Episode 9:  "Two Peas In A Pod"

Andy Zarowny



It's a brand new day at Soliantu Tribe!  John is gone and the dreaded
Core-of-Four has been castrated.  Kathy, Sean, Vee, Neleh, and
Paschal are clearly in control.  Tammy and Robert consider their new
circumstance, while Zoe distances herself from the Glummer Twins.
Tammy and Zoe then square off.  Zoe says she's never liked Tammy
from the beginning, and Tammy tells the camera that Zoe is a bitch.

Fortunately, we don't have to listen to this for long.  The Reward
Challenge comes up fast.  Players are randomnly drawn into teams  of
two each.  The purpose is to fill a glass tube with coconut juice.  The
prize is a Marquesan feast.  The teams are:  Tammy & Vee, Robert &
Kathy, Neleh & Zoe, and Sean & Paschal.

It's a pretty tight contest for the most part.  Tammy and Vee are hav-
ing trouble finding coconuts with any juice in them.  Zoe and Neleh
are doing the right thing, shaking the coconuts first to see if to bother
trying.  It comes down to who'll get one good coconut full of juice. 
Sean and Paschal are the lucky ones. 

The next morning, and helicopter arrives to take our new Odd Couple
(Frank and Brandon were last edition's) off to their feast.  They sky
away, and are whisked to a mountain top.  There, they two-some meet
a pair of Marquesans with horses for each.  Paschal has cleary rode
before, but Sean's only prior experience has been on merry-go-rounds.  He has a lot of trouble riding. 

Eventually, they arrive at the party.  There's plenty of roasted pig and
goat, along with potatoes and other goodies.  The locals treat them to
a bit of culture with song and dance numbers.  Sean and Paschal join
in the fun, though Paschal almost loses his pants, which are bulging
with food for the folks back at home.  I could make a joke about
seniors and doggie-bags at this point, but I refrain.  They return with
the chow and all are grateful, even Tammy.

Tammy and Robert decide to pull Neleh and Paschal off to the side
and try to schmooze them.  They don't bite, however, and Robert
storms off in a huff.  We next see him hacking vigourously away at a
log.  I wonder who he's visualizing as he's swinging the machette?
How can Neleh and Paschal be aligned with Sean and Vee, the
Glummer Twins posed?  Kathy tries to get Robert to gather taro with
her, but he's busy hacking.  Zoe's trying to get a good fire going to
cook with and asks for no green wood.  Robert doesn't care.  He
chopped it and he's gonna burn it all.  Zoe smirks, "Go ahead, burn
the whole house down".

Speaking of Zoe, she actually has more than one line in this episode.
I think I counted five.  She makes cool jewelry with twine and shells
for all her friends, everybody but Robert and Tammy that is.  Tammy
looks very unhappy.  She knows that she's next on the hit list.

Immunity Challenge time and for today we have Marquesan Stilt
Fighting.  Let's get ready to rrrrrrrumble!  Players go against each
other in round-robin fashion.  Whoever stays on their stilts longer
wins the round and advances to the next.  Robert, Sean, Kathy, Neleh
go the first round.  Vee beats Paschal in Round 2, as does Tammy over Zoe.  Tammy easily beats Vee.  Tammy wins immunity again, and
is safe from Tribal Council.

The New Alliance weighs the choice between Zoe and Robert.  Neleh
says that while Zoe is more of a threat to winning challenges, Robert
has been too grumpy lately.  Once at TC, Jeff does his usual fishing
for reactions and gets a whopper with Sean, who breaks down and
cries about what a great Man he is, and how much he loves his mom.
It kind of gets you, right here?

Robert goes on with a long rant about how he's come with a knap-
sack and integrity, and will leave with them and a couple of good
friends for life.  He also tags Zoe as being two-faced.  Jeff turns to
Zoe on cue and asks her about her most memorable moment.  Oh-oh!
She answers they're all memorable.  She works hard and plays hard,
all the time.  Jeff asks Tammy if she's keeping immunity and she
says she is.  She feels too vulnerable.  It's time to vote.

Zoe votes for Robert.  She says something about having had enough
of him.  Everybody else has had enough of Zoe.  It's 7-1 against her.
The tribe has spoken.  Zoe has the second best goodbye confessional
since Hunter's.  I have to admit she's started to grow on me.  Maybe
I like women who sweat.  Or who talk about themselves in the third
person.  Which ever, she gives a flirtatious smile and blows the
camera a kiss.  "Zoe's gone now."  Bye-bye!

SPOILERS:  Kathy tries to kill a shark in a tidal pool.  Vee celebrates
her birthday and has a crying session with Sean.  Reward challenge
involves more swimming.  Who'da'thunk'it?