Triumph Of
by Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

It's Day Nine at Camp Fave and Ami admits to Cirie that she wrote her name
down during Tribal Council.  Cirie was surprised, but Ami wasn't happy
when Cirie switched sides and had Yau-Man booted.  Neither was Jon, who
continued to argue with Cirie.  They bicker and bicker till Cirie ends the
argument with one last gloat about destroying Jon's alliance.  "DONE!", she
shouts.  Over at Fan Beach, they ponder who got booted?  An eel is killed
and the group eats it.  Natalie is unhappy about Chet's work ethic.  So are
others.  Some want him gone.  Back at Camp Fave, Eliza is sick.  James and
Ozzy wish they had voted her off instead of Yau-Man.  Eliza is confronted
in front of everyone about her weakness.  She tries to defend herself but it's
not taking.

But it is time for a Reward Challenge.  Four players from each tribe will swim
out to a platform and take turns diving for ten lettered coconuts held in a
long, submerged cage.  Once all ten are brought up, swim back to shore
where the remaining four with form a magic ten-letter word.  The prize is
a small cage with 3 chickens and a rooster.  They've even laid some eggs
already!  A sack of chicken feed is included, plus another round of Exile
Island selections.  The event begins and both groups of swimmers reach
their platforms.  Jason dives for the Fans, and Ozzy is first for the Faves.
Jason quickly works one coconut from one end of the cage to the opening
at the other end and brings it up.  Ozzy, being the ultra smart guy that he is,
takes another strategy and works a bunch of his team's coconuts to the
opening.  The strategy pays off!  The Faves quickly pass up the Fans and
get their ten coconuts to shore first.  James guesses that the word to be
spelled is TRIUMPHANT and Jeff says it is the correct answer.  The Faves
WIN!!!  They get the chickens and once again send Kathy to Exile Island.
This time, Ozzy goes along with her.

The Fans sulk back to their beach.  They moan and groan about their losing
ways and how much they are suffering.  They also suspect that Kathy is eat-
ing better than they are!  They're RIGHT!  Good Old Ozzy quickly gets some
coconuts for Kathy and himself.  She's very happy to be spending time with
him.  She tells Ozzy how much she's been learning from all of the Faves
during her Exile Island stays.  Ozzy pretends to go food foraging but actually
starts searching for the hidden immunity idol.  AND HE FINDS IT!!!  YEA!!!
But just finding the idol is not enough for Ozzy.  He carves up a fake idol
and places it where the real one was.  LOL!!!

Day 10 and the Faves are considering eating a chicken.  Most likely the
rooster will get served up first.  DUMB!  Give the guy a chance to help
cause a few more eggs.  Eat a hen first, there's three of them.  Eliza and
Parvati take a walk and Eliza tries to get tighter with her.  She tells Parvati
that Jon can never be trusted, etc.  Unfortunately, Jon happened to be
within ear-shot of them as he went to fetch some water. 

Immunity Challenge time.  Six players from each tribe will harness them-
selves to a spoke-like contraption.  Each end of the spokes is chained and
locked.  Using one set of keys, players will unlock their ends until the whole
contraption is free to be carried and move.  They will then negotiate trees
and such to gather six sets of money-bead necklaces.  Once all six are
gathered, they will turn them over to the remaining two players of their tribe
who will then solve a three word puzzle by aligning the beads on a puzzle
wheel.  Weird, huh?  The Faves do extremely well at this challenge, getting
a big lead and never looking back.  Eliza and Cirie solve the puzzle, "Tribe
Stays Intact", while the Fans only have four of the six necklaces. 

Once again, the Fans sulk back to their beach.  Kathy and Chet are the initial
targets for booting.  Mikey B chats up Joel about which should go first?
Chet looks like the loser as he is seen as the weakest link.  Joel tells Tracy
and Chet what's up.  Tracy tries to convince Joel that Mikey B is the bigger
threat and this may be their only chance to boot him.  Joel seems interested
in the plot.

At Tribal Council, Jeff asks if The Game is even now that both tribes will be
down to eight players?  Jason answers that he thinks the Faves have an
edge on them, after winning four of the six challenges.  Joel admits that
their tribe is the weaker one.  Chet admits to being the weakest physically,
but adds that he has other talents.  Yeah, right!  Mikey B throws Chet under
the bus as hurting the tribe.  Tracy points out that Chet had nothing to do
with why they lost the last two challenges.  Erik adds that physical strength
is not everything.  Jason makes one last plea to boot off the physically
weakest player.  Mikey B, Jason and Natalie vote to boot Chet, the rest send
Mikey B packing.

SPOILERS:  The Tribes switch-up some players, kissing all the original alli-
ances goodbye.  One challenge is very physical and MAY cause a serious
injury, forcing a player to be medically evacuated.
