Episode 12: 
"A Tale of Two Cities"
"How to shoot yourself in the mouth in under 5 minutes."

Andy Zarowny



Day 34 and Soliantu Tribe prepares for the Cannabilism festival.  Vee
has a breakfast chat with Kathy and plays the old race card.  She tells
Kathy how she and Sean feel about being out-numbered by white folk.
Neleh over hears this conversation and runs to Pappy.  Both express
their outrage.  They then chat up Kathy about how sneaky Sean and
Vee are.  And lazy, too!  Kathy is confused, as usual. 

But they don't have time to dwell on this too much, as tree-mail brings
news of the final reward challenge - The Super Challenge!  Elements
of past challenges are mixed up into a confusing mess.  This seems
to be the theme of tonight's episode... a confusing mess.

First they must assemble a tiki statue cut into eight sections.  Then they
move on to break coconuts to fill a bamboo shoot.  Then they must un-
tie a rope from a log suspending a set of stilts.  Then they must walk
ten feet with the stilts.  Then they must break coconuts, find a key, and
unlock a box containing a slingshot.  Then they must break a tile on a
hour-glass, sand-filled target and cover a tiki.  Then they must think of
ten nice things to say about the Saturn Vue they win.  I can think of one
right off the bat..., it's not a stupid Pontiac Aztec!  Sean says his victory
is not just for himself, but for all those he's representing.  Hahaha!

Anyway, that's the challenge, and that's the prize, a Saturn Vue.  Actu-
ally, I also like the commercials for the Vue it's scaled-down and being
chased by cougars or lizards.  Paschal, who has no energy, barely
tries.  He probably saw the prize and decided the Vue is beneath him.
Sean takes an early lead and builds on it.  Nobody else is even close.
Sean wins himself a new car!  The only thing messing is Johnny Olson.

After the challenge, the REAL game is back on.  Vee sees that Paschal
is upset, and suggests they all have an open discussion about the
state of things round the campfire after dinner.  Sean actually helps
find dinner that day, going troka hunting with Kathy, Vee, and Neleh.
At nightfall, they discuss the subject of sub-alliances.

Neleh and Paschal admit to having sworn to each other not to vote for
the other in Tribal Council from early on.  This confirms what Kathy has
suspected.  Neleh then goes off on Sean and accuses him and Vee of
also having a sub-alliance.  The race-card is played by Neleh, this time.
Things get ugly, really ugly!  Kathy shuts everybody down by bringing
them back to reality.  Kathy tells Neleh and Pascal that their admission
of a sub-alliance definitely impacts the situation.

Day 35 and tension is thick.  Neleh and Paschal know that Sean and
Vee will vote against Paschal.  Actually, they dislike Neleh more, but
she obviously can't image why.  Paschal corners Kathy and tells her
about how Sean and Vee are disceiving her.  Kathy doesn't see it that
way.  Disgusted, Kathy goes off to fly her award-winning kite, but the
winds are not cooperating.  Kathy chats with Sean, who assures her
that she'll get an even break with him and Vee.  He reminds Kathy that
Vee has switched sides against him before.  He's not bound to her.

Immunity Challenge is the much awaited story-time, about two tribes
and one warrior who joins the other, only to betray them when they
attack his old tribe.  Hmmmm, Me thinks me sees a corelation!  Each
person must answer 5 out of six questions right to win.  Each correct
answer earns a tiki, which is clipped on their necklace.  A wrong an-
swer earns a bone, which must be deposited in a fire urn before try-
ing again.  First person with five tikis wins.  Kathy and Neleh both get
five first and reach the winning line almost at the same time, but Kathy
edges her out, but lost one of her tikis.  Jeff counts Neleh's necklace
and she also lost a tiki.  They both scamper to find the missing tikis,
and Kathy does so first and wins immunity.

Little is shown of Day 36.  Kathy knows she's the swing vote and must
roll the dice as to which two-some she dises with.  At Tribal Council,
Jeff asks her if anybody has offered a deal to get immunity.  Kathy
says no and is surprised nobody has.  Sean then raises his hand and
offers a bargain, he won't vote for her if she gives it to him.  Vee chimes
in and agrees that if Kathy gives one of them immunity, neither will vote
against her.  Paschal trashes Sean, calling him disingeniuous.  All hell
breaks loose!  This is the rowdiest Tribal Council ever.  It nearly comes
to blows.  The jury, all dressed in black, smirks as they watch.

Kathy swings with Neleh and Paschal to vote off Sean.  He and Vee
had voted for Neleh.  The Final Four prepare for the Finish Line. I can't help thinking that had Sean kept his big mouth shut, Kathy would've voted against Paschal. Oh well, on Sunday we'll know it all.