Episode 10: 
"The Princess"

Andy Zarowny



Day 28, and the morning is cold, the castaways, hungry.  None slept
well due to exposure and a lumpy 'bed'.  Not eating much has taken
it's toll.  Everybody is miserable. 

Vecepia celebrates her birthday.  The last banana and mango are
divided up and a chorus of "Happy Birthday" is sung.  Kathy arms
herself with a machette, determined to slay a black-fin shark.  Many
swim close to shore, but none are caught.  The morning does not go
well for our contestants.

Sean and Vee go to the tree-mail box, presumably hoping for Sean's
check to be there today.  But no, it's an announcement for the next
reward challenge.  Sean makes up for the disappointment of Vee's
separation from family on her birthday with another song.  It sends
her to tears.  Back at camp, they read the letter.  It's a water sport
with a prize of a hot shower and food.  All are excited.

It's Musical Shell Diving!  The seven players must swim and dive deep
to recover six shells placed near bright yellow rocks.  Two more
rounds whittle the group dow to four, who must then carry a rock,
weighing about 40 pounds, to shore and drop it at Jeff's feet.  Not on
his toes, please!  The winner gets his VISA card and a chance to
charge up a few hours of fun aboard a small cruise ship off shore.

Vecepia and Sean have the most trouble in the first round.  Vee gives
up, and Jeff must coax Sean into actually completing the round.  But
it does Sean no good, as he is easily beaten in Round Two.  Neleh
fails in Round Three, leaving Kathy, Paschal, Tammy and Robert for
the final underwater rock race. 

One would think that with Kathy's experience, she would win this one
easily, but not so.  Paschal quickly developes a system for diving,
walking the rock a bit, then throwing it further and resurfacing.  He
quickly pulls way ahead of the rest.  Pappy wins his second reward
in a row! 

Jeff brings a runabout to Soliantu Beach to fetch Paschal.  The others
bid him farewell.  Once aboard the Zodiac, Jeff tells him he can bring
a friend along.  Of course, Paschal invites Neleh.  Later, Sean tells the
camera that he would've chosen Vee.  Well, we knew he would.  But
Sean thinks Pappy should've looked beyond his bond with Neleh and
treated Vee to a birthday present.  Maybe if she had celebrated it
naked, a la Hatch, Paschal would've. 

Neleh and Paschal make quick use of the shower.  Fresh clothes are
laid out for them as well.  The two-some get clean for the first time
in a month and embark to the poop deck for some dinner.  It's French
quisine at it's best.  Fresh bread, lots of butter, snails in a buttery
sauce, veggies & potato in butter, and for dessert, creme bru'le,
basically sugar and butter.  No alcohol for the tea-totelers. 

Returning to reality, the two-some make a few waves, bragging about
all the food they eat, and especially about being clean.  Neleh really
goes overboard about the whole experience.  She does offer the
others a hard mint she's been sucking on.  They decline.  Oh well! 
Sean seems most jealous.  At least he and Pappy brought something
back to share with the rest.  Sean begins sniping at the Princess.

The next morning brings more hunger, except for Neleh and Pascal.
They had a great night of sleep and look pretty good.  They even
pass up on the taro.  The others think the two-some is being a bit too
cute for them this morn. 

Robert is determined to set a pig snare.  He's seen one coming by
daily and wants to get it.  Tammy helps him, nobody else has any
energy, aside from the Cruise Twins.  And they don't want to get dirty
so quickly.  While building the snare, the last of the True Rotus plot
on game strategy.  Robert figures that if he cathes a pig, and Tammy
wins immunity, they might last another three days.  Yeah, right!

Immunity challenge comes, disappointing Robert.  He now wishes he
hadn't wasted all his energy building the snare.  It's the Quest for Fire
challenge we've seen in previous editions.  This time the game is
played at night, making fuel finding harder.  Also, there are stages.
First, you get your fire going with gathered fuel, coconuts are best,
and they get to use a magnesium flint with a steel rod to get a spark
going.  Next, they must pop some popcorn, using the fire, and a pan
with oil.  Once they have popped one kernel, they then move on, to
light a large pyre.  First lit pyre wins immunity.

Vee gets off to a good start.  Paschal follows, then Kathy, Sean, and
Neleh.  The General gets his going and somehow pops his kernel
first.  Vee is right behind him, followed by Kathy.  But try as the gals
might, Robert wins!  Tammy looks sad.  I wonder why???

Next morning, there's plenty of sparks still flying.  Neleh is still irritat-
ing Sean and the others with her Little-Miss-Clean-Princess with the
freshest smelling hair on the Island routine.  We, the viewers, are
being set-up by old Mark Burnett.  Kathy suspects that Tammy will
try something to prevent expulsion.  She may be right.  Sean and Vee
must have been approached by Tammy and Robert about joining up
with them and ditching Princess Neleh.  We, the viewers, are being
set-up some more.

It's Tribal Council time, and Jeff asks the players what they dislike the
most.  Princess Neleh goes on and on about the dirt, and grime, and
No-Nos, and filthy..., you get the picture.  Sean and Vee flash Neleh
odd glances.  We, the viewers, are being set-up.  It's vote time, and
guess what?  Neleh got ZERO votes!  Vee got two from Robert and
Tammy.  I guess they must have tried the same schtick on the other
three on voting off Vecepia.  Tammy got all votes from the Fair-Five.
Boo-Hoo!  Nobody likes Tammy.  I wonder if she tried to get Robert
to give her the immunity necklace.  Oh well.

SPOILERS:  Mental fatigue gets worse, and...a possible injury????