Another season of "Survivor" is completed. Overall, I was 10-6 in my prediction of the pecking order, with being on target for how the Final Four shaped up. Brian won, as predicted here, though by the narrow- est of margins, which did surprise me.
I had predicted he would win easily, probably 6-1. Maybe a clean sweep, possibly 5-2, but not 4-3. I suspected that Erin would vote for Clay, since he had nothing to do with her departure. Both Ken and Penny voting also for Clay never occurred to me. I would have thought Ted and Helen more likely. I'm not sure why Ken voted as he did. He ob- viously thought Brian was a worse human being, and for reasons that may never be fully known.
Penny voting for Clay was really lame. All because he paid more atten- tion to her. My Gawd! Unbelievable! I'll bet that both Penny and Erin had tried to nuzzle up to Brian, but he didn't bite. Having been an actor, he's been flattered by professionals. These two amateurs weren't going to succeed in gaining his trust, nor his attention. They were just targets in his way to the finals. He gave them no more thought than he would to a belch.
That's what I like about Brian. That's why he won. It was just simply business. Wake up in the morning, have a coconut, then go out and stab somebody in the back. Pure, unmitigated, ruthlessness. I love it! He played this game better than anybody, even Richard Hatch. Abso- lute, Objectivist Selfishness, a la Ayn Rand. Brian prospered, and benefited those who benefited him. He kept his options open, arose to each new situation, adapted, and overcame all obstacles.
I've often remarked to friends that the ideal contestant for either "Big Brother" or "Survivor" would be someone with a sales background. Being a salesman is probably one of the most difficult professions one can take on. But also very profitable. A good salesman, especially one with a good commission rate, can pretty much make as much money as they want. It's also where one must have a thick skin, good 'people skills', and plenty of flexibility.
Brian had all these traits. He had all the moves, the right pitch, and knew how to close the sale. It was a thing of beauty to watch. A form of art practiced expertly. A true master at work. So congratulations, Brian, you deserved every penny you won.
The Reunion Show was fair. Hosted by Jeff Probst this time, he man- aged to keep things on track, asking good, post-game questions. Two highlights were Stephanie's audition tape (Woo-Hoo!), and the happy news that Ghandia and Ted's marital statuses remain in tact.
SPOILERS: Yes, coming soon in Feb.'03, "Survivor: the Amazon". Promised to be the hardest of all, with a new twist at the start again. Word is that the filming was just completed in the past few weeks. The action takes place in the Rio Negro National Park near Iranduba, about forty-plus miles from Manaus, Brazil. Jeff told Julie on "the Morning Show" that the temperatures were worst than Thailand, and they got much more rain. So we have something to look forward to, very soon.