Grand Strategy
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Day 13 at Zhan Hu Beach, the gang sleeps in.  Without Dave buzzing about,
the mood is relaxed.  Frosti feels disillusioned.  He hates losing.  Peih Gee
tries to rally them, suggesting everyone work together BOTH during camp
chores AND challenges.  Sherea wants drama and hopes to spice things up.

Over at Fei Long, Erik and Jaime get chummy while swimming.  They flirt and
tell each other how much they like the other.  Erik then tells Jaime he's still a
virgin!  Jaime is impressed and feels she can trust Erik.  She tells him about
the clue to the hidden immunity idol.  Back at camp, James and Denise bond
as they do camp chores together.  Both appreciate each other's work ethic.  A
Chinese fishing boat arrives and delivers a message.  FL is to choose two
members from ZH!  They realize a switch-a-roo is taking place.  FL chooses
Sherea and Frosti as they seem the two best at competitions.

Another fishing boat arrives at Zhan Hu.  They get the same message, pick 2
from Fei Long, but these knuckle-heads don't get what's happening.  They
select James and Aaron.  A short while later, the first boat arrives at ZH to
pick up Sherea and Frosti.  All are stunned!  LOL!  What dummies!  The other boat arrives at FL to pick up Aaron and James.  As they leave, Jean Robert
tries to organize a boot list in order to get rid of the two newcomers first.

James and Aaron arrive at Zhan Hu.  The fisherman also delivers a basket of
food and wine.  While they feast, Aaron asks who's in charge?  The answer is
NOBODY.  They are a democracy.  Hahaha!  James volunteers to do all the
morning camp chores.  Over at Fei Long, Sherea and Frosti arrive.  FL also
gets goodies to feast on.  Sherea volunteers to do the cooking.  She hopes
to step up her game and make new friends.  Frosti wonders about his new
role?  Will he fit in?

Day 14 at Fei Long and JR is up early getting the fire going and starting some
rice.  He asks for help with the shrimp net.  Denise scolds him for his bossy
ways.  She demands he say "Please".  Sherea sees an opening for making a
move.  At Zhan Hu, Aaron gets friendly while all, except James, take a morn-
ing swim.  He drops a hint about the value of booting James out before any
merge.  PG and Jaime wander off and develop a new strategy.  PG thinks they
should deliberately throw the next two Immunity Challenges to get rid of both
James and Aaron before a merge.  That way, the numbers will be even with
five original members of each tribe. 

Day 15 and it is oddly enough, Immunity Challenge time!  It's the old Under-
water Chinese Disc Puzzle race.  A boardgame version is available in stores
at popular prices.  LOL!  Just kidding.  Two players from each will swim out
to a platform and take turns diving to pull bamboo rods out of a cage.  This
releases large wooden discs which float up.  Once all twelve discs are re-
leased, the two place them in a small boat and drag it to shore.  Here, the re-
maining three players work together to fit the discs on a large table in the
right fashion.  Aaron and Erik are the divers for Zhan Hu, Jean Robert and
Frosti for Fei Long.  Both teams are pretty even initially.  But Zhan Hu gets
a lead and starts returning to shore with their 12 discs.  Fei Long is right be-
hind, despite JR tripping while getting their boat load in the water.  On shore, PG, James and Jaime had discussed how to solve the puzzle.  They start
working on the puzzle first, but FL catches up and also begins on their puzzle.
James is getting testy as he sees FL solving theirs faster.  He asks PG if she
is as good at puzzles as she claims to be.  PG answers she does Sudoku all
the time.  It's obvious that she and Jaime are throwing the match.  Fei Long
wins!  Jeff shames Zhan Hu for blowing their lead.

Back at camp, James unloads on PG.  He publicly trashes her puzzle skills.
PG makes excuses, but when she and Jaime sneak off, they are laughing
their asses off!  James and Aaron talk with Erik about booting one of the gals.
Erik can't explain what happened.  He goes and talks with Jaime.  She tells
him that they deliberately threw the challenge and plan to boot Aaron off.
Meanwhile, PG asks James secretly if he wants to stay, offering to save him.
He balks at this, saying that Aaron deserves staying more than himself.  Huh?
Erik tells Aaron he's safe and that James is going tonight.  Aaron decides to
also vote for James, just to have tribal unity.  LOL!  Yeah, Rrrrrrrright!

At Tribal Council, Jamie explains why they choose to take James and Aaron
from Fei Long.  That they are both competitive powerhouses.  Aaron says he's
unhappy about today's loss.  Jeff confronts Jaime about it, telling her he saw
no effort on her or PG's part.  Jaime admits that they threw the challenge
and details why.  James is very unhappy and asks to be booted.  He doesn't
want any part of his new tribe.  Aaron says he wouldn't mind sticking around,
but he did pack his bag, just in case.  It's time to vote.  James votes to boot
PG, Aaron votes to boot James and the original three Zhan Hus boot Aaron.
Jeff warns them that their strategy may have consequences. 

SPOILERS:  The search for the hidden immunity idols heats up.  Players sample Chinese cuisine with the infamous Weird Food Challenge.

Sir Linksalot
Survivor:  China