Day Four begins at Zhan Hu Beach with Dave being selected as the tribe's leader. His first moments are shaky ones as Ashley begins immediately questioning his decisions. As the rain falls, things seem to be just as disorga- nized as the night before. Things are slightly better at Fei Long. Everyone is busy working except for Jean Robert. JR didn't sleep well so he's catching up on his Zs. Amanda, Todd and Aaron form an alliance. Later, at a tribal meeting, Aaron calls JR out for being lazy. JR tries to defend himself and makes the excuse that he'll be strong when needed.
Back at ZH Beach, Dave is busy working on a large fire pit. May as well call it a stone & brick stove! Jaime wants to build a small fire right now to cook up some rice. Everyone is starving. But Dave vetoes that proposal. He wants his massive monument to fire completed first. He accidentally drops a big brick in a puddle which splashes mud all over Jaime. She's upset as she thought is was on purpose. Jaime complains to Ashley and Sherea about it. They agree that Dave is being pigheaded about making some rice now.
It's Reward Challenge time! Today's prize is fishing tackle, a small boat and a secret twist! The event is breaking the tribes into two teams of three each. Each tribe fields a team to try to roll two large wooden balls across a goal line. The event takes place in a well-soaked mud pit. Round One begins and it quickly degrades into a 6-way clothes-stripping mud wrestling match. Fei Long does a better job of moving their ball up field, despite a strong effort by Zhan Hu. A topless Amanda scores the 1st point for FL! "My mom's gonna kill me", she cries! LOL and WooHoo!!! Round Two begins and this time, FL overpowers ZH quickly. JR and James make good progress together and score the 2nd and winning point for Fei Long! Jeff hands over the fishing gear and lets FL know the boat will be delivered. Then, Jeff tells FL they must 'kidnap' one member from ZH who'll go back to their camp with them. They choose Jaime. Jeff tells Jaime she'll rejoin ZH at the Immunity Challenge and then gives her a sealed scroll to only be opened when she's alone at FL's camp.
At Zhan Hu, Dave finishes his manly fire pit. He's so proud of it! It even impresses me. LOL! At Fei Long, the tribe decides they better keep an eye on their belongings, especially the flint. They are worried that Jaime might steal from them. Jaime goes off by herself to open and read the scroll. She is instructed to select one member of FL and give them a clue to the hidden immunity idol. Back at ZH Beach, Dave instructs all on the proper way to prepare and dry firewood. Not a bad idea since it's been raining almost every- day! Ashley is offended, feeling that Dave's patronizing her.
Day Five at Camp Fei Long and Leslie isn't feeling well. She's sick and is missing her Bible. Jaime decides that Leslie is FL's weakest link and decides to give her the clue. Leslie is happy! The clue is that the idol is easy to find if one has keen eyes. Uncle Camerman shows where the idol is, a-fixed to a support beam.
Day Six and Leslie shares the clue with Todd. He's slap-happy! Todd thinks she's foolish for doing this, and so do I. Hahaha! Immunity Challenge time. Jaime rejoins ZH. Each tribe will field 6 players to carry a large Chinese puzzle log. Tribes will first use the logs as battering rams to smash through two sets of walls. Then, work the log through a horizontal maze table. Once through that, the first tribe to use the log to strike their gong wins immunity. FL gets through Wall #1 first with ZH close behind. But at Wall #2, ZH runs low on steam, Dave even loses his rhythm and grip. FL breaks through Wall #2 and begins work on the maze table. ZH gets to theirs and for a brief mo- ment actually had a slight lead. But Fei Long succeeds again and wins!
At ZH Beach, Dave apologizes to his tribe. He feels bad about his poor per- formance. Dave then build a big fire in his big fire pit. Ashley wants him gone! She ponders how best to accomplish this fete. Erik, Jaime and Sherea discuss who to boot. It's obvious to them that either Dave or Ashley must go. There is just too much conflict. The gals like Ashley, but know that Dave is a useful workhorse.
At Tribal Council, Frosti is asked by Jeff about leadership. He explains that Dave has stepped up to fill that role. Ashley begins trashing Dave's rule. Dave responds that he just wants his tribe to be functional. Not a bad goal. Jaime pipes in that Dave can be a bit overbearing at times. She also tells Jeff about how he and Ashley are always bickering. Sherea thinks the tribe needs more socializing. She knows nothing about half of them after six days. Ashley announces to all that she's casting her ballot to boot Dave. Dave responds that Ashley is the only one he's had issues with. It's time to vote! Ashley makes good on her promise and votes to boot off Dave. The rest de- cide to get rid of her instead! LOL!!! Too funny! She makes a threatening quip to Dave as Jeff snuffs out her torch.
SPOILERS: Dave is losing his patience with the rest of Zhan Hu. Over at Fei Long, Todd and Courtney overhear Jean Robert and James discussing about booting Courtney!