Episode 8:  "THE JURY'S OUT"
(or.."Checkmate..always bet on black")

Andy Zarowny



After giving 'Boston Rob' the boot, the contestants returned to their
camp to settle in for the night.  They all gather in their cozy shelter and
prepare for sleep.  Phhzzzt!  What was that???  Oh, just Sean passing
gas!  Another Survivor milestone.  Farting on national television!  It's
not as good as a woman peeing on a guy's hand, or up-chucking some
fa-fa-ru, but it comes close.  That's why they call it 'reality-tv'.

Paschal's no dummy, he heads out and sleeps in the fresh air by the
fire.  And he got plenty of fresh air.  Strong winds arrive and raise
havoc.  Two trees are even knocked down, one close to the shelter. 
But the air is cleared even more come morning.  Kathy and Zoe have a
sister chat.  Instead of discussing the principles of shaving armpits,
or Jane Russel's concept of 'lift and separate' (thanks Lori), they talk
about The Game.  Zoe assures Kathy that the Core of Four had no in-
tention of voting Kathy off last Tribal Council.  Kathy knows that Zoe is

She tries discussing this with Paschal and Neleh, but they're having
none of it.  Old Rotu is back and Sean is the next to go.  Kathy has her
doubts, but she'll have to bide her time.  There's no convincing either of
them, yet.  After the daily waterfall frolic, a check of tree-mail finds a
basket of kite-building materials.  The reward challenge is on!  So is
Neleh's dress making school, as she decides to use most of her cloth
to fashion new duds.

Jeff gathers the gang for another shameless advertisement, this time
for Snickers.  He cuts one up to show the world how much starving
people love Snickers.  Packed with peanuts, and gooey caramel....,
sorry, I got carried away.  The REAL prize is a scuba dive trip, and, of
course, more Snickers bars! 

The point of this exercise is to get one's kite up high enough to unwind
300 feet of twine, and reveal a purple strip of cloth.  I wonder if Neleh
will determine a means of utilizing that for her ensemble?  We all recall
how Elisabeth from Survivor: Outback managed to make kewl things
to wear about the camp.  But I digress.

Early on, Kathy takes the lead.  She clearly has flown kites before.  She
was the only one who had a nice, long tail.  Anybody who has studied
the aerodynamics of kites knows that the kite itself only provides the
'lift'.  It's the tail that provides the 'drag' (and the wind provides the
'thrust').  Drag equals stability and provides a counter-force with lift,
causing motion.  So Kathy's kite was a shoe-in to win.  Nobody else
had much of a kite.  Personally, I would've went for a delta-style kite,
but that's just me.  Kathy wins!  Yeah!

So we are treated to Kathy going scuba diving.  We can only hope that
she falls over board on the ride out and drowns, or is bitten by a shark
or eel.  But no, nothing happens.  The only good part was that for a
short while, she was wearing something that covered her sagging....

Meanwhile, back at camp, John is oh-so-pleased that he has Neleh and
Paschal's votes sown up for the rest of the game.  Everybody is on-
board with ditching Sean next, though Tammy points out that they
should have a back-up pick, too.  Wonder who that could be???  Sean
knows he's next, and has a prayer meeting with Vee. 

Kathy returns, sagging....., and all, and brings with her another Snickers
bar.  Packed with peanuts and gooey caramel, it's a great treat for all
her kids.  Kathy says she's always going to reach for a Snickers.  She
must be hoping for post-Survivor-product-endorsements.  I hope she
won't be working for peanuts. 

Sean immediately starts working Kathy and seems to secure her vote
to derail John and or Tammy.  Kathy tries to do likewise with Paschal
and Neleh, but they're still having none of it.  Paschal has no use for
Sean, might be the prison-orange duds, and Neleh tells Kathy to just
keep quiet and the conspiracy will all go away.  Not likely!  Paschal
assures John he's voting for Sean next time, and John interpets this
as meaning Paschal wants John or Tammy to win the million dollars.
John is giddy with delight!

Immunity challenge is a variation of Survival Jeapordy and the knock-
out-the-other game.  Instead of slingshots or such, in true Marquesain
style, they'll use a machette to cut a line suspending one of three sets
of coconuts belonging to each of the players.  A correct answer earns
a chance at the machette.

It becomes immediately obvious as to the Core of Four's pecking order
for Tribal Council votes.  Sean is eliminated first.  Then Vecepia.  Then
Kathy.  The three sit off to the side and watch the rest.  Sean has his
first brilliant piece of insight, as to who gets burned next will show the
hand of the Core.  Paschal is the unlucky victim.  Neleh and John go,
followed by Zoe.  Robert guesses wrong and Tammy finished him off
and wins immunity. 

The Core of Four celebrate with with coconut and taro afterwards.  They
are very pleased with themselves.  Unfortunately for them, Paschal and
Neleh notice just how pleased they are.  Neleh confronts Paschal with
the sad truth.  They are being used.  Paschal is mystified.  He's not
sure how to assess the situation. 

Tribal Council provides us with more probing questions from Jeff.  He
mus be watching the out-takes!  That's not fair!  Vecepia lays it all out,
and John feels he's played the game as honest as possible.  Sean says
he has never lied to anyway he's promised not to lie to.  Hmmmmm?
Paschal says he thinks he's just started to play The Game today.  And
so he has!

Sean gets three votes (John, Tammy, Robert) and the rest give John six
votes.  The Core is de-cored!  Sean gloats the most telling the camera,
"Checkmate....when you go to Vegas, always bet on black."  Tammy
seems the most shocked by the outcome. Zoe has betrayed them!
What's up with that??? 

SPOILERS:  The game is blown wide open, with several voting blocks.