WEEK 7:  The 'Rob-father' gets rubbed-out.

Andy Zarowny



Morning, Day 19, and it's the breakfast crab-hunt at Maraamu.  They
all feel really bad about dumping Gina, but the spirit of old Rotu still
lingers.  To a small extent.  Kathy moans that if they have to go back
to Tribal Council, she knows she's next.  There's no way she can
break the Neleh-Paschal bound. 

As a reminder of potential cannibalism, the Maraamu stumble across
an ancient grave site.  Examing the skull and other remains, Paschal
deduces that it may have been a ritual sacrifice or meal.  The skull
had signs of being struck violently.  An omen of things to come?

Back at Rotu, Rob laments some more about his precarious position
in his new Tribe.  Sean is his only buddy.  Vecepia has clearly sided
with the Core of Four.  Rob suspects that his days are numbered,
unless he can get something going during the merge.  But when will
the merge happen?

Tree-mail brings orders from Mark Burnett.  Each tribe must select
one member.  That member must dress in long pants and pack for
a hike through the jungle.  A map is provided.  The tribes are warned
to pick with care. 

Rotu stand about and wonder who should go.  Everybody has their
thumb up their ass, until Rob volunteers to go.  Now, you would think
that the others would've figured out that this is the usual merge
ambassador thing.  In which case, one of the Core should've went,
if nothing else, to keep control of the situation.  But no, the dummies
let Rob go.  Maraamu send Kathy.  Now there's a pairing!

The two meet Jeff at the appointed place, and he explains to them
that they must come up with a new tribe name, color, and flag.  But
first, it's pizza and more shameless advertising for Coors beer. 
Rob and Kathy are happy.  Food and brew, and plenty of both.  Jeff
leaves them alone, like they are hoping for something romantic to
occur between these two!  Kathy comments about having to slam
down beers with the young stud.  We are also treated to camera
shots of their bedding.  Two cots side-by-side, as if to suggest some
potential fun.  The beer goes to Rob's head and even Kathy looks
pretty good to him right about now.  She could be his new Sarah!  Oh
please spare us!

More importantly, Rob unloads on Kathy what's up at new Rotu.  He
tells her flat-out that she's the first who will be voted off by her
former friends.  Kathy retorts that she bonded with Zoe, but Rob
relates his conversation with Zoe.  After more discussion, and beers,
Kathy gives in, and makes a pact with Rob.  With that, it's off to bed,
where Rob works his charm on the drunk Kathy.  She seems taken
with the youngster.  Koo-koo-ka-choo!

Morning, Day 20, and Rob and Kathy arrive at Camp Maraamu.  They
announce the merge and that they have five minutes to gather up
their belongings unto the raft.  Scurrying about like hunted crabs,
they load up everything and begin their journey back to Rotu.

The Rotus see them coming and wade out to welcome them.  They
learn the name of their new tribe, Soliantu, which means 'secret
allegiance with the sun'.  They should've just called themselves
Coor's Lite Tribe.  New buffs are passed out, sort of a light purple,
though Robert thinks they're pink.  And real men don't wear pink. 
That's okay, there aren't any of those around anyway, except for
Paschal.  The flag goes up and the fun begins.

Kathy immediately is uncomfortable.  She was somewhat doubtful
of Rob's story yesterday, but now she's reading every emotion and
sign from her ex-teammates.  Kathy is now worried that Rob may be
right.  She's the target for the next vote.  She plays the old 'let's be
honest' card, but gets no takers.  Tammy tells the camera that if
she has to lie, she will.  As night falls, the Soliantu Tribe cuddles
for sleep, but it is the calm before the storm.

Rob forces the issue during a water-run with Zoe and Kathy.  He
confronts Zoe with whether or not the old plan is still in place, to
vote off the New Maraamu first, with Kathy on the top of the list.  Zoe
pauses, smiles, and says there is no such plan.  After an exchange
of liar-liar, Kathy storms off for a needed swim.  She knows now
that Rob was right and Zoe and the others of the Core are planning
her demise.  Her only hope is to win individual immunity.

As expected, it's an endurance contest, but with a twist.  Each will
stand on a small raft out in the surf.  Only their feet may touch the
raft.  The trick is to keep their balance with the rolling waves.  The
game begins and it's not long before several people wipe out.  Even
the amazing Zoe, who seemed quite at home on her raft, eventually
loses her balance and takes a dive.  It comes down to Kathy vs.
John, who then stupidly touches the raft with his hand as he tries
to get his t-shirt, which he left off.  What a dummy!  Kathy wins and
she is safe, for now.

More excitement back at camp where Rob continues to push all the
buttons.  Vecepia drones son some more about there being too
much drama.  Ummm, isn't that the whole point of the show, Vee???
Apparently, Rob wants the Core of Four to stick with their plan and
commit to voting off either Neleh or Paschal.  But John says all
bets are off.  He's not happy that Rob told Kathy all about their little
agreement.  Rob's only hope is to get Sean and New Maraamu to
vote off John.  Vee is a lost cause.  So is Kathy as we will see.

Tribal Council is full of fireworks.  After the usual 'we're all doing
great and love each other' bullshit, Jeff turns to Sean and Rob.  They
unload on the others and accuse them of being liars and back-stab-
bing-no-good-niks.  Jeff announces a new twist to immunity, which
unfortunately is too late to be of any value.  Kathy could, if she
wanted to, give her immunity to somebody else, as a favor to secure
loyalty.  But Kathy doesn't bite.  She feels too vulnerable.  With that,
the voting commences.

John got two votes (Sean and Rob), Zoe got one vote (Kathy), and
the rest voted for Rob.  So much for his grand scheme.  You gotta
wonder why Kathy voted for Zoe?  As I said in my prediction, New
Maraamu was just too stupid to be ruthless enough to form a real
threat to the Core of Four.  I'm sure it'll come back to haunt them.

SPOILERS:  The new tribe has more conflict as tension heats up
between Kathy and Zoe.  Neleh tells Paschal she's upset with her
old tribemates.