Feast Or Famine
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Day 25 and we naturally find James awake early getting camp chores done.
He knows he had a narrow escape the night before at Tribal Council and plans
to bring the hidden immunity idols with him always from now on.  James
sings loudly, waking up the rest of the gang.  Camp appears to be much calm-
er and nicer now that Jean Robert is gone.  Courtney is especially happy!  But
Denise is not so happy.  She felt left out and blind-sided by last night's vote.
Nobody trusted her enough.  James talks with her and tries to reassure her
of her position with the power alliance.

Day 26 and Peih Gee is nagging James about how he builds the fire, how he
boils the water, how he cooks the food.  Nag, nag, nag!  Todd notices that
Frosti and Courtney seem to be getting very chummy and is worried about
her switching sides.  Tree mail arrives announcing a Reward Challenge.  PG
is hopeful, she's never had a reward yet. 

This episode's Reward Challenge is the Bouncing Ball on a Drum Race.  Two
teams of four will work together to keep a ball bouncing on drums while they
race through an obstacle course.  First tribe to get three balls into a bin at the
end of the course win.  Teams will work one ball at a time and should the ball
hit the ground, the team must start fresh at the beginning.  Reward is a boat
ride on the Li River along with food and a warm bed.  Jeff picks PG and Erik
as captains who then progressively select players.  Red Team has PG, James,
Todd and Denise versus Yellow Team of Erik, Frosti, Amanda and Courtney.
Both teams struggle at the beginning, each dropping their balls while trying
to pass the ball from one drum to another at a fence.  But Team Yellow works
out a slow and steady method, getting into a good groove and scores their
first point!  Team Red just keeps screwing up.  Everybody is blowing it!  Yel-
low scores their second point.  Red almost score but the ball got away and
fell right by the finish bin.  Yellow Team scores their third point and wins!
They get to leave immediately for their overnight cruise while Team Red sulks
back to camp.

PG is pissed, particularly at James, for blowing the challenge.  He calls her
out for always playing the blame-game.  She storms off and James comments
on what a loser she is.  PG is frustrated.  She feels alone and never wins any-
thing.  James and Denise chat about the challenge and PG.  They know every-
one made a blunder at some point.  James is also worried about Frosti being
on the reward with Courtney.  They are getting too chummy.  Todd is also un-
happy about losing and the general situation.

The winners are cruisin' in style!  They enjoy champagne and OJ.  They enjoy
the view.  They enjoy each other!  Especially Courtney and Frosti.  Erik gets
in on the schmoozing.  He pals and jokes around with Amanda and Courtney,
hoping to score points.  His charm is working, especially on Amanda.  She
digs him!  Food arrives, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, bread and butter.
They feast and enjoy each other's company more.  Except for Frosti, he's now
worried that Erik is getting tighter with the gals.  Will Erik replace him???

Day 27 and the winners return to camp.  The losers ask about the food and
the winners decided to lie, telling the losers they had Chinese food like the
last reward.  Amanda knew that if the losers found out the winners had fried
chicken, mashed potatoes, bread and butter, they would get very jealous. 
Todd later fills in Amanda, Courtney and Erik about how PG flipped out.  They
all agree she must go.

The Immunity Challenge is the Chinese Zodiac Memory Game.  Each 'player'
will stand at a station table with a set of square, cork tiles bearing images
of the Chinese Zodiac on them.  Jeff will call out a series of signs and 'players'
must use a knife and stab the tiles, gathering them in the correct order to
score and advance to the next round.  Jeff then tempts everyone with a table
full of cheese burgers, fries, and beverages.  Jeff tells the gang that whoever
feels safe may skip the challenge and indulge themselves for as long as the
challenge lasts.  Todd, Courtney, James and Denise secretly choose to sit
out the challenge and feast.

Round One and Jeff calls out Tiger, Rabbit, Rat, Monkey and Dog.  All have
it right except for Erik, he's out.  Round Two:  Rat, Ram, Dragon, Rooster,
Ram.  Amanda gets it wrong and she's out.  Round Three is between Frosti
and PG.  Snake, Rat, Rabbit, Tiger, Rooster, Ram.  Frosti had Snake followed
by Ram.  He's blown it and PG wins immunity!

Back at camp, Frosti is frosted about his alliance choosing to stuff their faces
instead of playing The Game.  He and Erik chat and wish each other luck in
surviving tonight's Tribal Council.  Frosti talks with Todd and tells Todd how
Erik was schmoozing the gals during the cruise.  Todd tells Denise and James
that he's worried about both Erik and Frosti.  He wants a commitment from
Courtney that she'll vote to boot Frosti, other wise the three decide to boot
her instead.  Todd talks with Courtney, but she appears to be non-committal. 
She says she doesn't really care which one gets voted off.

At Tribal Council, Jeff tells James that he was very surprised to see James
opt for the burgers instead of playing to win The Game.  James said he was
hungry and proved it by eating 7 of the 12 burgers!  Todd also defends his
choice to eat instead of playing.  Erik knows the 4 eaters all feel safe, but he
doesn't.  Amanda tells Jeff it's hard to separate friendships from strategy.
Denise adds that loyalty and trust are always questionable now.  Frosti be-
lieves he's made friends with the former Fei Long tribe mates.  Erik says he's
tried to make friends, but is very worried about going home tonight.  It's time
to vote.  After the ballots are cast, and before he counts them, Jeff asks if
anyone wants to play an immunity idol?  None do.  Frosti voted to boot Erik.
The rest, including Erik and PG, blind-sided Frosti!  KBOOOOM!  Frosti leaves
commenting on how they betrayed him while the smell of burgers was still
on their breath.  LOL!  Poor Frosti!  But as he walks away, Jeff tells the rest
that their business tonight is not yet over!  With seven remaining and only
twelve more days to go, could tonight be a Double-Boot Night???  Stay Tuned.

SPOILERS:  Injuries take their toll.  James is fed up with doing all the chores.
Todd is ready to take a stand.  No sign of what happened at Tribal Council
though PG is still around. 

Sir Linksalot
Survivor:  China