and says building a larger, new shelter on higher
ground would be better.  The rest are taken a back by this, so Chicken clams
up for the rest of the day.  He's not gonna give anymore pearls of wisdom
to the young swine!  Ashley makes a splash with the young-uns.  They can't
believe she's a WWE pro-wrestler and diva.  She starts a social club and
while they chat away, others wonder about water, shelter and fire.  Just then
it starts raining and everything grinds to a halt.

Back at Fei Long, their shelter begins to take shape.  James is impressing
everyone with his outstanding work ethic and strength.  He does raise a few
eyebrows when he tells them he's a grave digger!   Night One and it's still
raining pretty good at Zhan Hu.  Since they didn't listen to Chicken, they now
cower miserably in the old shelter which happens to be right at a run-off
for water.  They wake up wet and cold.  Ashley is very sick and tries to keep
warm.  She worries about being voted off early.  The rest decide to rebuild on
higher ground. 

Day 3 and tree mail arrives.  It's time for the Immunity Challenge.  Fei Long
decides it may be a good idea to start reading Sun Tzu.  Their first lesson is
to choose a leader.  Aaron is nominated.  Over at Zhan Hu, Frosti lets every-
one know how athletic he is.  Both tribes meet Jeff who explains the event.
Step one is the Dragon Maze, exit while carrying a Chinese dragon with a pole
for each player.  All are linked to each other on both tribes.  Once out of the
maze, ascend the first platform and the lead unhooks himself to scale a draw-
bridge and get a key.  Lower the bridge and unlock a gate, then relink with
the tribe and proceed.  The next obstacle is a stream.  Once it's forded, climb
up to the 2nd platform.  On the deck of each are 8 blocks of wood.  Each will
only accept a certain pole.  1st tribe to match all 8 poles of their dragon with
the blocks wins immunity and a piece of flint.

Both tribes begin even but Zhan Hu stumbles and Fei Long gets out of the
maze first.  But James, who is the lead, has trouble unhooking and Zhan Hu
catches up and both James and Frosti are neck and neck.  The two tribes get
going again and ford the stream.  Again, Zhan Hu falls behind.  Fei Long
reaches the 2nd platform first.  Zhan Hu arrives but it's Fei Long who solves
the pole puzzle first!  Jeff congratulates them and hands over the Immunity
Idol, a Buddha, and the flint.

Zhan Hu sulks back to camp.  PG tries to encourage them to start working on
the shelter again.  She questions Chicken on construction, but he's reluctant
to answer.  Others get annoyed with PG's bossy attitude.  Chicken and Frosti
discuss booting Ashley.  Chicken wants her gone.  Sherea talks up others
about booting Chicken or PG.  Dave tells Chicken he won't vote him off.

At Tribal Council, Jeff wants to know how hard the past 3 days have been?
PG says they've been harder than she imagined.  Chicken agrees as does
Dave.  Jeff wants to know if a leader has emerged?  Chicken says the tribe
has no direction.  Jeff asks if anyone would step up to be a leader and both
Dave and PG make short campaign speeches.  Jeff says their first job is to
vote someone off.  Dave, Chicken and Erik want to get rid of the least produc-
tive.  Ashley thinks they mean her, but argues that she's feeling better and
is a team player.  Chicken admits he doesn't get along well but he sure does
work hard.  It's time to vote.  Ashley votes against PG, Chicken and Dave
vote against Ashley, the rest give Chicken the boot.  Jeff rewards them with
a piece of flint and lets them take their torches home.

SPOILERS:  At Fei Long, Jean-Robert's bluff is called.  At Zhan Hu, Dave and
Ashley compete for power.

Sir Linksalot
Survivor:  China