"I Trust You"
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Night 30 finds a nervous Todd back at Hae Da Fung Camp (formerly Fei Long
Camp).  He was shaking a bit during Tribal Council, but James failed to play
one of his two hidden immunity idols and was thusly booted out of The Game!
All celebrate the demise of James.  Peih Gee is especially happy, as she has
been a target once too often.  Since Erik had the Immunity necklace, she was
the vulnerable non-ex-Fei Long tribe member remaining.  PG is still looking
for a crack in Fei Long's alliance.

Day 31 and it's raining hard again.  The gang seeks shelter in their cave.  Todd
is still nervous.  He knows that at this point in The Game, alliances could flip
at any moment.  But first, it's time for the Reward Challenge.  Players must
work their way through a maze blindfolded, but they'll have help.  Yes, it's the
seasonal family reunion episode!  Family members will also be blindfolded
and start on the opposite side of the maze.  Erik's mom, Amanda's sister,
PG's dad, Todd's sister, Courtney's dad, and Denise's husband.  Todd's sis-
ter tells him that their younger sister has had a miscarriage.  Todd is over-
whelmed with emotions.  But on with the challenge!  First team to reach the
center platform and ascend it win a boat ride, a feast, and a phone call from
home.  Denise and her husband, Robert, find themselves on the maze first.
Amanda finds the center first and guides her sister with constant crazy bird
sounds.  But Denise and Robert make it to the platform and win.  Jeff allows
her to pick two players and their loved ones to join them.  Denise selects
Todd and Amanda.  Jeff also tells them that after the boat ride, the loved ones
will get to spend the night at the camp.  Jeff gives Denise a cell phone and
they head off for their ride.

On the boat, they find a huge feast of pizza, ribs and chocolate cake!  Denise
comments about how bad she smells.  The phone rings and Denise talks
with her daughter back home.  Meanwhile, back at the beach, the losers mull
over their misfortune.  Courtney is unhappy she was left out.  PG is unhappy
after she shared her reward with Denise.  All three bash Todd for his reaction
to the news about his sister.  They think it was staged like when Johnny
Fairplay pretended that his grandmother had died.  The winners return with
one bite of chocolate for each of the losers.  LOL!  No pizza or ribs???  PG is
still fuming.  Todd, Amanda, and their sisters enjoy a swim together.  Todd's
sister goes into more detail about how their sister lost her baby after two
months.  Later, Denise discusses strategy with her husband.  Todd and
Amanda tell their sisters that they'll take Denise to the Final Four, but will take
Courtney on to the Final Three.

Day 32 and a boat arrives to pick up the loved ones.  Denise chats with PG to
try and mend the fence.  PG is still clearly unhappy.

Day 33 and it's time for the Immunity Challenge.  Each player is attached to a
rope that runs the length of an obstacle course.  At the far end are six boxes,
each containing two statements about China.  One is true, one is false.  The
players must select which one is true and take a key from the box, and go
back to the start line.  There, use the key to open one of three locks.  The
first to open all three and raise a flag wins.  Todd and Amanda are out front
with a big lead.  They get their first keys and head back to the start.  PG gets
her first key.  Both Todd and Amanda open one lock and race for number 2.
PG gets her first lock open.  Todd opens his second but Amanda selected
the wrong key.  PG gets her second key.  Todd races back to the start with
his third key as PG gets her 3rd.  But Todd selected the wrong one!  PG's
third key was correct and she opens her third lock and raises her flag to win!

Back at camp, PG is very happy.  She's proud of herself.  Todd chats with
Courtney and Denise about how he's worried about Amanda being too chum-
my with Erik.  They are out fishing and Erik tells Amanda that he does not
trust Todd, nor believes the story about his sister's miscarriage.  Back at
shore,  PG tells Erik she's voting against Todd and they need to flip one of
the Fei Long alliance to cause a tie.  They talk with Denise and warn her that
Todd and the rest will not take her to the Final Three, but they will!  Todd,
Courtney and Amanda see them talking.  Todd comes over and tells PG that
he's voting to boot Erik.  Todd and Denise talk privately and he tells her, "I
trust you."  Denise feels the pressure of being a swing vote.

At Tribal Council, Amanda tells all how much she likes Denise and her family.
Denise is happy but worried that if she's seen as having too nice a family,
others may think she's playing for sympathy vote.  PG says that there are
cracks in the Fei Long alliances.  She says the 4th person needs to be con-
cerned.  Denise admits that she feels like she's on the bottom of the alliance.
Erik says that he's tried his best to stay in The Game.  It's time to vote.  PG
and Erik vote to boot Todd, the rest send Erik packing. 

SPOILERS:  Amanda FINALLY targets Todd to be booted!  Todd, needless to
say, is pretty pissed off!  PG is remarkably elated! 

Sir Linksalot
Survivor:  China