Rainy Day
by Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Day 18 at Camp Malakal and no eggs from the chickens.  Tracy has no confi-
dence in them and suggests they cook one up.  Ozzy thinks it's a bad idea.
He's catching plenty of seafood, so why spoil the potential egg supply?
Hmmm, I wonder if eating the rooster had any effect?  LOL!  Oh well, Tracy
sees Ozzy as too powerful and controlling.  She wants him GONE!

Over at Airai Tribe, life sucks.  Mosquitoes and a long night of rain forced
the tribe into a cave.  They had a lousy night and are demoralized.  A morning
rain storm does not improve their attitudes.  Back at Malakal Beach, it's a
beautiful morning!  The sun is out, a fair breeze and Ozzy bonds with Erik.
He mentors Erik like a young cub, teaching him fun things like climbing
coconut trees.  LOL!  Ozzy thinks they should take the boat to the back beach
where the fishing is better.  Cirie goes along, though very nervous on the
water.  She gets more frantic when Ozzy suggests they go way out to the
reef.  While Ozzy and Erik dive for food, Cirie and Amanda try to calm each

Time for a Reward Challenge.  Four from each tribe are blindfolded and roll
a huge Micronesian money stone while another directs them.  One last
player walks along to collect puzzle pieces, obtained by rolling the stone
over tiles and breaking them.  Once all four sets of pieces are secured, three
players may work on solving the puzzle.  Natalie sits out for Airai Tribe.
The reward is a nice shower, courtesy of Herbal Essence, plus snacks.
The winners also do another set of choices for Exile Island.  The competi-
tion is pretty even throughout though Malakal has a slight lead.  They do
solve their puzzle first and win.  Jason is again sent to Exile Island and Ozzy
talks Tracy into, "taking one for the team."  LOL!

Malakal frolics at the waterfall resort, enjoying juices, fruit and COOKIES!
Ozzy takes a shower with Amanda and Ami!  WooHoo!  Back at Airai, they
suffer through another rain storm.  They retreat to the danky-stanky cave
again.  No fire, no hot food, no fresh water.  It's another long night with bats,
rats and other creepy crawlies.

Day 19 at Airai Beach finds Kathy very depressed.  She's miserable having
gotten no sleep.  She misses her family and under-estimated the endurance
factor of The Game.  Kathy tells her mates that she's ready to check out.
The other women try to console her.  Jeff arrives with a boat and talks with
Kathy.  He wants to know how she feels and what she really wants to do.
Kathy explains that she was more or less talked into competing and is now
just spent and overwhelmed by the circumstances.  She's just had enough!
Jeff tells her if she wants to go to pack up her things, which she does, and
leaves The Game with Jeff on the boat.

Day 20 at Malakal finds Cirie and Amanda discussing the fishing trip the
other day.  Amanda now realizes how arrogant Ozzy is.  They and Ami talk
about booting Erik to confound Ozzy.  But it's time for the Immunity Chal-
lenge.  First, once Jason and Tracy rejoin the gang, Jeff explains about
Kathy's departure.  The event itself is a race to drag large bundles of large
puzzle pieces to shore.  Each tribe sends one runner out at a time to take
a rope across a feeble bridge to a platform offshore.  The rope is attached
to one bundle and the others on shore use a large crank to reel the bundle
and the teammate back.  Once all five bundles are retrieved, two players
may then try to solve the puzzle, which will be the shape of a square.

Ozzy builds a big lead for Malakal as Eliza struggles to get the first bundle.
Ozzy sets off for the second bundle before she even leaves the platform.
Jason goes for Airai's second bundle as Ozzy returns with Malakal's second.
From offshore, Ozzy lets Erik know he's going for the third.  But Erik is not
as agile as our hero, Ozzy.  Airai gains a bit of ground back.  Ozzy is forced
to go for the last two bundles himself.  By the fifth bundle, he is visibly tired.
Amanda and Cirie work to assemble the large puzzle for Malakal.  Airai gets
their bundles and Eliza and Jason work to solve the puzzle.  They make
very good progress and come from behind to WIN!!!

Back at camp, Amanda apologizes to Ozzy for blowing their huge lead.  Ozzy
tells her, Ami and Cirie they should vote off Tracy tonight.  But Ami wants
to keep her around.  She chats up Tracy with an ingenious plot to blind-side
Ozzy.  He'll vote for Tracy, Amanda and Cirie are voting for Erik, so Ami,
Tracy and Erik will give Ozzy the boot.  Sounds good on paper. But Erik
believes that without Ozzy, they are finished as a tribe.  He wants to boot
Tracy to support his hero.  Way to go, Erik!  Stand by your MAN!  LOL!!!
Amanda and Cirie talk about booting Erik again, but Amanda is not so sure
anymore.  Ami is also second-guessing herself. 

At Tribal Council, Jeff chides them for losing three Immunity Challenges.
Tracy says that Ozzy is their leader and suggests that he is their problem.
After all, he decides who eats when and what.  Ozzy answers that he's just
doing what needs doing.  Erik supports Ozzy, says they can't make it without
him.  *GUSH*  Jeff asks Ami about the short and long term strategies.  She
acknowledges that one must consider the long term.  Ozzy tries to assure
all that while he may be an individual threat, he is loyal and will take allies
all the way.  Tracy tries to argue that she would be a better ally.  It's time
to vote.  Ozzy does not play his idol.  Tracy cast her vote to boot Ozzy.
The rest sent her packing. 

SPOILERS:  Cirie and Ami go on the warpath!  At Airai, Parvati makes new
friends.  Maybe new alliances with the women?  The challenges get more
physical as Erik takes a big hit.
