The Game Never Ends
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 18 at Fei Long.  Both Jean Robert and Courtney are warned that they
must stop their bickering.  They need to resolve their issues in the event of
The Merge.  Courtney is irritated by Todd and Amanda sucking up to JR.  She
does not consider them friends. 

Day 19 at Zhan Hu.  Peih Gee tries to get chummy with James, but he's not
biting.  Why should he?  He's got an immunity idol!  He also knows where the
other one is.  While the others are away, James frees the second idol.  Another
wooden plaque on the other side of the beam also falls.  It has no message
written on the back of it as the genuine idols do.  With the others returning,
James quickly stashes the real idol in his bag, leaving the blank one behind.

Back at Fei Long, Courtney continues to complain about why they're keeping
Jean Robert around.  Todd and the others try to explain why they need JR
to get through The Merge.  Courtney is still fuming.  At Zhan Hu, Jaime finds
the blank wooden plaque.  She and Erik suspect that it's an immunity idol.
Later that evening, while PG and James are gathering fire wood, Jaime goes
through James' bag and finds two plaques in it.  She now thinks she has an
immunity idol.  LOL!  Helloooo?  Since when have there been three in a game?
Has she never watched the show before?

Day 20 and James notices the blank plaque is not where he left it.  He sus-
pects that Jaime has it and believes it's a real idol.  James is looking forward
to laughing at her mistake.  Jeff gathers both tribes together.  No, it's not for
a Reward Challenge.  It's for THE MERGE!!!  Black buffs are passed out to all.
Jeff tells them they will live on Fei Long Beach, but first, a feast and sample
of Chinese culture awaits them.  As they walk off to celebrate, Jeffs warns
them that "...The Game Never Ends."

They arrive at the feast and all sorts of food are served.  They also get a selec-
tion of alcoholic beverages.  Various performers entertain them.  Acrobats,
jugglers, and dancers, all do their thing.  Several times, fireworks are set off
to add to the festive atmosphere.  Amanda sizes up her opposition during
the celebration.  She's deciding who should go first.

Back home, the gang work on their banner.  A few names for the new tribe
are discussed.  Black Monsoon seems popular but a more literal translation
is Black Fighting Wind.  Jeff arrives with a sack.  He gathers the group to
some nearby benches.  Out of the sack comes the individual immunity neck-
lace.  It's time for the Immunity Challenge.  As he warned, The Game never
ends.  A quiz will be given concerning what happened during the merge cele-
bration.  He passes out dry-wipe boards from the sack and explains that if
you give a wrong answer, you are out.  Last person with a correct answer wins

First question was how many time firecrackers were used?  Correct answer:
3, at the beginning, middle and end of the performance.  Todd, Jaime, Erik,
Frosti, James, JR and Denise answer correctly.  Question #2, what was the
centerpiece of the feast table?  Correct answer:  a dragon.  All got it right.
Third question was what color was the tall pole used by the acrobats?  The
correct answer is:  Yellow.  Only Jaime and Frosti got it right.  Question #4,
what were the dancers wearing on their feet?  Jaime answers--stockings,
Frosti answers--nothing, they were barefooted.  Frosti is correct and wins
the first individual immunity! 

Day 21 and the knives come out.  Peih Gee knows she's in a predicament and
wonders if she still has Frosti and James?  Like, when did she ever have
James on her side???  LOL!  Speaking of James, he tells Todd he has both
hidden immunity idols now.  He also tells Todd and Amanda that he thinks
Jaime found the plaque with no writing and she may believe she has an idol.
Amanda wants Jaime gone first.  She realizes that Jaime is the real power
of the ex-Zhan Hu tribe mates.  They also discuss the situation with Courtney.
James gets frustrated when he hears that Courtney cannot be trusted.  Todd
goes to JR and tells him they're going against Jaime.  But JR thinks PG is
the more serious threat .  JR also informs Todd that should he get screwed
out of being in the Final Three, JR will hold Todd personally responsible and
lobby against him on The Jury.  Todd agrees to the terms, though he doesn't
plan on honoring them. 

PG and Jaime discuss their voting plans.  They know that Jean Robert is not
well liked.  They think they can swing enough votes against him.  Jaime and
Erik talk with Frosti.  They tell him that they have an immunity idol.  Frosti
listens but knows that they don't have one.  Jaime then tries her luck with
Todd, telling him that SHE KNOWS who has the immunity idols and that SHE
has one of them.  LOL!  Todd plays along knowing that she doesn't.  James
and JR discuss the vote.  JR tells James he's voting to boot PG.  James
argues that JR must vote along with the rest against Jaime.  They cannot
afford mistakes at this point.

All gather at Tribal Council.  Amanda says that The Merge is happy and fun.
PG says the ex-Fei Long cannot afford to be happy, they have the numbers.
The harmony ends quickly when JR starts up again about Courtney and how
she'll be able to fly under the radar now.    Courtney disses JR back.  James
jumps in telling JR he needs to keep quiet.  PG knows JR is unpopular and
hopes he goes tonight.  It's time to vote.  Once the ballots are cast, Jaime
interrupts Jeff before he begins counting.  She hands Jeff her wooden plaque
and Jeff explains the rules governing the use of a hidden immunity idol.  Jeff
then announces that this plaque IS NOT an idol and tosses it the fire pit.  LOL!
The vote is split down former tribes.  PG, Jaime and Erik vote to boot JR, but
all of the old Fei Long tribe, including Frosti and Courtney, vote to boot off
Jaime.  She becomes the first member of The Jury.

SPOILERS:  Todd has a bright idea about blind-siding James to eliminate the
two immunity idols from The Game.  Amanda thinks Todd is going crazy!
Peih Gee decides it's time to make a power play!  Good Luck, hon!

Sir Linksalot
Survivor:  China