DAY ONE, and it's a new season! Jeff buzzes both groups in a helicopter as they paddle for shore. The location is a small island near Palau in Micro- nesia. 10 fans are unaware who they'll be facing, 10 players from previous seasons of "SURVIVOR". The Fans arrive on shore and Jeff greats them as rain falls down. They finally meet the Faves. Jeff hands out buffs and points across the lagoon. On the opposite beach are two boats, each with a map. There are also Individual Immunity Idols, one for each tribe, hidden on the beach. First player from each team to find theirs will have immunity, but the idols are only good for the first trip to Tribal Council. The Fans are Airai Tribe and the Faves are Malakal Tribe. The race is on as everyone starts swimming. Jonny Fairplay (JF) sees the idol first but Yau-Man tackles him and gets the idol. Yau then tells Kathy of the Fans where their tribe's idol is. Both idols were hung on the bow of the boats.
The Fans arrive on their beach. Mickey B (MB) tries to get them organized to build a shelter. Kathy is surprised Chet is gay. She's never met a gay man before and after some awkward conversation they bond. Kathy gets off to a good start in being annoying and others wish she didn't have an idol. The Faves arrive on their beach and begin building their shelter. Ozzy finds a huge clam loaded with protein. Parvati flirts with James while Amanda and Ozzy bond. Eliza gets jealous and suspicious with the two couples. Night falls and the Faves are nice and cozy in their shelter. The Fans are still working on theirs when it starts raining really hard. They get soaked.
Day Two find Faves Eliza, Ami, Jon and Yau-Man forming an alliance. They discuss recruiting JF and booting Parvati first. Parvati and Ozzy are already busy recruiting Fairplay and plot to boot Eliza first. JF tell the others about the plot and they tell Fairplay they want him to help boot Parvati.
Day Three and Yau-Man gets a fire going using his glasses and a drop of water! YEA YAU! Fans find tree mail announcing some sort of puzzle for the 1st Immunity Challenge. The tribes gather and Jeff asks the Faves how things are going? JF brags about how they've slept well, eat well and have fire. The Fans don't believe him. Fairplay tells them, "You guys are dumber than you look." LOL! Jeff shows the Tribal Immunity Idol and de- scribes the challenge. While each tribe has two players sit in a cart, the rest must first assemble puzzles into wheels for the cart. Then push the cart down a path, through an obstacle to a location where they are to dig up some planks. Then use the planks to build a bridge to reach a platform. The wheels are then disassembled to complete a turnstile which is used to winch a fire wok up to light a pole. First tribe to light their pole wins.
The Fans get off to a good start, assembling their wheels first and then overcoming the obstacle. More like destroying it! LOL! The Faves finally get rolling but a wheel pops off and the cart wipes out, causing a loss in time. The Fans dig up their planks and work on their bridge. The Faves catch up as the Fans reach the platform. By the time the Faves begin on their turnstile, the Fans have won! Jeff gives them the idol plus a piece of flint.
The Faves sulk home. Fairplay starts to moan about missing his girlfriend who is 7 months pregnant with his child. Ewwww! I shudder at the thought! Parvati tells him to play it up like he wants to get voted off to distract Eliza. JF does so, starting with Ami. She tells the rest of her alliance but adds that he may be lying. NO KIDDING!!! They still plan on voting off Parvati.
At Tribal Council, Fairplay starts up again about how he is feeling. Jeff doesn't believe him and asks him pointblank if he's quitting? Jonny says NO. But he continues to moan about his pending fatherhood and how his mind isn't in The Game. Like he has a mind!!! LOL! Yau-Man is suspicious but others are buying it. Jeff still thinks he's trying to work a scam. It's time to vote. Everybody votes to boot Jonny Fairplay. I didn't see who he voted for, it doesn't really matter. Jeff is surprised that Fairplay was serious and gives him a hug. Fairplay probably stole his wallet! LOL! Jeff tells Yau-Man to leave behind his immunity idol and gives the Faves a piece of flint.
SPOILERS: The Fans are in turmoil, looks like Kathy is continuing to annoy them all. Jeff tells all that Exile Island has new rules, room for two players! On Fave Beach, a showmance begins!