Episode 13: 
"The Sole Survivor"

Andy Zarowny



It's Day 37, and we are first treated to a long recap of the past 36 days.
I'll spare you the details.  I wish CBS had spared me.  After the com-
mercial break, The Game resumes.  The gang has just returned from
Tribal Council after booting Sean.  Kathy and Vee rekindle the fire as
Paschal and Neleh fetch some wood.  Does Kathy have misgivings as
to her latest political decision?  You bet!  She wonders if she blew it.
She figures she'll know in two days.  Good call, hon.

Daybreak comes and everybody is tired.  Tired of the island.  Tired of
each other.  Vee tells the camera she's tired, but determined to work
hard these next two days.  She knows she's just hanging on.  Neleh
and Kathy are whooping it up, getting crazy, singing something.  I
think they've had too much fried coconut.  Or maybe they found a

Tree-mail informs them that the next immunity challenge will deal with
remembering the past contestants.  The gang has apparently talked
about what challenges they may be facing.  Everybody suspected this
was coming, the infamous, 'Fallen Comrades' challenge.  Paschal
wants everyone to compare notes.  Uh-uh, says Vee.  Her luxury item
was a journal, and she's been keeping very detailed records.  As we
shall learn much later, Vee has watched past Survivor editions.

Actually, they all do very well.  It's a tight race to ten correct answers.
We had two, two-way ties, with Vee and Neleh with nine, and Kathy
and Paschal with 8 apiece.  The last question was about which branch
of the military did John serve where he was taught to be a nurse?  All
except Vee answered the Army, and were wrong.  Vee had the correct
answer, the Air Force.  Vee wins immunity!

Jeff now asks Vee if she'll take any offers.  She says she will.  Kathy
chimes in immediately.  She asks Vee to simply agree to not vote for
her this time and Kathy will not vote against her for the rest of The
Game.  Kathy also says that she'll do whatever tie-breaker.  Jeff inter-
jects that none of them know what a tie-breaker may involve.  Hmmm?
Vee accepts, and Kathy asks if they can discuss their vote in private.
Jeff says no, they've got to talk in front of everybody. 

Kathy wants Paschal gone.  She claims it's because he said he's done,
physically.  Paschal gets a gust of wind in his sails and tells Kathy he
will speak for himself.  Sorry, Pappy, but you did say so last episode.
Vee shuts down Kathy by telling her she could never vote for Paschal
over Neleh.  Neleh is confused.  Doesn't everybody love her?

The vote is a tie between Kathy and Neleh.  Jeff explains the new way
of resolving ties.  The group must discuss among themselves and
unanimously chose a bootee.  Otherwise, everyone, accept Vee, must
draw a rock out of a leather sack he produces.  Jeff says that there are
two yellow rocks and one purple rock.  Whoever draws the purple rock
takes the walk of shame.  Neleh seems to be giving in, but Paschal
won't stand for it.  They draw the rocks, and Paschal loses. 

Day 38, 3 AM, and Jeff wakes up 'The Girls'.  He tells them they have a
long day ahead of them.  First they must assemble an out-rigger and
then paddle it a ways up beach.  There, they hike to a camp where they
are to paint themselves with Marquesan-style tatoos.  What?  No bone
combs?  Next stop is another camp to purify themselves with oils and
flowers.  Then comes the long hike along a high ridge, over looking
some spectacular scenary.  On the sides of the trail, the tiki torches of
the Fallen Comrades. 

Finally, they arrive back at Challenge Beach for the last, most crucial
immunity challenge..., the 'Endurance Challenge'.  How challenging
can you get?  Each of 'The Girls' must stand on two pegs and have
one hand on the idol.  If their free hand touches the idol, or they break
one of the three contacts, they lose.  If you read my prediction, I called
this one right.  Kathy has been shakey the last few days, physically.
After four hours she blunders, trying to adjust her shirt (so her boobs
don't show), and lost her balance. 

Kathy hasn't even sat down and Vee sells her out.  Vee offers Neleh
immunity by voluntarily taking a dive if Neleh chooses to take her to
the Final Two.  Neleh, who would've taken Vee over Kathy anyway,
accepts in a split second.  Kathy is in a state of shock.  Neleh wins
immunity, and Kathy is doomed.

At Tribal Council, there is more drama, as the jury enters.  Paschal is
not among them.  Jeff tells 'The Girls' that Paschal had passed out
shortly before TC.  He's been evacutated and is receiving medical at-
tention.  He asks John, a registered nurse (and on the scene) to ex-
plain further.  John assures 'The Girls' that Paschal is okay.  He was
severely dehydrated.  After blacking out, he came too and was lucid.

Jeff now asks Vee about her decision to back-stab Kathy, so the jury
knows what had occured.  Vee didn't think the deal she made with
Kathy yesterday meant she had to carry her to the Final Two.  Ummm,
I think it did, sunshine.  But none the less, Vee has made her bargain
with the devil and will ask for forgiveness later.  Jeff reminds everyone
that only Neleh has a vote tonight, and she could vote whoever she
wanted to.  Neleh does vote, and it is Kathy's time to go.

Jeff snuffs out her torch, and Kathy takes the walk of shame.  Poor
Kathy!  She deserved to win most out of anyone, in my opinion.  Jeff
then let's the remainder know that the power has now shifted to the
jury.  Vee and Neleh are now at their mercy.

For the conclusion of "Survivor: Marquesas"
click on the link:
