Episode 11: 
"Marquesan Vacation"

Andy Zarowny



Day 31, and everybody wakes up with the 'missing home blues'.  They
stagger about, going through their morning routines.  Sean almost
falls off a limb, presumably trying to fix their shelter, but Robert saves
him.  The General is staying focused on the game.  He knows he's
next on the chopping block.

Reward Challenge is well suited, as it's the 'visit from home reward'.
This season, the twist is family members, and friend in Sean's case,
are on the island and will do the actual challenge.  A hexagon version
of the strategy-trap game.  After each move on the board, you flip the
tile you were standing on.  Once flipped, noone can stand on it.  Run
out of places to move, and you're trapped and out of the game.

For Neleh, it's her mom, Rebecca.  For Kathy, her son, Pat.  For Sean,
his friend, Darryll.  For Robert, his sister, Diana.  For Vecepia, her
husband, Leander.  And for Paschal, his wife, Beverly.  Whoever wins
gets to spend the night with the tribe and visit. 

Beverly gets trapped first, but Jeff allows Paschal to embrace her
and spend a minute or two together, before she must leave the area.
Nice touch.  All of Soliantu swells with tears.  Darryll gets a wild card
tile that allows him to vote off one player.  He tosses his hat behind
him and it lands closest to Leander.  Darryll goes next being trapped
in the middle.  Rebecca runs out of room next.  It comes down to Pat
and Diana at the end with each on their last tile, but it's Diana's turn
to make a move.  Pat, and Kathy, win!

Kathy is ecstatic as they return to the camp.  Everybody is happy with
the brief visits they've had. And they're also all too happy to let Pat
do all the hard work!  Crack them troka shells!  Bust them coconuts!
Chop that firewood!  Dig up that taro!  Some vacation he has. 

But this brings up a good point about forming civilizations.  Soliantu
kicks back and begins to philosophise on their new awareness and
appreciations of life.  But to have the time to do so is only due to the
introduction of slave labor.  This is why the Greeks invented philoso-
phy (and democracy, too), the Egyptians mathematics and engineer-
ing, etc..., they had the free time to do so.  But only when they had
some poor, dumb, schmuck around to do the meanial tasks.

Kathy, while gathering taro with Pat, seeks his guidance on how to
play The Game.  Her devoted son hasn't a clue.  But Kathy is indeed
considering teaming up with Robert to go against one of the other
twosomes.  Later that night, as they sit about the fire talking about
food, Pat teaches them how to make a tumbleweed.  Chunks of
strawberries in vanilla ice cream, coated with shredded coconut.

Pat leaves the next morning and The Game is back on.  Robert feels
out Kathy, while gathering water, about teaming up against Neleh.
He tells her that Sean and Vee are tired of Neleh, too.  We then cut to
Neleh talking with Paschal about how great it was to see her mom.
We then cut to Sean imitating Neleh talking about how great it was
to see her mom to Vecepia.  They certainly are fed up with her act.
We cut back to Kathy telling Robert that it's Paschal they should take
out.  He's the bigger threat.

Immunity Challenge time arrives, and it's the ol'Slingshot game!  This
time, the target is an hourglass filled with sand.  Each has a tikki at
the base, representing a contestant.  Break one of several windows
on the upper half of the hourglass and sand will bury the tikki.  Once
completely covered, that player is out. 

Incredibly, the guys get knocked out first.  No Alvin Yorks in this
crowd.  Kathy goes next, leaving Neleh and Vecepia to square off. 
Vee wins immunity! 

Since so much time was devoted to the Reward Challenge, we got
very little from pre-Tribal Council day.  Robert knows he's in peril of
losing.  But he decides not to press for an alliance against Neleh. 
Kathy is still wondering what to do.  Jeff's questions were typically
pointless, bring us to the vote.  Surprise, surprise!  Robert got five,
and he voted for Sean. 

SPOILERS:  Neleh starts picking on Sean, but Sean claims not to be
committed to not voting against Vecepia.  Hmmmmmmmmm?