"Love In The
by Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

NIGHT THREE at the Fave's camp and the gang celebrates the departure of
Jonny Fairplay with a nice fish that Ozzy caught with his bare hands on the
way back from Tribal Council.  WHAT A GUY!!!  Eliza is just happy that she
wasn't booted.  Jon thinks that JF just lost it mentally (Like he had a mind to
lose in the 1st place?  LOL!).  The Fave's feel confident that they will rebound
and be strong in the next challenges.

Day 4 at Fan's Beach and they are still trying to organize themselves!  They
have no shelter, no fire, no water, and no clue!  They attempt to get a fire
going, but fail.  Joel and a couple others head off to find some firewood and
take the machete with them.  This irritates Kathy and Tracy, who want to
work on a shelter.  They and Chet are ostracized by the youngsters, The Y7.
Meanwhile, back at Camp Fave's, things are just peachy-keen.  They're living
it up, feasting on Ozzy's food-gathering skills.  Amanda is quite taken with
him.  Parvati and James have also become 'an item'.  Kathy and Tracy find
the boys of Y7 as they clean out a cave of firewood.  They get upset when
they're told that they may not use that cave to sleep in, because the Y7 will
be occupying it!  Tracy grabs the machete and with Kathy and Chet, set off
to build a nice lean-two for themselves.  The others get jealous and Tracy
helps them build a shelter, too.  A fire is FINALLY started and water is boiled.
A big clam full of protein is also shared.    Mickey B (MB) is flirting with Mary.
Joel is irritated that MB is gaining a leadership role.

Night Four and at the Fave's camp, Cirie notices Ozzy and Amanda kissing.
She also sees Parvati and James cuddling.  This concerns her and she joins
Jon and his alliance of The Singles.  Cirie is determined to break up the cou-
ples!  How Rrrrude!

It's Day Five and time for an Immunity/Reward Combo Challenge!  Each tribe
will field 5 swimmers, 3 puzzle solvers and a Key Master.  The swimmers will
take turns in relay fashion to swim out to a platform, climb it, and dive and
smash a tile containing a key.  Then swim back with the key and reach shore
before the next swimmer repeats the process.  Once all five keys are obtained
the Key Master will unlock a chest containing 20 puzzle pieces.  The three
solvers will then assemble a puzzle map of Micronesia.  The winning tribe
wins immunity, fishing tackle, a bamboo fishing boat, plus they will get to
select one member from the loser tribe to spend a night on Exile island.  Jeff
tells them that there is a twist which he'll reveal after the challenge.

Ozzy and Jason begin the swim phase and Ozzy gets a huge lead going.
Ami, and Amanda build on that lead over Alexis and Chet.  Chet has real
problems as he cannot find where his key fell in the water.  The other Fans
'encourage' him to return, which he does in a relaxed fashion.  Meanwhile,
Parvati brings the Fave's 4th key.  The Fans get a small break when Jon has
trouble finding the 5th key, but he does.  James unlocks the Fave's chest
and the puzzle is worked on by Yau-Man, Cirie and Eliza.  By the time that
Jason returns with Chet's key, the Faves solve the puzzle and WIN!  They
choose Kathy to be exiled.  Jeff then explains that the Faves must now
select one of their own to also be exiled!  They caucus and choose Cirie.
Jeff tells them that both will share the clues to find the hidden immunity

On Exile Island, Cirie and Kathy bond a bit as they read the first clue.  It
directs them to swim over to where both tribes first arrived four days ago.
There they find a second clue, which has them swimming to the beach
where the boats were.  There they find a third clue, which sends them back
again to the starting beach.  There they find a fourth clue which has them
swimming back to Exile Island!  LOL!!!  That last clue was not very specific,
though, as they search for the idols.  Back at Fan Beach, Chet becomes
an early target for being booted.  MB comes up with a complex plan to
split their votes between Chet and Tracy in the event that Kathy returns
with another immunity idol.  Joel is getting frustrated with MB's planning
and scheming.

Day Six finds Joel trying to convince Erik and Alexis that Mickey B is a
threat, especially since he and Mary are so tight.  They form an alliance.
Joel then recruits Tracy and Chet into a plot to boot Mary.  Kathy returns
from Exile Island and Joel tells her about the plan to boot Mary.  Mickey B
and Mary think that their plan to split the vote is still on.

A Tribal Council, things begin with Kathy recounting how Yau-Man helped
her find the special 1st Council immunity idol.  Attention then turns towards
Chet for his causing the tribe to lose the challenge.  Tracy pipes in about
how their tribe is divided and that there are two separate shelters!  Jeff is
amazed!  Chet knows that he's a target tonight.  Mary is confident in her
alliances.  Joel is more realistic, saying that anyone could go at anytime!
It's time to vote.  It looked like Joel, Mary and Natalie voted for Tracy, Jason
and Mickey B voted for Chet, and the rest gave Mary the boot.  I don't know
why Joel voted for Tracy.  I'm sure we'll find out next week.  Speaking of
next week…

SPOILERS:  Cirie decides to take control at Camp Fave.  The Fans continue
to suffer and bicker.  The challenges between the Fans and Faves become
outright WAR!!!
