( or, "So Long Gina, Hello Merge!" )

Andy Zarowny



As we last left Rotu, John emerged as the leader of the 'Core of Four'
(John, Robert, Tammy, & Zoe).  It's morning, Day 16, and after voting
off Gabe, the Core go on a water-run.  The others are probably still
asleep.  Robert is happy that John has declared himself the leader.
It makes John the target as the bad-guy when it comes to jurors.  So
Robert can kick back and hide in the shadows, presently occupied by
Zoe.  John is quite pleased with himself.  So much so, he skinny-dips
off a rock ledge into the pond.  One wonders when John will start
doing other chores buck-naked?

Back at Camp Rotu, the others stir about.  The Lazy Boys, Rob and
Sean, know their goose is cooked if Rotu loses another immunity.
They are also unhappy with Vecepia's recent sucking-up with the
Core of Four.  Rob and Sean feel they can no longer trust her.  Thier
only hope is to survive the merge and get something going with the
remains of Maraamu.  Rob vows to get John first.  Now there's a
bright idea!

Speaking of Maraamu, they're busy fetching more crabs for breakfast.
Both Paschal and Kathy comment on how abundant the food is on
their beach and how much easier it is to acquire.  We also learn that
the amazing Rotu went hungry most of the time, usually only eating
dinner.  At breakfast, they all ponder who got voted off from Rotu last
night.  Neleh thinks Rob was sent packing, while the rest opined for
Sean.  Gina is especially looking forward to seeing which of her old
chums was expelled.

On the way back from the waterfall, Rotu checks their tree-mail box
and finds notice for the reward challenge.  It's to be a race on land
and sea, with the reward being a meal.  The hungry Rotu get estatic.
John had made it a point that their strategy should be to use their
best players for the reward challenge.  Losing the next immunity
wouldn't be such a bad thing in his mind.  But a meal would do them
all nicely about now.  Over at Maraamu, they concede they don't need
the meal, but still hope to win purely to deny Rotu one.  Upon arriving
at the challenge site, Maraamu are shocked to see that Gabe is gone.

It's to be a multi-part, relay race.  The set-up is complicated, which we
shall soon see plays a big role in the outcome.  Basically, two from
each tribe  a foot race to acquire two oars, and find a key to a lock
hidden in a pile of coconuts.  They then hand off the key and oars to
two others, who open a lock & chain securing each team's canoe. 
They must then paddle out to their respective bouys, get a flag, and
paddle back to shore near the chain.  Both rowers then race to a
tiki statue with their flag.  First wins the feast.  Which, by the way,
is brought to you by Sierra Mist, Pepsi's gawd-awful substitute for
Seven-Up.  There's plenty of Mist on ice, along with fried chicken,
quiche, and other goodies.

The runners are Rob and Zoe for Rotu and Paschal and Neleh for
Maraamu.  Why they chose Paschal as the first runner is beyond me!
Rob smokes him getting to the first paddle, then tags up with Zoe.
They are well out in front by the time Paschal gets his oar and tags
Neleh.  When they reach the second oar, Rob and Zoe are just about
done untieing theirs.  Rob and Zoe even find their key before the
Maraamus have untied their oar.  It looks like a yawner.

Upon tagging up with John and Robert, who forgot to take the second
oar at first, Rotu gets their outrigger canoe into the water.  This is
when trouble begins.  John and Robert are having a hard time rowing.
Both paddle from the same side, starboard, and they wind up going
in a circle.  Apparently, they never knew the origin of the word,
'starboard' is derived from 'steering board'. 

Kathy and Gina make up the difference.  These two gals know what
they're doing.  They manage to beat Rotu to the bouy and get their
flag.  We now have a real race, with both teams neck-and-neck rowing
back to shore.  As they reach the beach, Kathy forgets their flag.  Jeff
declares Rotu the winners.  But wait!  Maraamu calls foul.  Robert
did not reach the statue before the rest did.  Jeff Probst actually earns
his pay this week when he double-checks the results.  It also seems
that Rotu's canoe was not within the length of the chain.  Jeff agrees
and declares Maraamu the winner!

At Maraamu's feast, they chow-down on all the goodies.  We get the
usual, "Mmmmmm, this is soooooo gooooood!!!" banter.  Kathy
simply MUST have the recipe for the bean salad!  Is that relish in
there?  I think Maraamu was more excited by the ice than the Sierra
Mist, but that didn't stop shameless advertising.  The converstaion
eventually turns to the fact that Gabe is gone.  Things must be pretty
awful with the new Rotu Tribe.

And so they are.  Rob complains to the camera about how he did his
part in the challenge, and how John & Robert, "Dumb & Dumber",
blew their huge lead.  No argument, there, Rob ole boy.  The Core of
Four remind the rest that while eating all that rich food might have
brought pleasure for a couple hours, it would've caused several days
of digestive misery.  John listed all the gaseous items on the menu,
and how he wouldn't have eaten half of them.  Yeah, rrrright!

Sean replies to Tammy's sales pitch. "This is the Tony Robbin's tribe.
We're taking it on the road."  John feels no need to apologize and
cooks more of his grewl.  The combo of chopped coconut, diced taro
root, and remnant o' shellfish, is a poor substitute for fried chicken to
Sean.  He would've prefered the latter, despite the consequences of
diareha.  After all, what else IS there to do?

Bedtime at Maraamu leads Neleh to recite a poem Gabe had written
for Paschal.  "The insects are creeping.  8 friends are a-sleeping.", or
some such drool.  Paschal gets misty recalling his time with Gabe.
Nehel and Kathy chime in, confirming with their own praise.  They
are quite upset with their old Love Tribe.  That new Rotu makes Neleh
"...just so mad!"  They all talk of how much better things are now with
their new tribe.  Maraamu is now a family. 

Rotu is also a family, a rather disfunctional one.  Rob decides to pick
a fight with Zoe first thing on the morning of Day 17.  You see, Rob
knows that if you want a reputation, you always attack the toughest
person first.  Zoe, exhibiting her glorious body, complete with hairy
armpits, is ready for Rob.  All we need now is Vince McMahon.  Rob
asks Zoe straight out if the Core of Four has an alliance.  Zoe fibs as
she scratches herself.  They have a friendship, she answers. 

Rob then carries the game to John.  John admits to the alliance, as
we see Zoe smirking as she walks off camera.  Vecepia also retreats
from the drama, as usual, to hang with her new sister, Tammy.  Rob
presses the issue, saying he's worried that at the merge, old Rotu
will rejoin and dump old Maraamu. John explains that HIS plan is to
eliminate new Maraamu players first.  He promises to Rob and Sean
that they will be safe, for now.  The combatants part friendly, a bit
too friendly.  As he's walking away, Rob asks John if he's gay?  John
says of course he is, and thanks Rob for 'outing him' on national
television.  John doesn't mind it at this point, since he's running the
show.  Or thinks he is, anyway. 

The Love Family awakes to Kathy's chi-dong, or whatever version of
tai-chi she practices.  Paschal seems interested and Gina is gushing
over what a great gal Miss Kathy is.  Neleh tries to exchange body
heat with Paschal, but he's too old to feel her warmth.  Awwwww!
Both Gina and Kathy know that whether it's formal or not, Neleh and
Paschal have an alliance.  Kathy suspects that they may even choose
Gina over her in a vote.  Especially now that Gina has turned Neleh
(Ne-leh-ah) into a three-syllable name.  But cute doesn't cut it on
Survivor.  Just ask the poet Gabe.

Meanwhile, back at Rotu, John is not in a very lovey mood.  He tells
Tammy it may not be such a bad idea to throw the up-coming
immunity challenge.  This would be their only chance to get rid of
Rob before the merge.  John doesn't trust him at all.  Tammy isn't
too keen on this scheme.  I don't think she trusts John.  She may
also be like ole'Hunter, a true competitor.  Not doing your best is
simply revolting. 

Immunity challenge time, and the tribes gather at Mark Burnett's
Rat-Maze.  Actually, they've been it in since Day 1.  We've seen this
one before, gather five items scattered throughout the maze and
bring them to something in the center.  This time, they gather
numbered rungs for a ladder.  First to complete their side and climb
to the top wins.  Jeff reminds Rotu they have more players, again,
and three have to sit this out.  The B-team is joined by Tammy.  Rob
the Rat shall lead them thru the maze.  Mommy Kathy leads her

Almost immediately, Maraamu looks lost.  They amble about, tied
together.  What's more, they're not moving very quickly.  They look
like Sarah did two weeks ago on the shrimp hunt.  Rotu's B-Team
is moving quicker, with an average age about eleven years less than
Maraamu.  Rat-boy Rob seems at home searching for cheese.  He's
leading his group nicely, finding three rungs before Maraamu gets
one.  Even John has to cheer, begrudgingly, as Rotu smokes the
others thoroughly.  Jeff gives Maraamu the bad news, again.  They
might as well call Tribal Council the Maraamu Lounge. 

Upon returning to Love Beach, the Love Family finds that the fire is
out, and the sun is too far down to make another.  Looks like cold,
raw mollusk for dinner tonight.  Gina and Kathy went back and
forth about putting sand on the fire, more specifically the embers.
Gina and Paschal know Kathy goofed.  We all know she did!  Kathy
ponders whether this and leading them to defeat in the challenge will
result in her ouster.  Gina hopes so!  Kathy wanted to have a family
meeting about the vote, but she had no takers.  Even Neleh can't
rule out keeping Gina over Kathy at this point.

At Tribal Council, Jeff's questions revolve around the family theme.
Paschal says that not only have Maraamu recreated that 'Rotu-Love
thang', but have surpassed it!  NO WAY!?!?  Gina's just too gushy
to make any sense.  Kathy feels secure, that is until Neleh confesses
that she still hasn't made up her mind who to vote against.  That
draws a quick flash from Miss Kathy.  Jeff's had enough and it's
time to vote.  Thank you, Jeff! 

Gina votes for Miss Kathy, even though she loves her to death.  The
rest vote for Gina.  Old Rotu is still in charge.  Jeff snuffs out Gina's
flame.  She is gracious, as the U.S.A. Watermellon Queen should be.
Besides, now she can go hang out with her hunky Hunter at the
Loser's Lodge.  I wonder if she's been worried about him hanging out
with Sarah?  Sarah strikes me as one of those clingy-types who
can't stand being alone for five minutes.

SPOILERS:  The merge begins with a group prayer and ends with a
convention of the Liar's Club.  Kathy seems especially upset by Zoe
lying to her.  Rob is very happy.