Biting The Apple
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 27 and the gang is still at Tribal Council after booting Frosti.  Seems
even longer after the extra week's wait while we fans had to suffer through
another re-cap show.  I'd suggest that the CIA consider using re-cap shows
instead of water-boarding! 

Jeff tells the gang they have more business to attend to.  He dismisses The
Jury, saying, what happens next does not concern them.  Well, that means
that the additional business is NOT another boot vote!  Instead, it's to be
a sudden Reward Challenge!  The prize is a trip to a 5th Century Shaolin
Temple.  The winner, and two guests, will be flown by private jet the next
morning and stay overnight, enjoying the sites, a feast, and bedding.  The
challenge is a quiz on Chinese culture.  Correct answers score one point.
As the final question was read, Todd, James  and Peih Gee were tied at 4
points each.  PG was the only one of them to get it right.  She chooses Erik
and Denise to travel with her.

Day 28 finds James up early as a boat approaches.  The rest wake up as PG
and her guests depart for their adventure.  Todd points out to James, Amanda
and Courtney that they should be the Final Four.  James seconds this by
adding all they need do now is NOT BITE THE APPLE!  But Amanda has other
plans.  She does not want to be part of a Final Three with any of them. 

The Jet-Setters are whisked away onboard a private jet, complete with comfy
seats and champagne.  PG works on Erik and Denise to form a new alliance
and decide who they should convince to bring into their fold to unseat the
current power base.  They arrive at the temple and get the grand tour by the
monks.  It turns out that Denise studies karate and the monks are impressed
by her.  But the Jet-Setters  are more impressed when the monks' students
put on a demonstration of their skills and techniques.  Next, they get invited
to join a group of young children as they train.  The monks get Denise to show
them all her skills and all are pleased.  At night, the group feasts and get
simple but comfortable bedding.

Day 29 and it's been raining hard back at the old camp site.  Todd and the
bunch have sought shelter in a nearby cave.  A boat arrives with the travelers
and only Amanda greets them.  Courtney gets pissed off when PG tries to
horn in on their cave-space while bragging about how great the trip was. 
Denise tells Todd how PG worked on her and how they plan to target him to
go next.  Erik chats with James about booting Todd.  But James lets Erik
know that it's a five on two game and he's not going to BITE THE APPLE!

Day 30 and tree-mail arrives.  Courtney and Amanda go to read it.  The next
Immunity Challenge is to be about throwing Kung Fu stars.  No, not David
Carradine!  It's the Shurikens throwing stars!  Amanda takes the opportunity
to tell Courtney that they need to blindside James now, otherwise he'll be
guaranteed a spot on the Final Three because of the two hidden immunity
idols he has.  Courtney seems reluctant.

It's Immunity Challenge time!  Round One will have each player throw three
stars at a set of targets.  Different parts of the targets have different point
values ranging from zero to five points.  The three highest scores will move
on to a Final Round.  PG is up 1st and scores a big Goose Egg, zero points.
Todd is next and manages one hit for 3 pts.  Erik scores two 3 pt hits for a
total of 6 points.  Courtney, James and Amanda also score two 3 point hits.
Denise only scores one 2 pt hit.  So the Final Round will have four players
instead of three.  Each gets one throw and the target is moved back an extra
ten feet.  Courtney misses.  Amanda scores 2 pts.  Erik scores 3 pts.  James
misses.  Erik wins immunity!

Back at camp, Amanda tells Todd they need to blindside James tonight!
Todd is reluctant, but after Courtney and Denise join the conversation and
they both agree to The Plan, Todd goes along.  PG and Erik find James' hiding
place in the shelter for the idols.  PG goes and tells Amanda about it, and
learns that Amanda already knows and they plan on booting James tonight.
Amanda tells PG to act like she's going home.  PG tells Erik what's up and
offers a back-up plan, he and she will vote against Todd, just in case James
decides to use an idol tonight.  That way, at least one of THEM go.  James
tries to be confident but admits to Uncle Cameraman that he'll be bringing
the idols with him tonight.  He will play one if he suspects something is going

At Tribal Council, Jeff notes how Denise is beaming.  She was so thrilled with
her trip to the temple.  PG admits that she's tried to break the old Fei Long
alliance but to no end.  James says they've been playing a strong game.  PG
quips that the ex-Zhan Hu have been winning the challenges!  There's talk
about how important and fragile trust is.  PG admits that she suspects she's
the target …, AGAIN!  It's time to vote.  We see James vote for PG and Todd
vote to boot James.  Jeff gathers the ballots and asks if anyone cares to use
an idol tonight.  James rummages through his sack but only fakes.  No idol
is played.  Jeff counts the ballots.  James gets booted with four votes with
Todd and PG getting one 'counted' vote each.  Both PG and Erik had voted
for Todd, with the rest booting James.  The Jury laughs it up as they watch
old Fei Long commit cannibalism. 

SPOILERS:  The players are overwhelmed with emotion!  Could this be the
'family episode'?  Amanda decides to turn against Todd.  Denise sees herself
as a swing vote.

Sir Linksalot
Survivor:  China