"Vee is for Victory"

Andy Zarowny



It's finally here.  Day 39.  Only Vee and Neleh are left at Camp Soliantu.
Both know that they are each other's best chance at winning it all.
They start the morning with a prayer for Paschal, and for themselves.
Their last day on the beach is filled with play and bonding.  Neleh puts the camp to the torch, burning all the junk left by the others, mostly
their old clothing. 

Even the animals are happy.  The wild boar John and Robert wanted
to kill has come around to say goodbye.  So do the chickens Boston
Rob wanted to eat.  The sandcrabs come out in droves.  Maybe
Neleh was right afterall?  Maybe this is Disneyland? 

As they walked to the last Tribal Council, we are given glimpses of
what the jury is thinking.  Paschal is proud of them both.  John thinks
both are bible-thumping hypocrites.  So too, Tammy.  Sean knows
Vee is representing.  Zoe is also positive towards both.  The General
feels the power he now has.  Kathy feels nothing, she still thinks she's
back in the jungle.  Lucky for her, Francis Ford Coppola already made
that movie!

At Tribal Council, Jeff permits both ladies to tell the jury why they
should vote for them to win a million dollars.  Neleh says she loves
everybody.  This whole thing has been just peachy-keen!  Vee is for
Vision.  She had a vision four months ago of being on Survivor.  She
had a vision of her winning, too.  It's written on the tablets.  God has
chosen her to be the ultimate survivor!  Ahem!

Now, it's the jury's turn.  Paschal is there, looking clean and well.  But
it's Tammy who gets first crack at the two finalists.  In true, Sue Hawk
style, she unloads on both.  She calls them liars.  She calls them
hypocrites for their lying and still professing some form of Christianity
which make Vee smile and shocks Neleh.  But, Tammy concedes that
they played The Game better than she did. 

Sean ain't playing any hate tonight.  He's the groovey love-boy with his
fluffy hair-do.  The righteous with both sisters.  He quizes them on
what moral lessons they learned.  Neleh tries to explain herself to
Tammy more than answer the question.  Vee does likewise.

Paschal doesn't ask either any questions.  He lets them know how
proud he his for both and how he'd like them both to be his daughters.
He's obviously still dehydrated.

The General asks not for explanations, but only for their biggest regret.
Vee regrets back-stabbing Kathy.  Neleh regrets voting Tammy and
the General off. 

Zoe doesn't say much, except reminding us all again how she works
and plays hard.  She also dismissed the whole lying thing, as they all
did so at one time or another. 

Kathy asks Neleh when did she start playing The Game?  Neleh said
Day 24, when she revolted against John and the old Rotus.  Kathy
asked Vee about her strategy of waiting for people to come to her
with alliances.  Her answer was vague, but how can you argue with

John closes out the questioning, first by calling them both liars.  He
then asks why he should vote for either one of them.  Neleh tried to
explain why she voted him off.  Vee talked about how well she played
The Game. 

It's final remark time and both pretty much just repeat themselves.
Neleh did admit that she got to the Final Two with a good deal of luck.
Jeff then tells the jury it's time to vote for who wins.  We see John
and Sean vote for Vee, and Paschal and Zoe vote for Neleh.  The other
ballots are not shown.  Jeff then gets the ballot box, bids all a-do, and
boards his helicopter for New York City. 

After a close encounter with the Statue of Liberty, and a fly-over of
other notable landmarks, Jeff lands and hails a cab.  "Central Park,
and step on it!"  All are gathered on stage as Jeff carries the box.
He asks the ladies how they've handled the past few months.  Both
are giddy and eager, Jeff!  Quit dragging this out!  He then asks the
jury if they've discussed their votes with anyone?  All answer, no.

Jeff then says that not only will the winner get a million bucks, but
also a brand new Saturn Vue.  Everybody cheers!  Jeff tallies the vote.
It's 4-3 for Vecepia Trowery!  Vee falls to the floor in joy!  Neleh says
"Oh My Heck!"  Everybody rushes them in congratulations. 

Then Rosie O'Donnel steals the limelight, arriving with Colby on his
motorcycle.  We are then treated to an awful song set to the tune of
the "Gilligan's Island" theme.  The rest of the show is equally awful.
But at least Gabe didn't rap and nobody danced a jig.  After a bunch of
meaningless questions and back-slapping, all the losers also won
a Saturn Vue eating a gummy-worm, blind-folded. 

Luckily, we got some better probing the next morning by Jane Clayson
and Mark Bergeron.  Vecepia had watched the previous editions of
Survivor, and modeled her strategy after Richard Hatch, though some-
what modified.  She didn't just fly under the radar, she dived deep like
a submarine, running silent, only surfacing to see which way the wind
was blowing.  She ping-ponged her alliances and helped take out the
stronger players, like Hunter. 

Vecepia definitely played The Game well.  Both Mark Burnett and Jeff
Probst thought so.  They agreed that this was probably the best cast
yet.  I'll say it was the third best, much better than "Survivor: Africa".

And now, it's on to Thailand for the fifth edition.  This time, the 16 cast-
aways will be stranded on an island during monsoon season.  And,
we're promised a new, and exciting start, which will change the whole
nature of The Game.  Bring it on!  I'm ready for more!